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How to Make Creamier Oatmeal with Diced Fruit
If you’ve been following the blog from the beginning, you will have witnessed the progression of my apple recipes. If not, let me catch you up.
First, there was Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal–simple, easy, and reliable. The only problem? Look how separated it is. The rolled oats appear to segregate themselves from the apple chunks. The oats do not join together like pudding.
For comparison’s sake, look at this Banana Bread Oatmeal picture–SO CREAMY!
And then there was Apple Pie Oatmeal. UGH! LOOK AT IT! How unappetizing.
I learned two lessons from the Apple Pie Oatmeal photos: 1) cut the apples into smaller pieces, and 2) douse the oatmeal in milk before photographing.
The result was a slew of milk-doused apple oatmeals.
Then, something wonderful happened: I met quick cook steel-cut oats. This drastically changed my porridges, and this is Secret #1.
1. Use quick cook steel-cut oats whenever you’re working with diced fruit.
I could not believe this recipe when I made it. Look at how pudding-like it is! Instead of segregating into unhappy flakes, it creams together like custard…no banana necessary! I didn’t even need to splash milk on afterwards. (Pictured above: Salted Maple, Apple, & Pecan Oatmeal)
Around the same time as this recipe, I also created Applesauce Oatmeal using homemade applesauce. This gave me another revelation.
2. When possible, precook apples before adding them to the oatmeal.
Despite the fact that I left my applesauce rather chunky, it stirred into this oatmeal seamlessly. Now I was really pleased with myself! However, I quickly discovered yet another way to achieve soft apples without having to make applesauce.
3. Use steel-cut oats to give the apples more time to cook.
The success of this method is demonstrated in my Apple Pie Steel-Cut Oatmeal. After all, if you add the apples right away, they cook with the oats for an entire twenty minutes! The results? Integrated, cohesive, happy creaminess (and soft apples!):
However, when making “regular,” ready-in-five-minutes oatmeal, it’s still possible to achieve soft apples and creamy porridge. My latest secret? A quick stewing.
4. For instant “softer” apples, stew the apples for a couple minutes before adding the oats.
You’ve seen the results of this method previously this week in my Apple & Veggie Sausage Oatmeal. Before I bring the milk/water to a boil, I dice the apple into a saucepan and add about 1/2 a cup of water. I bring it to a boil and let it “stew” for approximately two minutes. Then, I add a 1/2 cup of milk, return it to a boil, and add the oats. All of that gives the apples an extra 3-4 minutes in the simmering liquid, which takes away its crunch and lets it melt in your mouth.
The above tricks work with all stone fruits, berries, and anything that requires dicing. However, it’s most relevant to apples since they are stubbornly firm.
Still, none of this success would have been possible without my quick-cook steel cut oats. If you haven’t tried this variety yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
10 Tips for Eating Oatmeal when Traveling!
For some of you, this post may seem ridiculous. You might say, “Go to IHOP!” or “Eat continental breakfast!” or “Get a bagel from Dunkin’!”
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Grande Soy Mocha, no whip. To go, please. |
But I know there are a few of you like me. A few of you who insist on eating oatmeal almost every morning. A few of you who hate the thought of starting your day without some comforting porridge, even on the road. A few of you who don’t want to spend a vacation day with a stomach ache because you didn’t get your daily dose of soluble fiber.
Or maybe some of you just want to save some money while traveling. Every dollar adds up, especially when you’re eating out for every single meal.
This post is for all of you. You can have your morning oatmeal. In fact, many of the tips below have been personally used by me within the last month (and I provided photos for evidence!). Here’s how I make it happen:
1. If you’re staying in a hotel, they might have continental breakfast, and they might serve oatmeal. If you don’t want to leave it to chance, call them ahead of time and ask. Some places might just offer packets of instant oatmeal. However, I have stayed in hotels that provide a massive heated container of unflavored oatmeal! They usually have a few “traditional” mix-ins to the side, like cinnamon, brown sugar, and raisins, but to that, I say “bullocks.” Look around: there’s probably some fruit, peanut butter, fruit juices, yogurts, and jams around somewhere. Look at the condiments for the bagels and toast. Look at the toppings at the waffle bar. Look at the coffees and teas! I’m usually less picky about the quality of ingredients at this point because it’s a special circumstance; I mean, I’m already turning down the nummy-smelling waffles, so I want to make sure my oatmeal doesn’t taste like water! How about stirring in a splash of grape juice, cutting up an apple, and topping it all with some peanut butter? Get creative. Make all the other guests jealous.
