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Tag Archives: tropical
Cherry Pineapple Oatmeal
I learned after making Carrot Pineapple Oatmeal that adding pineapple to anything is a game-changer. It’s a way to add great flavor and sweetness to something that wouldn’t be sweet or flavorful otherwise. ? Cherries on their own have great flavor, but not so much in oatmeal.
I’ve been trying to return to simpler porridges lately. Brownie Baked Oatmeal with Matcha Cashew Filling is great, and Yellow Cake Baked Oatmeal with Chocolate PB2 Frosting is grand, but there’s a reason why I just make Fudgy Banana & Peanut Butter Oatmeal every day instead of those elaborate concoctions.
(It’s probably the same reason I have avocado toast for lunch 5 times a week. ?)
Papaya Blueberry Oatmeal
After successfully creating my Papaya, Lime, & Coconut Overnight Oatmeal, I reveled in my accomplishments for a few days. But then, suddenly, I realized I had to do something with the rest of that papaya. Some of it went into the freezer to make sorbet (which was delicious), but the rest waited for me in a Tupperware container. I was desperate to use it up, mostly because it was hogging an annoying amount of space in my New York City-sized refrigerator.
I also happened to have a large pint of blueberries on hand. I don’t trust berries, so whenever I have them, I try to use them as fast as possible. Thus, this combo was born. It’s not the most inspiring tale, but it’s the final result that matters. (more…)
Papaya Lime & Coconut Overnight Oatmeal
Well, I owe you all a huge thanks for this one. I seriously couldn’t have done it without you.
I have minimal experience with papaya. Since I love mango and pineapple, I just assumed papaya would be like that. One day back in my Newark life, my roommate and I bought a tub of pre-cut papaya. We were so stoked to bring it home and try it.
Ugh, what a disappointment. Maybe it was because it was pre-cut (and thus not “fresh”). Maybe it was because I expected it to taste like mango. Maybe it wasn’t totally ripe when it was cut. Or perhaps I just had really picky tastebuds at the time. (The last option is a definite possibility.)
But now, back to 2015, I made this:
And it was spectacular. (more…)
Grilled Pineapple & Dark Chocolate Oatmeal
I have been wanting to grill more fruit ever since I made my Grilled Peach Steel-Cut Oatmeal a couple summers ago. Since I spent several days with my parents in Minnesota, I took full advantage of their grill and made this recipe.
One of my biggest flaws is impatience. These pineapples should have deeper, darker, more beautiful grill marks, but I was like “OH COOL THEY HAVE SOME LINES ON THEM SO THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY DONE.” Either way, the result was delicious. If you are more patient than I am, you can probably make this even better, if that’s possible.
Spiced Peach & Dragon Fruit Oatmeal
Dragon fruit! Cross this one off my list of fruits I’ve never tried. I decided recently I wanted to buy one after seeing Dani and Sophie posting pictures of them on Instagram all the time.
I’m unfortunately going through “empty out the fridge!!!” mode again; it seems like I was doing that just a couple weeks ago. (Because I was.) Before, it was because of my move to Brooklyn. Now it’s because of my trip(s) to Minnesota, Seattle, and Vancouver. To those of you who follow me on Instagram, be prepared for excessive photos. Traveling makes me camera happy.
Anyway, I wasn’t sure what to pair the dragon fruit with. I didn’t even know what it tasted like! Not wanting to purchase more produce, I considered the options that were already available in my (UNREASONABLY SMALL) Brooklyn fridge: apples, grapefruit, banana, and peaches.
If you don’t know which one I chose, you should probably go back and read the title of the post.
Banana, Mango, & Cardamom Oatmeal
If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been missing a former lover of mine. A couple former lovers, actually.
Peanut butter. And cocoa powder. 🙁
I finished my PB2 and cocoa powder before the move to Brooklyn, and at my new apartment, I decided not to buy more. Why? (more…)
Mango Persimmon Oatmeal
Bliss. If I could sum up my experience of the last two weeks, it has been bliss. My world has felt out of control for three or four years now, ever since I strapped on the weight of teaching on my shoulders. To every teacher out there that is in the trenches and powering through, I praise you. You have more strength than I do.
Or . . . more likely, the intense extroversion required to be an effective teacher wore my introverted heart out. Either way, I feel free. Weightless. (more…)
Mango and Roasted Grape Oatmeal
As crazy as my life has gotten, it’s very important to me to maintain some sort of regularity on this blog. I loathe how “one recipe a week” has become so commonplace. I find this unacceptable, and I want to do better.
Thankfully, April is coming up. April is this beautiful month in the education world where you have a week off for Spring Break, you receive the blessing of multiple days of state testing (aka NO LESSON PLANNING), and for the most part, the students have your procedures and routines down to an art form. Last year, I began my fitness regime in April simply because I suddenly had the time (and energy!) to make it work.
Blood Orange & Toasted Coconut Oatmeal
If you cannot tell from my intermittent posting this month, my hours have been pretty tied up lately. I began my grad school classes two weeks ago, and the workload that accompanied them has stolen all my free time. Although the classes themselves recharge me during the week, the readings and assignments just burn me out more.
I’m like black toast. Charred broccoli. The crusty black layer of oatmeal that sticks to the bottom of the pan.
The easiest thing to give up would by my blog, considering it’s the one with the lowest stakes. I’m not paying thousands of dollars for it (unlike my grad school classes), and no children are relying on it for the quality of their future (unlike teaching). However, I refuse to do that because it also happens to be the thing that brings me the most joy.