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Tag Archives: smoothies
Apple Tahini Green Smoothie
I have wanted to make this apple-tahini recipe for a long time, but as a baked oatmeal. I have been hoarding a couple tablespoons of tahini for a month just to make this, but every time I have the opportunity, I think about summonsing the hellfires of my oven, and I quickly change my mind. I never used to understand when people posted no-bake recipes and referred to “not wanting to turn on your oven,” but I get it now.
Here’s the perfect breakfast for summer mornings if you, like me, don’t have air conditioning.
POSTED IN: apple, greens, honey, no bake, not porridge, nut butter, smoothies, tahini, veggies
POSTED IN: apple, greens, honey, no bake, not porridge, nut butter, smoothies, tahini, veggies
10 Best Recipes for Enjoying Oats in the Summer
I’m pretty stubborn, so I continue to sweat over a stove to cook my daily porridge, which I then take to my bedroom and eat while standing directly in front of the air conditioner. However, I understand that’s not everyone’s cup of chamomile tea. If you don’t want to say goodbye to your filling, fibrous oats, here are my ten favorite recipes that avoid turning on stoves or ovens!
Overnight Recipes
> Ambrosia Overnight Oatmeal
Bright from the citrus and creamy from the coconut! (more…)
Raspberry Almond Butter Oat Smoothie
Yes, I know. I’m all about raspberries right now. I guess you could say I’ve been compiling a list of raspberry ideas, and now that they’re finally affordable, I’m blazing through all of them.
Mango Cayenne Oat Smoothie
I love kombucha so much. I used to feel pressure to limit my kombucha intake (due to the fact that the good bottles cost like $5 each), but now that I make it at home, I can have one nearly every day!
One of my favorite flavor creations was mango + cayenne, which came about because I had some incredibly tough dried mango that I no longer wanted to snack on. As an expirement, I cut them into thin strips and tucked them into bottles of a fresh batch of kombucha. Sure enough, two days later (carbonating time!), my kombucha was delightfully mango-flavored, and I had found the perfect way not to waste that jaw-ripping mango.
Looking up various ways to elevate that flavor, I decided to try cayenne. It was an obvious choice, considering my favorite storebought kombucha is Health-Ade’s Cayenne Cleanse. I love spicyspicyspicy. <3 (more…)
Irish Tricolor Oatmeal Smoothie Bowl
As I said last week, Ireland has a special place in my heart. During my time in Ireland, I fell in love with the Irish flag, which is called the Irish Tricolor, according to Wikipedia. How original. ???
POSTED IN: avocado, bananas, citrus, coconut, greens, kiwi, not porridge, pineapple, smoothies, tropical
POSTED IN: avocado, bananas, citrus, coconut, greens, kiwi, not porridge, pineapple, smoothies, tropical
Shamrock Oatmeal Smoothie
St. Patrick’s Day is eight days away! Regular readers of the blog will know that Ireland has a special place in my heart. I have only left North America once, and that was a study abroad program in Ireland. You could say it was love at first sight. 

Thus, every year on St. Patrick’s Day, nostalgia kicks in and I swoon over all the Irish love.
This recipe is, obviously, a spin off McDonald’s shamrock milkshake. But better–there is no added sugar! Just bananas. I adore the use of oats in my smoothies because the soluble fiber slows down the digestion, so it’s not just one quick, massive hit of sugar. I find oat smoothies to be much easier on my sensitive stomach.
But in addition to being nutritious, it’s minty and delicious! It tastes a bit like mint ice cream, which is what inspired me to add the chocolate chips on top. No regrets.
Sweet Potato Green Oatmeal Smoothie
When I made homemade oat milk the other week, I mentioned that it works well in smoothies. I didn’t want to leave you hanging, so I made this smoothie to prove it.
I had half a sweet potato left over from my Sweet Potato, Almond Butter, & Raisin Oatmeal, so I used that as the star of my smoothie. With banana, some spices, and a handful of greens, this smoothie is like a nutritious sweet potato pie. Then I added my secret ingredient: raw oats!
I love how oats cut the sweetness of a smoothie. I actually stopped eating smoothies because I hated how sweet they were, but with oats, I find the experience much more enjoyable. You could add quick oats, rolled oats, or even the pulp of oats leftover from making oat milk. (more…)
Elvis Oatmeal Smoothie + Getting Fit #8
Yesterday on Facebook, I shared the post for Peach Pie Oatmeal Smoothie. As of today, that recipe is exactly one year old. I have not posted a single oatmeal smoothie recipe since! I’m not a huge smoothie person–although I’m not sure why. I’ve just never been one to crave a smoothie.
However, someone commented on the Peach Pie recipe, “Ever thought of coming up with more oatmeal smoothie recipes? This one was delicious :)”
Reading that comment gave me the motivation to finally make this recipe!
This is the eighth segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram,@crystalchilcott.
TOA: Hello! I hope you are fine and dandy and your training for the collegiate championships is going well!
Peach Pie Oatmeal Smoothie
I used to slurp down tons of smoothies. At the beginning of my junior year of college, I used to whip up some relatively extravagant breakfasts (by college student standards, anyway).* Sometimes that included oatmeal, but not always. (It wasn’t until January or February of that year that oatmeal became a daily ritual.) Often, I would make smoothies. These were usually banana-based (because that’s what I could afford), but I occasionally splurged on mangoes, peaches, or pineapple.
*If you’re interested, here’s a post from my old blog where I documented all my breakfasts for the week.
I never really added oatmeal to my smoothies, though. I thought of that concept a little over a year ago when I made my Green Monster Oatmeal Smoothie, which was actually just a cheap trick to add variety to my blog (at least I’m honest). I was like, “Hey, I’ll put oats in a smoothie, so I can have something other than porridge recipes on my blog! Har-har!”
But here I am, adding another smoothie recipe to my blog. This time, however, it’s not just a cheap trick. The idea for this recipe came about the other day when I was attempting a new pancake recipe. As I licked the batter, the flavors and creaminess delighted me. It tasted exactly like a peach pie! I realized then that oats in a smoothie add more than just fiber and bulk; they add flavor, too! A smoothie without oats just tastes like peaches. A smoothie with oats tastes earthy and sweet, like someone took a slice of peach pie (crust and all) and blended it up.
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, dessert lovers, greens, not porridge, pie lovers, smoothies, yogurt
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, dessert lovers, greens, not porridge, pie lovers, smoothies, yogurt
Oatmeal “Green Monster” Smoothie
Have you ever woken up sweating, and the thermometer already reads 77 degrees, even though it’s still early in the morning?
Those are the mornings when oatmeal is not so appetizing. I eat porridge year-round, but some days, the thought of a bowl of hot cereal steaming up into my already-hot face is a little . . . nauseating. On those days, it’s good to have a back up–like a “Green Monster” smoothie.
But I didn’t want my oats to feel left out, so I threw them in as well. 🙂