(I added banana, pb, cinnamon, and raisins.)
2. If you’re staying in a hotel, and they have continental breakfast, but they don’t have oatmeal (and you’ve called to confirm that), don’t fret! Bring your own! Yeah, I said it. Pack some unflavored instant oatmeal packets (Country Choice Organic makes instant oatmeal packets with FLAX!) and bring one down to breakfast with you. It’s standard for hotels to have hot water available so guests can make tea. Take a cereal bowl, dump the oatmeal packet, and pour in some hot water. Give it a stir. Now, scour the place for mix-ins and toppings (see above)! Oh, and you can also save a little money and portion out 1/2 cup of instant oats into baggies instead of buying the packets.
(I added diced apple, pb, and a splash of apple juice.)
3. If you’re staying in a hotel, and they don’t have continental breakfast (bummer!), pack some unflavored instant oatmeal packets, and, if possible, additional shelf-stable ingredients to mix in. I recommend bananas and peanut butter and a small container of cocoa powder. Or nuts and apples. Or single-serving packs of applesauce. Every hotel room has a microwave these days, right? …Right?
4. As long as you have access to hot water or a microwave, prepare your own instant oatmeal packets. In a sealable bag or container, combine 1/2 cup instant oats, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 2 tbsp PB2 (the powdered peanut butter), 1 tsp flax seed, a pinch of salt, and a handful of nuts and/or dried fruit of choice (dried apples would be amazing!). If you think you’ll need it, add some brown sugar, too. In the morning, pour in a bowl, add hot water (or microwave with water for 1-2 minutes), and stir. Boom! You’re a rockstar.
5. If you’re staying at a friend’s house, and you know the plan is to eat cereal in the morning, kindly inform them that you wish to prepare your own oatmeal. The way I go about this is to be super lighthearted about it. Make sure the implication is that you are an oat-obsessed addict, and not that you’re “above” their food; the last thing you want to do is offend your hosts. Laugh at yourself and let them know that you just “GOTTA have your daily oats, hee hee!” 😉 Either bring your own mix-ins or politely request to use some ingredients from his/her kitchen. I often have my friends’ parents tell me that I’m “welcome to anything in the kitchen” before I even ask. Still, they’re being super nice for you, so return the favor: be stingy with ingredients (don’t use up all their peanut butter), be as neat as possible, and clean up after yourself. Say thank you.
6. Another option for the above situation is to offer to make oatmeal for you and your friend(s)! This happened to me once. On Thanksgiving morning, I made oatmeal for Allison and her mom. It was the least I could do since they were A) welcoming me into their family for Thanksgiving, and B) allowing me to use ALL of their ingredients (I didn’t even bring my own oatmeal). They were thrilled, but they also like oatmeal, so…you have to take that into account. 🙂 [The oatmeal below is the pb+banana porridge I made at Allison’s house! The stuff on top? Cranberry Sauce.]
7. If you’re camping in an RV, you probably have a kitchen. Plan ahead, pack the ingredients you’ll need, and make your oatmeal as usual. I do this all the time. My mom makes pancakes and whatnot for the rest of the family, and I eat oatmeal. Nobody’s offended because they know I’m an oatmeal-loving psycho. Not a big deal. When it comes to packing ingredients, I just bring some oats, bananas, and peanut butter. My mom already keeps cinnamon and vanilla extract in the camper to make french toast. I either bring rolled oats and prepare it on the stove, or pack quick oats and make it in the microwave. Either works. [See the picture below? That’s Apple-Cherry Oatmeal, and it was made and photographed at a campground! Those are our camping bowls and utensils!]
