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Tag Archives: sweet potato
Fudgy PB&J Oatmeal
You can probably imagine how this recipe was born.
Yep: I wanted chocolate oatmeal, but I also wanted PB&J oatmeal.
POSTED IN: bananas, berries, jams and jellies, nut butter, peanut butter, sweet potato, veggies
POSTED IN: bananas, berries, jams and jellies, nut butter, peanut butter, sweet potato, veggies
German Chocolate Cake Batter Oatmeal
Today’s recipe is really a stovetop version of my German Chocolate Cake Baked Oatmeal, which I made half a decade ago. It’s really just a chocolate oatmeal made memorable by the coconut-pecan topping. Since it’s a cake batter, it’s perfect for celebrating birthdays. 🙂
POSTED IN: chocolate, coconut, dessert lovers, nut butter, nuts, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash
POSTED IN: chocolate, coconut, dessert lovers, nut butter, nuts, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash
Salted Tahini Fudge Oatmeal
I’ve been flying through jars of tahini. I think its best use is in salad, but I also love it on oatmeal from time to time.
Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal with Maple Roasted Sweet Potato and Pear
Remember that vegan passover potluck I was telling you about? And remember that food repurpose recipe I promised you? It’s all coming together now.
Apparently, there’s this traditional Seder dish called Tzimmes. Not going to lie, it’s pretty freaking delicious. One of the potluck attendees made a variation of it from the Veganomicon cookbook that used sweet potatoes, pears, pecans, and raisins (pictured below). I loved it so much that I brought heaps of leftovers home. (The link to the tzimmes recipe includes an explanation of the Jewish history of the dish.) (more…)
POSTED IN: apples, dried fruit, maple, nuts, pears, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash, zucchini
POSTED IN: apples, dried fruit, maple, nuts, pears, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash, zucchini
Dirt Pie Overnight Oatmeal
Happy Wednesday! The sun has finally come out again in New York City, and the forecast shows sun for the next week. ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ That means I’ll finally be able to get back to blogging.
You see, because I live in a Brooklyn apartment, it’s not feasible for me to take pictures outside (much to my displeasure). I have to take all my pictures right next to my bedroom window to get some natural light, and to get enough light, I need it to be MEGA sunny. Cloudy days work great for outside pictures, but not indoors. The past two weeks have been endlessly cloudy, resulting in me running out of recipes to post. My apologies.
For those of you unfamiliar with dirt pie (and that could very well be many of you), it’s a dessert with chocolate pudding topped with crushed Oreos and gummy worms. It’s a popular dessert to serve kids, especially around Halloween. (more…)
POSTED IN: berries, chocolate, dessert lovers, overnight, strawberries, sweet potato, sweetened by dates, toppings, veggies, winter squash
POSTED IN: berries, chocolate, dessert lovers, overnight, strawberries, sweet potato, sweetened by dates, toppings, veggies, winter squash
Cardamom Fudge Oatmeal
After months (literally, months) of having homemade hot chocolate virtually every single day*, I finally figured out how to transfer that love to my morning oatmeal.
*It’s an addiction at this point, TBH.
You see, I have a few versions of my European-style (i.e. THICK AS PUDDING) hot chocolate. One is peppermint. Another is Mexican. Another is almond. And the final version is my personal favorite: cardamom.
Add cardamom to your hot chocolate. You won’t regret it.
I have considered sharing my hot chocolate recipe many a time on here, but it seemed so irrelevant; there are no oats involved, after all. Alternatively, I tried finding a similar recipe on the internet for me to include in my “Random Recommendations” section, but that has been unsuccessful as well. It looks like my hot chocolate recipe will remain a well-kept secret. For now.
Instead, I have this oatmeal recipe for you. One day for dinner, I wasn’t in the mood to make anything interesting for dinner. I try to avoid doing this, but I decided to be lazy and make oatmeal. As always, I wanted to make my Fudgy Banana & Peanut Butter Oatmeal, but I felt dumb for making that the second time in one day. To make it more interesting, I grabbed my jar of cardamom. (more…)
Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal
Confession: when I buy a bag of chocolate chips, they’re usually gone within a week or two. That’s why I will go such long stretches without chocolate chip recipes. If I had a bag in my kitchen all the time, I would go through about six a month. I just can’t keep my hands out of them!
So you can imagine my surprise the other day when I was digging for something in my cupboard and found the final few tablespoons of chocolate chips in a forgotten bag stuffed in the back. Since I had some mashed sweet potato prepared for oatmeal meal prep left in the fridge, I set to work on this recipe. (more…)
Sweet Potato, Bacon, and White Chocolate Oatmeal
Before making this, I thought to myself, “Bacon? Or white chocolate chips? Bacon? White chocolate chips?”
“. . . OR BOTH.”
It felt a little bit wrong to celebrate my birthday without peanut butter–although I assure you I had it later in the day–but once I came up with this idea, it seemed like a worthy alternative. The sweet potato base is cozy and earthy, the white chocolate chips add sweet and gooey bliss, and the bacon is–well–BACON. ‘Nough said. The three components together create a sweet-yet-salty, creamy-yet-crunchy, healthy-yet-indulgent combo.
