Tag Archives: steamed milk

London Fog Oatmeal

What is a London Fog, you ask? Hold on, I’ll get to that.

London Fog Oatmeal

Back in college, I had the world’s best barista. Well, I had two excellent baristas, but I’m going to talk about one in particular. Her name was Noelle. We were both majoring in the humanities, so we saw each other around campus and even took a creative writing course together (and she was obviously brilliant at it). She was one of the coolest people I knew. You know those girls who walk around confidently with their own unique fashion sense and don’t give a crap about the trends anyone else is following? But manage to pull it off without looking ridiculous? That was Noelle.

She also happened to be a helluva barista. (more…)

Pumpkin Spice Latte Oatmeal (Revisited)

Is this a new recipe? Kind of. Okay, not really.

However, it’s been so long since I’ve experienced my Pumpkin Spice Latte Oatmeal, and I wanted to celebrate it. To make this version special, I added steamed milk, which is a nice wink to the actual “latte” side of this recipe.

pumpkin spice latte oatmeal (6)Unfortunately, I used almond milk for this recipe, and almond milk is not great for making steamed milk. Look how unfrothy it is. 🙁 If you want to flood your oatmeal with steamed milk, I highly recommend soy milk. It froths up so beautifully! My almond milk just formed a couple bubbles, as you can see.


Banana Chai Latte Oatmeal

Yes, my friends, that would be steamed milk you see. (Soy milk. I’m in a soy milk phase right now.)


Some of you might remember my concept for “flooded” oatmeal.” In truth, I had grand plans for that concept. I was going to whip it out fairly regularly with creative twists and blah, blah, blah. However, I needed the foam. I didn’t want warm milk. I wanted steamed milk. With foam. Without the foam, the flood just wasn’t doing anything for me.

50 Toppings to Spruce Up ANY Porridge!

Today we’re talking about TOPPINGS! Although I tend to stick to the same toppings (sliced almonds, anyone?), I love jazzing up a classic oatmeal with new and exciting topping ideas. If you’re a regular reader, you know that I have posted a few recipes for sauce-like toppings (link below, #50), but this post will dare to go further! Some are a little obvious, and some are a little more out there. Nothing is off the table. 🙂
50 Topping Ideas for Oatmeal
  1. Nuts – whole, sliced, pieces, or crushed
  2. Sunflower, pepita, or sesame seeds
  3. Ch-ch-ch-chia! (shown below)
  4. Apple sauce
  5. Homemade caramel sauce
  6. Lemon (or orange, lime, or grapefruit) zest
  7. For savory oats: fresh chives, basil, parsley, cilantro
  8. Chocolate-covered raisins or nuts
  9. Chocolate-Avocado Mousse
  10. Nondairy yogurt (shown below)

TIP: Flooded Baked Oatmeal

I’ve mentioned my favorite coffee shop before… It helped inspire my Loaded PB&J Oatmeal! Well, they’ve inspired me again.

Their menu offers a delicious baked oatmeal. In fact, the first time I experienced baked oatmeal was at their restaurant. And because they’re a coffee shop, they serve it in a bowl of steamed milk. Oh LAWD.

Suddenly, I realized the other day that this is brilliant. One of the reasons I prefer stove-top oatmeal over baked oatmeal is that the latter is typically dryer, sometimes resembling an oatmeal cookie more than hot cereal. Maybe the fact that I grew up with Cream of Wheat made me partial to hot, creamy, pudding-like breakfasts.

But to flood your baked oatmeal with steamed milk? Decadent! Unfortunately, I can’t make steamed (soy) milk at home because I have neither an espresso machine nor a steaming wand. However, I came up with some better ideas…

Heat about 1/2 cup (or more) of your milk of choice either on the stove or in the microwave. To make it frothy, you can give it a whirl in a blender or using an immersion blender. When your baked oatmeal is ready, transfer it to a bigger bowl, and then add the warm milk to “flood” it.

    Zucchini Bread Baked Oatmeal with a Honey-Nut flood.

    You can do this with any baked oatmeal. Be creative and flavor your “flood” to best complement your oats! Here are some possibilities:

    • Vanilla Bean: Add fresh vanilla bean seeds…or vanilla extract. 🙂
    • Chocolate: Use chocolate milk (I recommend Silk Dark Chocolate Almond Milk) or melt chocolate chips into regular milk
    • Strawberry: Blend a few fresh strawberries into your milk
    • Chai-spiced: Add cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, or use a brewed chai tea
    • Pie-spiced: Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and all-spice, or use apple pie or pumpkin pie spice
    • Latte: Add a little brewed coffee (or instant coffee granules) 
    • Cafe au Lait: Use mostly brewed coffee with a little bit of milk (reversed proportions of latte)
    • Mocha: Use chocolate milk (or melted chocolate chips) and add instant coffee granules (or brewed coffee)
    • Peppermint: Add peppermint extract
    • Eggnog: Use eggnog, vegan or not! 🙂
    • Honey-Nut: Mix PB2 (or regular peanut butter) into milk, along with some honey and a bit of vanilla extract
    • Coconut: Use coconut milk
    • Banana: Blend a few chunks of banana into your milk
    • Spiced Banana: Blend a few chunks of banana into your milk, and add vanilla extract and cinnamon. You could also try other spices, like nutmeg, allspice, etc.
    • Gingerbread: Add molasses, ginger, and cinnamon

    **You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account!  You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!