- Baked Blueberry & Rose Water Oatmeal by Terminatetor Kitchen [vegan, gluten free]
- Citrus Beet Coconut Overnight Oats by Light Orange Bean [vegan, gluten free]
- Triple Coconut Oatmeal Cookies by Choosing Chia [vegan]
Click on the photos above to visit the ‘grammers’ accounts and give them some <3.
Next week’s theme is the color green!??? You could go the Green Monster route, the savory route, the fresh herb route, or try something completely creative (Skittles are green! haha). St. Patrick’s Day is next week, so it’s only fitting. I will be assembling the post before Friday at noon EST, so be sure to post your photo and tag it #oatmealartist before then if you want to be included!
3 Responses to This Week in Oatmeal 03/11/2017