8. If you’re tent camping or using an RV that doesn’t have a kitchen, use the campfire or a portable hot plate to heat up some water. If using this method, make sure you use quick or instant oats. Use the same flavoring ideas offered in #3, 4, and 7. Chances are high (if you don’t have kitchen access) that your group will be lighting up the grill or campfire for breakfast anyway, so this shouldn’t be a major burden. If it is, see idea #9!
9. Forego cooking oatmeal in the morning and pack granola or oatmeal muffins instead. See my recipes for healthy oatmeal muffins, or check out my Pinterest board for granola recipes! I really recommend the muffins. They are basically baked oatmeal, and my digestive system can vouch for the quality. Muffins normally make me sick, but these muffins soothe me just like stove-top oatmeal does. This is an excellent option if you are road-tripping or any other situation when you know you won’t have easy access to a kitchen.
10. If your crew is going out to eat for breakfast, do not fret. Chances are (at least in my experience), the place you go to will offer oatmeal. I mean, c’mon, even Perkins has oatmeal. In fact, find places that you know offer oatmeal, and suggest those to your group (don’t be pushy; remember, it’s not the end of the world). If you get your oatmeal from a standard diner (or a chain like Perkins or IHOP), they’ll probably just offer you milk/cream and raisins/brown sugar. I ask for raisins and nothing else. Then, I stir in the jam and peanut butter that’s just sitting on the tables. Some diners also have awesome syrups, like blueberry, and I make use of that as well. [The picture below is the steel-cut oatmeal with stewed apples at Flour in Cambridge, Mass. YUM.]
10.5 Just go to Starbucks. (or Caribou. Or Au Bon Pain. Or Jamba Juice. Or whatever.) Do what you need to do. I’ve done it. I’ve been there. I won’t judge. 🙂
If you’ve read all those ideas and still don’t see an answer, you should probably give up and just eat whatever is provided to you. 🙂 I can tell you from experience that all of the above options work in a pinch and satisfy me, even if it’s not as decadent as my typical morning creations. If not, lighten up and do the best you can. Enjoy that bagel or stack of pancakes. Your oatmeal will be waiting for you when you return. 🙂
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
50 Toppings to Spruce Up ANY Porridge!
Today we’re talking about TOPPINGS! Although I tend to stick to the same toppings (sliced almonds, anyone?), I love jazzing up a classic oatmeal with new and exciting topping ideas. If you’re a regular reader, you know that I have posted a few recipes for sauce-like toppings (link below, #50), but this post will dare to go further! Some are a little obvious, and some are a little more out there. Nothing is off the table. 🙂
50 Topping Ideas for Oatmeal
- Nuts – whole, sliced, pieces, or crushed
- Sunflower, pepita, or sesame seeds
- Ch-ch-ch-chia! (shown below)
- Apple sauce
- Homemade caramel sauce
- Lemon (or orange, lime, or grapefruit) zest
- For savory oats: fresh chives, basil, parsley, cilantro
- Chocolate-covered raisins or nuts
- Chocolate-Avocado Mousse
- Nondairy yogurt (shown below)
Tip: Segmenting Citrus
I haven’t done a how-to post in a while, and it occurred to me this morning that I could show you how I segment oranges. It’s something I’ve given instructions on, but never elaborated or shown pictures of, so VOILA, here it is! It’s so easy that I narrowed it down to five steps.
And coming later (next week), I’ll provide you another (really delicious!!!) recipe to use these orange segments. 🙂
1. Cut the orange in half (through its waist, if you will).
2. Run a small paring knife along both edges of each segment.
3. Run the knife along the parts of the segments that attach to the white pith (the skin).
4. Dig out the segment with your knife or with a small spoon.
5. Place directly into saucepan for cooking or set in a bowl for later!
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Tip: Going Dairy-Free
I started making oatmeal about the same time that I started using almond milk. Even when I was still drinking cow’s milk, I was making my oatmeal with just water. Because of this, I never really developed a need to use dairy in my oatmeal (as you can see from my recipes).
