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Tag Archives: winter squash
Cardamom Butternut Squash Oatmeal
Since I had some butternut squash left from making my Savory Citrus Arugula Steel-Cut Oatmeal (I stored the extra squash in the freezer–hooray for saving food!), this seemed like a great combo to try. Most people pair butternut squash with spices like nutmeg and cloves and ginger, a la pumpkin pie, but I went right for the cardamom. 🙂
Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal with Maple Roasted Sweet Potato and Pear
Remember that vegan passover potluck I was telling you about? And remember that food repurpose recipe I promised you? It’s all coming together now.
Apparently, there’s this traditional Seder dish called Tzimmes. Not going to lie, it’s pretty freaking delicious. One of the potluck attendees made a variation of it from the Veganomicon cookbook that used sweet potatoes, pears, pecans, and raisins (pictured below). I loved it so much that I brought heaps of leftovers home. (The link to the tzimmes recipe includes an explanation of the Jewish history of the dish.) (more…)
POSTED IN: apples, dried fruit, maple, nuts, pears, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash, zucchini
POSTED IN: apples, dried fruit, maple, nuts, pears, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash, zucchini
Savory Citrus Arugula Steel-Cut Oatmeal
While I mostly eat my sweet oatmeals, I find my savory concoctions so rewarding on a creative level. When I make savory oatmeal recipes, I practiced some of my less-used cooking skills and ingredients and am always shocked at the results. My Herbed Pumpkin & Leek Oatmeal had me dreaming about it for the rest of the day, and the Lemon Asparagus Ris-Oat-to leftovers recharged me every day for a week.
Now there’s this.
Freaking beautiful, right??
This recipe was inspired by a recipe I made for a vegan Seder potluck. My vegan Jewish friend wanted to host an event for his other vegan and/or Jewish pals, and I was honored to be one of them. After doing much research for what is kosher for Passover, I made this quinoa salad*.
POSTED IN: big batch, citrus, greens, pomegranate, savory, steel cut, veggies, winter squash, zucchini
POSTED IN: big batch, citrus, greens, pomegranate, savory, steel cut, veggies, winter squash, zucchini
Dirt Pie Overnight Oatmeal
Happy Wednesday! The sun has finally come out again in New York City, and the forecast shows sun for the next week. ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ That means I’ll finally be able to get back to blogging.
You see, because I live in a Brooklyn apartment, it’s not feasible for me to take pictures outside (much to my displeasure). I have to take all my pictures right next to my bedroom window to get some natural light, and to get enough light, I need it to be MEGA sunny. Cloudy days work great for outside pictures, but not indoors. The past two weeks have been endlessly cloudy, resulting in me running out of recipes to post. My apologies.
For those of you unfamiliar with dirt pie (and that could very well be many of you), it’s a dessert with chocolate pudding topped with crushed Oreos and gummy worms. It’s a popular dessert to serve kids, especially around Halloween. (more…)
POSTED IN: berries, chocolate, dessert lovers, overnight, strawberries, sweet potato, sweetened by dates, toppings, veggies, winter squash
POSTED IN: berries, chocolate, dessert lovers, overnight, strawberries, sweet potato, sweetened by dates, toppings, veggies, winter squash
Cardamom Fudge Oatmeal
After months (literally, months) of having homemade hot chocolate virtually every single day*, I finally figured out how to transfer that love to my morning oatmeal.
*It’s an addiction at this point, TBH.
You see, I have a few versions of my European-style (i.e. THICK AS PUDDING) hot chocolate. One is peppermint. Another is Mexican. Another is almond. And the final version is my personal favorite: cardamom.
Add cardamom to your hot chocolate. You won’t regret it.
I have considered sharing my hot chocolate recipe many a time on here, but it seemed so irrelevant; there are no oats involved, after all. Alternatively, I tried finding a similar recipe on the internet for me to include in my “Random Recommendations” section, but that has been unsuccessful as well. It looks like my hot chocolate recipe will remain a well-kept secret. For now.
Instead, I have this oatmeal recipe for you. One day for dinner, I wasn’t in the mood to make anything interesting for dinner. I try to avoid doing this, but I decided to be lazy and make oatmeal. As always, I wanted to make my Fudgy Banana & Peanut Butter Oatmeal, but I felt dumb for making that the second time in one day. To make it more interesting, I grabbed my jar of cardamom. (more…)
Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal
Confession: when I buy a bag of chocolate chips, they’re usually gone within a week or two. That’s why I will go such long stretches without chocolate chip recipes. If I had a bag in my kitchen all the time, I would go through about six a month. I just can’t keep my hands out of them!