You can use whatever bacon you want, but I highly recommend Sweet Earth “Benevolent Bacon” if you can find it. The BEST vegan bacon on the market, if you ask me (and no piggies harmed ?). Om nom nom. (more…)
Oatmeal Enthusiasts: Meet Kelsey!
Does Kelsey really need an introduction? ? You may know her from her two guest posts, Cookies N Cream Overnight Oatmeal and Spiced Parsnip Oatmeal, or perhaps from her frequent appearances in the “This Week in Oatmeal” series. I have collaborated with her so often that I just assumed I had already featured her as an Oatmeal Enthusiast–turns out I hadn’t! Thus, it is my great pleasure to pass the keyboard to Kelsey and let her tell her story.
Hi there!
My name is Kelsey, but you might know me as @fortheloveof_pb on Instagram. I’m beyond thrilled to be your Oatmeal Enthusiast for February!
At 23, I’ve finally gotten to the point in my life where I’ve made health and fitness a priority. I exercise daily (swimming with a masters’ group, Blogilates videos, and hot yoga are current favorites), and I eat an incredibly “clean” diet: vegan, unprocessed foods with minimal added sugar and oil.
It wasn’t always that way. My favorite food used to be boxed mac and cheese, and for the first two years of college my fridge was regularly filled with frozen mozzarella sticks, cookie dough, and chocolate frosting. And you know I wasn’t baking those cookies.
Right after I turned 21, I contracted an H. Pylori infection, but I wouldn’t know that for almost four months. It was like, overnight, my digestive system just turned on me. I was battling constant heartburn and nausea that kept me up every night. It took four months to figure out what was wrong, but even after the infection was eradicated, I spent another year dealing with the lingering symptoms from this infection.
I realized, in order to combat these lingering symptoms, I needed to overhaul my diet.
Over a couple months, I cut out most processed foods and started eating more fiber. One of the first swaps I made was eating oatmeal for breakfast in place of frozen waffles. I can’t tell you how many bowls of strawberry and peanut butter oatmeal I ate my senior year of college because it was about the only thing that never made me feel ill.
This past May, I decided I was tired of taking medication to manage my symptoms. I had heard stories about people with digestive issues that were cleared up by a vegan diet, so I decided to try it. And it worked. I no longer take any medication and have been symptom-free since July.
Throughout my recovery, oatmeal was a constant in my diet because it was one of my “safest” foods; no indigestion or nausea here, ever. Over time I began to expand my oatmeal repertoire and discovered Lauren’s blog. From there I got inspired. There was so much more you could do with oatmeal than just add strawberries. It was something you could put vegetables in!
And I do – every day. Oatmeal is actually where I get a lot of the veggies into my diet. I love that oatmeal offers the opportunity to “sneak” more fruits and veggies into my diet in delicious ways. Sometimes I think about how ridiculous it is that I’m having, say, chocolate carrot cake oatmeal for breakfast. It tastes like dessert, but its really just fruit, veggies, whole grains, and of course some peanut butter.
The funny thing is, even though I eat more adventurously than I ever have, I still eat oatmeal more than anything else. Although, let’s be honest, my oatmeal is often pretty adventurous too. It’s easily my favorite food, and I’m so excited that I get to share it with my family (my Dad posts about my oatmeal on Facebook every time I come home to visit), my friends, on Instagram, and with you all this week! With that in mind, I tried to line up a week of oatmeal that highlights everything I’ve ever considered to be a favorite. I hope you enjoy it and get inspired to try out a new oatmeal flavor!
Saturday: Strawberry PB Oatmeal with Parsnips
I figured I would start the week off with my first oatmeal love, strawberries and peanut butter. Back in the day I would have made this with instant oats and frozen strawberries in the microwave, but today I stepped up my game. I still made instant oats, but I added some shredded parsnips to add some volume and cooked everything on the stovetop. And, because I’m excessive, I made some PB2 to stir into the oats and then topped them with my all time favorite peanut butter from Trader Joe’s. Side note: look how beautiful those berries are! I mean, its January, how did this even happen?! (more…)
Gingerbread Persimmon Oatmeal + Product Review: BetterOats
Lately, I have been on the constant prowl for recipes that would work well with persimmon. My philosophy is this: persimmon has a muted but pleasant flavor, and pairs best with bold flavors. That is why I used this delightful fruit atop my Chai-Spiced Pumpkin Oatmeal; it contributed a calm sweetness to an otherwise “loud” oatmeal base.
Next up? Gingerbread.
I have made gingerbread oatmeal a variety of ways: with banana, with sweet potato, and with pumpkin. Truthfully, they all work beautifully, and it all depends on what “background flavor” you want in your life (i.e. just pick your favorite). Alternatively, you could use grated zucchini or yellow squash for a nutritional filler that adds no flavor. (more…)
POSTED IN: bananas, dessert lovers, hidden banana, persimmon, pumpkin, review, sweet potato, veggies, zucchini
POSTED IN: bananas, dessert lovers, hidden banana, persimmon, pumpkin, review, sweet potato, veggies, zucchini