However, I can understand why some people might have an acquired taste for oatmeal made with dairy. Of course, I highly recommend using nondairy milks, as a personal preference, but here are some tips for mimicking the taste of dairy products in your nondairy porridge!
1. Add extra salt.
Because it happens so rarely, when I do have oatmeal made with cow’s milk, the first thing I notice is how salty it is. Adding a little extra salt to your nondairy oatmeal can give it a milky, buttery taste. Don’t go overboard, obviously; I wouldn’t go over 1/8 of a teaspoon per serving!
2. Use coconut oil.
Coconut oil adds a certain richness to your porridge. It’s not as flavorful as butter, for example, but it definitely adds a butter-like quality!
3. Stir in nondairy yogurt.
If you add a few spoonfuls of nondairy yogurt (I like almond or coconut-based yogurts), it will make your oatmeal extra creamy, but without the tang of actual yogurt, so it tastes as if you just stirred in heavy cream! I like the plain or vanilla varieties. Also, this is how I flavored my Coconut Cream Pie Oatmeal (below).
4. Earth Balance
Okay, this one is kind of cheating. It tastes exactly like butter. 🙂 But if you’re hooked on the taste of butter in your porridge, this might be your key to transitioning! I personally never got in the habit of “buttered oatmeal,” but I understand the appeal; I personally grew up on Cream of Wheat with butter, sugar, and cinnamon! Mmmm…nostalgia.
5. Opt for flavorful oatmeal recipes.
Your best bet might be to steer clear of the simpler recipes. For example, if you were comparing a basic bowl of oatmeal made with cow’s milk to a basic bowl with almond milk, you would absolutely notice the difference. On the other hand, if you were comparing two bowls of Almond Joy Oatmeal or Chocolate Strawberry Oatmeal (shown below), would wouldn’t notice (or at least mind) the difference. The more seasoned or flavored the recipe is, the less of a role the dairy will play!
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Tip: Responding to Oatmeal Emergencies!
I’ll be the first to describe oatmeal as foolproof. That doesn’t mean that you can’t make mistakes; instead, it means that it’s exceptionally easy to fix the mistakes! Overcooked? Easy fix. Soupy oatmeal (like the picture below)? Easy fix. Poor flavor? Easy fix.
Here are some common problems I’ve encountered, and the easy ways to respond to them:
1. You overcooked the oatmeal, and now it’s all dry and clumpy. This is absolutely my most common error, and it’s easy to make! Luckily, it’s also easy to fix. Remove from heat, add more liquid (OR yogurt), and stir. The oatmeal will probably not reach the perfect consistency you were originally going for, but it should regain most of its creamy charm!
2. For some reason unknown to man, your oatmeal looks more like soupy oats. You’ve let it simmer for way over five minutes, but the liquid just isn’t going anywhere, and the oats are starting to look overcooked. No worries; I’ve been there. Dozens of times. There are a few options. First of all, if there’s a LOT of liquid left, consider carefully removing some of the extra liquid using a spoon. Second, you could add a spoonful or two of oat flour, which you can either buy in a store or make yourself by grinding up your regular oats. This will thicken up your oatmeal without having to be cooked for a long time. The other option, and my personal favorite, is to simply remove the oatmeal from heat and let it sit for a few minutes. Amazingly, it just thickens up on its own.
If, however, you have made refrigerator oatmeal, and the porridge that greets you in the morning is essentially a lake of liquid, this is also an easy fix. Pour the oatmeal into a bowl and microwave for 1-2 minutes. It will have to suck up the extra liquid as it cooks! I intentionally add extra liquid when I make refrigerator oatmeal because I know it will be the perfect consistency after being microwaved.
3. You poured your heart into making a baked oatmeal recipe, waited twenty minutes, and taken your first bite, only to discover that it has the flavor profile of a rice cake. The easy thing about stove-top oatmeal is that you can taste-and-go, constantly adjusting the flavors until it’s perfect. With baked oatmeal, you have to put faith into your judgment and hope it turns out alright. Most of the time, it does. Unfortunately, sometimes it doesn’t. If you find yourself with a bland baked oatmeal, don’t despair; just dress it up with toppings. If you didn’t season the batter enough, sprinkle on some cinnamon or nutmeg as a topping! If it didn’t turn out as sweet as you would have liked, drizzle on some maple syrup or honey. If it’s just plain dull, smear on some peanut butter or throw some chocolate chips on top. Another great option is to add fruit, which packs a huge flavor punch, particularly strawberries and bananas.
