Tag Archives: steel cut

Persimmon Coconut Steel-Cut Oatmeal


Coconut Persimmon Oatmeal (2)

Many readers have suggested using persimmon in oatmeal. However, I was completely overwhelmed at the idea. How would I possibly create a recipe using a fruit I had barely even heard of, and had definitely never tried?

One day, Allison brought a persimmon into work. Seeing her eat her first persimmon–the deep look of curiosity on her face as she sliced through and bit into its tangerine-colored flesh–made me want to try one as well.


Carrot Cake (and Carrot Banana) Steel-Cut Oatmeal

TWO recipes today! You’re welcome.Carrot Cake Steel-Cut Oatmeal isn’t that exciting; it’s basically an adaptation of my regular Carrot Cake Oatmeal. The only difference is it takes longer to cook (and it serves four instead of one, but that’s just an issue of multiplication and division).


Thus, I’m including a variation. A banana variation, because potassium. (Everything about that last sentence is making the grammarian in me cringe, but whatever.)

I can’t say much about the Carrot Cake version–it’s exactly what you would expect. Instead, let me tell you about the banana version.


Stewed Fig and Apple Steel-Cut Oatmeal

Happy Tuesday! Happy last week of school for me! Happy birthday to my older brother, Christopher!


There are so many reasons to be happy this week. One of the reasons includes starting every morning with this oatmeal. The inspiration actually came from my dislike of the appearance of fresh figs. Why are they so unattractive? Thus, I thought to myself: maybe if I stew them or make a compote, I can enjoy the flavor of figs without the ugly appearance.

Well, it turns out that stewed figs are, in fact, uglier than a regular ol’ fresh fig. Bummer.

Carrot Halwa Steel Cut Oatmeal

I sometimes receive requests from readers for a particular recipe. Many times, they are ideas that I have already considered but just haven’t figured out how to make yet. Sometimes, they are recipes that I immediately set off to create and appear on the blog within days. And then there are ideas like this one, for which I only have one response: “I don’t know what that is and have no idea how I would make it.”


Considering I’ve only eaten Indian food four times in my life, my knowledge of Indian cuisine is minimal. I have never eaten “Indian dessert” and have absolutely zero concept of what it’s like or what it should taste like. Thus, when a reader begged me to create a halwa recipe, I had to reject her, claiming that I had no idea what it was or what it should taste like.


Cinnamon Fig Steel-Cut Oatmeal

Do not fear cinnamon! I often add just enough in my recipes to give it a warm, cozy taste, but whenever I add more, I never regret it. For this particular recipe, I took a deep breath and added a full 1/2 teaspoon. It looked like too much for a moment: it even turned the oatmeal! However, after one bite, I knew I had made the correct choice.


I highly recommend going with the full 1/2 teaspoon. You’ll never know unless you try. If you must, you could always start with a 1/4 teaspoon and slowly add more until you think you have enough…but that would make you a wimp. 🙂

Lemon Steel-Cut Oatmeal

Every time I think all my lemon ideas have dried up, another springs to my mind. As of this moment, I can’t say I have any more lemon recipes to give you. However, I’m sure within a couple of months, I’ll miraculously think of another. It’s simply inevitable.



Apple Pie Steel-Cut Oatmeal

My grandma makes a killer apple pie. The apple filling reaches the perfect point between firm slices and mush. I don’t want to have to chew my apples when I’m eating pie, but I don’t want to slurp them like applesauce, either. She nails this balance every time.

The extra special twist is that her apples come from her backyard. An apple tree was planted in her yard each time a new grandkid was born. This means my brother, sister, cousins, and I each have our own apple tree. We take great pride in the apples that grow from them. Each time my grandma makes a pie, someone asks, “Whose apples are these?” There was a stretch of time when my tree was the champion, pumping out dozens of apples throughout the harvesting season. My apple tree is a boss. (more…)

Pumpkin Pie Steel-Cut Oatmeal

For over a year, I had to stomach the fact that my Salted Brownie Baked Oatmeal was my #1 most viewed recipe. I mean, that recipe was fine and dandy, but number one?? C’mon. Not even close. I could name thirty recipes that I’d pick over that one.Luckily for me, the most wonderful thing happened about a month ago. As always, August and September ushered in the yearly pumpkin craze, and my Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal received a great deal of love on Pinterest. Out of nowhere, this recipe vaulted into the #1 spot and surpassed the Salted Brownie by thousands of views. COOL. I feel like my Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal is a much better representative of my blog than the Salted Brownie.


I love my pumpkin pie recipes. Certainly, they’re not my MOST favorite, but they’re in my Top Ten. You might think that I’d be satisfied with a stove-top, baked, and overnight version, but no, I’m not finished. Now that I’ve fallen in love with steel-cut oats, it just made sense to add another variation to my pumpkin pie family.


Gingerbread Steel-Cut Oatmeal

I’ve made Gingerbread Oatmeal before. You might remember it. It was one of my trials. One of my struggles. One of my white flags.I gave up and just borrowed a recipe from Vegan Yack .


This recipe is mine. Well, I can’t take all the credit, of course. VYA’s recipe did influence me a lot. However, I made sure to include some bananas in my version because I’m stubborn like that. I’m grateful I did because this was one spicy [insert colorful language here]. The banana helped mellow out all those cloves.

Spiced Apple and Peach Steel-Cut Oatmeal

Peach season has technically closed. Let’s be honest—it closed a while ago. However, I’m miserable at goodbyes, so I’m still throwing them in my porridge mid-September. Bite me.


If, like me, you’re still stuck in summer, this porridge will help you transition to autumn. It combines summer’s peach with autumn’s apple, and I spiced it with an earthy blend of cinnamon, allspice, and cloves.