So you can imagine my surprise the other day when I was digging for something in my cupboard and found the final few tablespoons of chocolate chips in a forgotten bag stuffed in the back. Since I had some mashed sweet potato prepared for oatmeal meal prep left in the fridge, I set to work on this recipe. (more…)
Sweet Potato, Bacon, and White Chocolate Oatmeal
Before making this, I thought to myself, “Bacon? Or white chocolate chips? Bacon? White chocolate chips?”
“. . . OR BOTH.”
It felt a little bit wrong to celebrate my birthday without peanut butter–although I assure you I had it later in the day–but once I came up with this idea, it seemed like a worthy alternative. The sweet potato base is cozy and earthy, the white chocolate chips add sweet and gooey bliss, and the bacon is–well–BACON. ‘Nough said. The three components together create a sweet-yet-salty, creamy-yet-crunchy, healthy-yet-indulgent combo.
You can use whatever bacon you want, but I highly recommend Sweet Earth “Benevolent Bacon” if you can find it. The BEST vegan bacon on the market, if you ask me (and no piggies harmed ?). Om nom nom. (more…)
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Baked Oatmeal
I have many seasonal recipes on “The List” that go unpublished every year. These ideas stay permanently unchecked on The List, waiting for its designated “food season” to make its big debut, but never seeing the light.*
*Because I’m lazy.
Such was the case with last year’s Peppermint Brownie Baked Oatmeal. I always wanted to make this during the holiday season, but it took multiple years to actually get it done.*
*Because I’m lazy.
Savory BBQ Sweet Potato Oatmeal
This recipe is the second of three savory recipes that won the Savory Oatmeal Contest. In case you missed it, here is Sarah’s Curried Pumpkin Basil Oatmeal.
Hello, everyone! I am so excited that I was invited to share this delicious fall recipe with you. My name is Lyndsey, and I am sixteen years old. My hobbies include musical theatre, running, watching Grey’s Anatomy, and cooking up tasty recipes. I have a passion for nutrition and fitness, and aspire to become an endocrinologist in the future. For more background on me, and my obsession with all things oatmeal, you can read my post from when I was the Oatmeal Enthusiast in April 2014.
I love the fall. Digging out my boots from the back of my closet and seeing the pumpkin spice recipes gradually appear on my Pinterest feed fills me with an immense amount of glee. My favorite fall flavor would have to be the stereotypical pumpkin, which is closely followed by apple spice. However, when I am craving something a bit fancier than pumpkin, a tasty sweet potato is the perfect substitution.
For my entire life, I have never, EVER enjoyed ketchup. I much prefer the slightly sweet and spicy taste of barbecue sauce, which pairs great with homemade baked sweet potato fries 🙂 The other day, I was brainstorming a new savory oatmeal recipe. I knew I wanted to use up a sweet potato I had on hand, and I was having a major craving for barbecue sauce. So this recipe was born! It contains a creamy sweet potato and barbecue sauce base, and is topped with some more barbecue and some green onions. For some spice, an optional pinch of cayenne pepper is delicious! (more…)
Curried Pumpkin Basil Oats [Guest Post]
This recipe is the first of three savory recipes that won the Savory Oatmeal Contest.
My name is Sarah, and I must tell you right away that oatmeal is my favorite food. It is just so affordable and wholesome and versatile! I can literally eat it for any meal of the day. I discovered The Oatmeal Artist blog over a year ago and I check it multiple times per week. Though I do not always have the more “exotic” ingredients Lauren lists in her recipes, reading her blog expands my repertoire of oatmeal ideas. I also like just seeing how pretty oatmeal can be! I share my excitement about the blog and its contents regularly with friends and coworkers, and now I am excited to share my own recipe on the blog. (Thanks for the opportunity, Lauren!) I developed this recipe using simple ingredients in my kitchen, but it’s oh, so good!
Saturday morning came, and it was time to craft my bowl of oatmeal. I had leftover pumpkin sitting on the kitchen counter, bananas frozen in the freezer, and assorted vegetables in the fridge. What did I want to make? Brownie batter oatmeal? No, too sweet. Pumpkin banana oatmeal? Still too sweet. Pumpkin peanut butter? No. Curried vegetable? No, too much like the Indian food a friend and I planned to try at a new restaurant later that day. I wanted to use that pumpkin, though. It called to me. (more…)