4. You accidentally dumped half a container of cinnamon into the saucepan instead of the suggested 1/4 teaspoon. Ah yes, you had great intentions. You’ve become a confident master of the oats, and you freely toss in the ingredients without measuring them. But then, with your preferred curse words, you mistakenly dump an entire mountain of cinnamon into your cooking oats. Rest easy, fellow porridge lovers, you’re not alone! I’ve been there. There are two options. First of all, you can immediately spoon out the load of undesired spices. You probably won’t be able to salvage it, unfortunately, but at least you can save your oatmeal from being tragically overspiced! Second (and this may just create a bigger mess), you could attempt to double (or triple) the rest of the recipe by adding more liquid and oats so that the heavy dose of cinnamon is proportionate to the rest of the recipe. You could then either share your oatmeal or store the leftovers in the fridge for another day.
5. You started boiling the liquid, and you measure out the oats, only to discover that you don’t have enough to create a full serving. Oops! Before you panic, check your pantry. You may have other grains–like rice, quinoa, buckwheat, or millet–that you could use. The cooking times will probably be different, but it won’t be too hard to adjust. As you can see from my Oat-Quinoa Porridge, mixing grains can create a very desirable breakfast! If you don’t have any of those on hand, try removing a bit of the liquid (set it aside for later so you don’t have to waste it; you could use it as a topping if you like adding milk at the end). Then, compensate for the smaller serving by adding lots of mix-ins, like bananas, yogurt, peanut butter, granola, dried fruit, etc. For more ideas, check out my Loaded Banana Oatmeal post.
There’s one flub that I cannot fix, unfortunately. If you dump cumin into your Apple Pie Oatmeal instead of nutmeg…well…just throw it away. It’s a lost cause. Ahem, not that that’s ever happened to me or anything…
How to Make Any Stove-Top Recipe in the Refrigerator
Remember eight months ago when I got a kidney stone? Yeah, well, it happened again. I won’t bore you with the details, but the pain was awful enough that I couldn’t bother to work on a new post yesterday/today.
I did, however, manage to come up with something. If you haven’t noticed, the baked oatmeal recipes have been much rarer lately. That is because I’ve been making refrigerator oatmeal instead, which essentially allows me to enjoy stove-top oatmeal without waiting for the oatmeal to cook on the stove!
It also occurred to me that I’ve been taking all my favorite recipes and just making them in the fridge. I figured instead of posting each of them as overnight recipes, I would just post a how-to for how to take ANY of my stove-top recipes and convert them to an overnight masterpiece.
Baked Banana Oatmeal & Variations
If I wanted to, I could create ten billion recipes of just baked oatmeal based on bananas. So many possibilities!
I liked that idea at first: more posts, right? However, I didn’t want to look like a cheater. Is it fair to share a recipe for baked banana oatmeal, and two days later, post a recipe for baked chai-spiced banana oatmeal?? Nope. So to be fair, I’m going to consolidate it all into one fantastic post packed with fun ideas! (more…)
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, baked oatmeal, bananas, chai, chocolate, coconut, nuts, PB and J, peanut butter, strawberries, tips and tricks, tropical
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, baked oatmeal, bananas, chai, chocolate, coconut, nuts, PB and J, peanut butter, strawberries, tips and tricks, tropical
TIP: Flooded Baked Oatmeal
I’ve mentioned my favorite coffee shop before… It helped inspire my Loaded PB&J Oatmeal! Well, they’ve inspired me again.
Their menu offers a delicious baked oatmeal. In fact, the first time I experienced baked oatmeal was at their restaurant. And because they’re a coffee shop, they serve it in a bowl of steamed milk. Oh LAWD.
