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Tag Archives: strawberries
Berry Cream Cheese Baked Oatmeal
My roommate Allison pulled a tub of strawberries out of the fridge. It was the robin’s-egg-blue-colored, recyclable cardboard crate that they give out at farmer’s markets.
“Will you make me strawberry cheesecake oatmeal in the morning?” she asked. “My mom bought me these strawberries and I need to use them up.”
I hesitated. My mind recalled all my failed attempts at that very recipe from earlier this year. Maybe it just needs a little lemon juice. Less lemon juice. Maybe some apple cider vinegar will help. More cream cheese. More yogurt. Less yogurt. I eventually came to the conclusion it was an impossible feat, yet she was requesting me to attempt it once more. This time, however, I wouldn’t have to jump the hurdle of making everything nondairy, and that could be cure. Sorry, but Tofutti sucks.
I knew from the moment I set the ramekin in the oatmeal that I had failed to replicate an actual cheesecake, but I remained hopeful that I was providing a suitable alternative. I presented the baked creation to Allison, who was sitting eagerly on the couch in her pajamas. “Berry Cream Cheese Baked Oatmeal,” I titled it.
“Ohhhhhhhh my GOD!” Allison exclaimed after her first bite. I don’t know if I’ll ever have success at making a cheesecake oatmeal, but for the time being, I know I can make a hell of a cream cheese baked oatmeal. 🙂
POSTED IN: baked oatmeal, berries, blueberries, cream cheese, dessert lovers, strawberries
POSTED IN: baked oatmeal, berries, blueberries, cream cheese, dessert lovers, strawberries
Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oatmeal
I hope the surge of overnight oat recipes is appreciated. I’ve been shaking them up quite frequently this month! I believe they are perfect for this time of year; many mornings in New Jersey are hot and muggy, and steaming oatmeal doesn’t always appeal to me then. In those times, I really crave a refreshing, cool, creamy oatmeal.
You can really tinker with this recipe. Add chocolate chips, use dried strawberries, slice in a banana, etc. It’s an incredibly basic recipe that you could adapt to your liking. You could even swap in real cream, if your lifestyle allows it. I’ll stick to my almond milk. 🙂
Strawberry Limeade Overnight Oatmeal
This week, I did something I’ve never done before: I purchased a fresh lime.
Gasp! I know, I know. That’s pathetic. Using fresh limes and lemons was never something my family opted to do. We used those sketchy bottled juices and called it good. Recently, living with my roommate Allison has taught me the value in using fresh citrus. First of all, the taste is unmatched and incredibly bright and refreshing. Furthermore, it’s cheap!! Sure, I will continue to have the bottles on hand for unexpected citrus needs, but I will be turning to fresh limes and lemons more often.
The lime was purchased for this recipe. I’ll be honest – I was exceptionally nervous about its result. I tried a similar recipe once upon a time, but I did not blend the strawberries and citrus together, and the strawberry became unpleasantly sour, to the point that it tasted nearly rotten! As it turns out, blending the fruit together before letting it sit overnight cures this fluke. Don’t ask me why; I’m an artist, not a scientist. 🙂
Fruit-on-the-Bottom Oatmeal
I’ll be honest right from the start: I have never had (nor do I have the desire to try) fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt. First of all, it’s not available in nondairy varieties, so that’s an obvious deterrent. Moreso, the “fruit” on the bottom has been heavily processed and coated with sickeningly sweet high fructose corn syrup. Um, no.
Like most of my recipes, I’ve been eager to try this one for a while. It required me to have yogurt on hand, which I usually lack. Whenever I have it, I end up demolishing it before I can even attempt this or the other yogurt-demanding recipes.
POSTED IN: berries, blueberries, jams and jellies, kiwi, mango, overnight, peaches, plums, strawberries, yogurt
POSTED IN: berries, blueberries, jams and jellies, kiwi, mango, overnight, peaches, plums, strawberries, yogurt
Creamy Berry Oatmeal
Hello from South Dakota! I was hoping to throw up tons of new recipes while I was home, but every morning I was just dying to make some of my favorites, like Banana Bread and Grapefruit and Chocolate Banana. I wasn’t in the mood to experiment!
But here’s a new one for you!
Take your favorite berry (or berries), blend them with some almond milk, and use that fruity puree to cook your oats! Num!
Berry Chocolate Crunch Oatmeal
Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, taste buds!
For I ne’er tasted true beauty till this week.
Sweetest pepitas…
If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
I know I’m being incredibly overdramatic, but my confession must capture the scale of my new infatuation. This past weekend (thanks to my mother’s birthday present), I tried pepitas for the first time. I’ve had “roasted pumpkin seeds” before, but they were nothing like “pepitas.” You would think they would be equally wonderful (considering pepitas are pumpkin seeds), but there is definitely a difference, the first being that pepitas are as glorious to this night as is a winged messenger of heaven, and “roasted pumpkin seeds” are just a big pile of “meh.”
POSTED IN: almond, berries, blueberries, cherries, chocolate, nuts, pumpkin, strawberries
POSTED IN: almond, berries, blueberries, cherries, chocolate, nuts, pumpkin, strawberries
Strawberry Shortcake Oatmeal, Veganized!
Do you remember several months ago when I posted a recipe for Strawberry Shortcake Oatmeal? At the time, I said I was unsatisfied with the nonvegan-ness of the recipe. 🙂 I made a pledge to veganize it. . . someday.Well, it may have taken a while, but. . . here it is!
I bet you thought I forgot about it, didn’t you?
Berry-Ginger Sauce
To be honest, I’d be happy eating “boring” oatmeal forever. A simple peanut butter and banana oatmeal makes me absolutely giddy. However, because I own an oatmeal blog where people come to see new and creative ideas, I have to get fancy sometimes. For those of you who like getting fancy, this one’s for you.
Toppings make things special. Just throwing chocolate chips on my oatmeal gets me all excited, so imagine how I felt drizzling on spoonfuls of BRIGHT RED DELICIOUSNESS.
Baked Banana Oatmeal & Variations
If I wanted to, I could create ten billion recipes of just baked oatmeal based on bananas. So many possibilities!
I liked that idea at first: more posts, right? However, I didn’t want to look like a cheater. Is it fair to share a recipe for baked banana oatmeal, and two days later, post a recipe for baked chai-spiced banana oatmeal?? Nope. So to be fair, I’m going to consolidate it all into one fantastic post packed with fun ideas! (more…)
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, baked oatmeal, bananas, chai, chocolate, coconut, nuts, PB and J, peanut butter, strawberries, tips and tricks, tropical
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, baked oatmeal, bananas, chai, chocolate, coconut, nuts, PB and J, peanut butter, strawberries, tips and tricks, tropical