Suddenly, I realized the other day that this is brilliant. One of the reasons I prefer stove-top oatmeal over baked oatmeal is that the latter is typically dryer, sometimes resembling an oatmeal cookie more than hot cereal. Maybe the fact that I grew up with Cream of Wheat made me partial to hot, creamy, pudding-like breakfasts.
But to flood your baked oatmeal with steamed milk? Decadent! Unfortunately, I can’t make steamed (soy) milk at home because I have neither an espresso machine nor a steaming wand. However, I came up with some better ideas…
Heat about 1/2 cup (or more) of your milk of choice either on the stove or in the microwave. To make it frothy, you can give it a whirl in a blender or using an immersion blender. When your baked oatmeal is ready, transfer it to a bigger bowl, and then add the warm milk to “flood” it.
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Zucchini Bread Baked Oatmeal with a Honey-Nut flood. |
You can do this with any baked oatmeal. Be creative and flavor your “flood” to best complement your oats! Here are some possibilities:
- Vanilla Bean: Add fresh vanilla bean seeds…or vanilla extract. 🙂
- Chocolate: Use chocolate milk (I recommend Silk Dark Chocolate Almond Milk) or melt chocolate chips into regular milk
- Strawberry: Blend a few fresh strawberries into your milk
- Chai-spiced: Add cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, or use a brewed chai tea
- Pie-spiced: Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and all-spice, or use apple pie or pumpkin pie spice
- Latte: Add a little brewed coffee (or instant coffee granules)
- Cafe au Lait: Use mostly brewed coffee with a little bit of milk (reversed proportions of latte)
- Mocha: Use chocolate milk (or melted chocolate chips) and add instant coffee granules (or brewed coffee)
- Peppermint: Add peppermint extract
- Eggnog: Use eggnog, vegan or not! 🙂
- Honey-Nut: Mix PB2 (or regular peanut butter) into milk, along with some honey and a bit of vanilla extract
- Coconut: Use coconut milk
- Banana: Blend a few chunks of banana into your milk
- Spiced Banana: Blend a few chunks of banana into your milk, and add vanilla extract and cinnamon. You could also try other spices, like nutmeg, allspice, etc.
- Gingerbread: Add molasses, ginger, and cinnamon
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
TIP: Bananas
Bananas–despite being FAR from my favorite fruit–are one of my favorite ingredients when making oatmeal. It’s a natural sweetener, and it also can turn a wimpy bowl of plain oatmeal into a creamy, filling delight!
Here are five tips for using bananas.
1. Buy them in bulk and freeze them. My local supermarket puts out large bags of overripe bananas for $.99 about twice a week. I then slice them into a gallon-size Ziplock bag. When you’re ready to use it for oatmeal, place a small handful of slices in a bowl and microwave for about 30-45 seconds while you’re waiting for your milk/water to boil. Then, mash it up! (Additionally, you can use these for smoothies and banana soft serve!)
2. No (almond) milk? No problem! I hate oatmeal made in water, so if I’m out of almond/soy/coconut milk, I make sure to add bananas. It’s still not as good as oatmeal cooked in almond milk, but it definitely helps give the oatmeal a creamy, flavorful texture.
3. If your fresh bananas are not ripe enough yet, peel it and stick it in the microwave. This is known as CCK’s melted banana trick.
4. If you want to sweeten your oatmeal but you don’t want it to taste like bananas, you have to plan carefully. Notice how my banana-sweetened oatmeal recipes contain other strong flavors: Thin Mints Oatmeal uses chocolate and powerful peppermint extract, Almond Joy Oatmeal uses intense almond extract, and Lemon Poppy Seed Oatmeal uses a heavy dose of lemon juice. You can’t sweeten–for example– Coconut Cream Pie Oatmeal with banana and expect not to taste it. Using less banana (about half or just a third) will sometimes help keep the banana flavor at bay.
5. Bananas are incredibly filling. This makes it a great addition to a ordinarily measly bowl of porridge! However, I sometimes find a whole banana to be TOO much (I prefer having several small meals spaced out every few hours), so I frequently use half a banana (or even just a third!) to make it a little lighter. With the other half, I slice them into my freezer bag. 🙂
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!