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Tag Archives: peaches
Peach Blueberry Oatmeal
Strawberry and bananas, cherry and lime, rhubarb and strawberry… None of those classic fruit combinations appeal to me as much as peach and blueberry. As much as I love a traditional peach cobbler, I’m all for adding blueberries to the equation sometimes.
As I’m writing this post, it just occurred to me that I used to not like blueberries. I liked blueberry-flavored things, like the fake blueberries in Betty Crocker muffin mixes, but the real thing grossed me out entirely. To be honest, I can’t remember really enjoying a blueberry until I made my Baked Blueberry Muffin Oatmeal…and that was not that long ago! Now, a quick click on the “blueberries” label at the bottom of this post shows just how enamored I am with them!
Pumpkin and Peach Oatmeal
As I prepare for my big move to the east coast, I worry about the state of this blog. Our work day starts bright and early in the mornings. Will I have time to snap a picture of my breakfast? Will I feel silly photographing my food in front of my roommates?
I don’t want my blog to die. I love this blog. It’s one of the first blogs (I’ve had several in the past) in which I’m eager and enthusiastic to post more. Sure, sometimes it feels like work, and I just want to eat my stinkin’ oatmeal and not deal with my mediocre photography skills. However, it’s worth it, and I still have dozens and dozens and dozens of ideas that I’m eager to share.
Peach Pie Oatmeal
Okay, take a second to drool over this:
Delicious? Yep, I thought so, too (and I actually ATE it, so I can guarantee it’s delicious). But before I tell you how to make it, I have to share some news with you…
I generally don’t share too much of my personal life on here, except for occasional “gosh, I’m so exhausted from teaching this week” or “student teaching is fun” or “I didn’t have time to post any new recipes the past few days because I’ve been so busy grading.” But this news is pretty big. Like, move-across-the-country big.
Peach Cobbler Baked Oatmeal
What’s your all-time favorite dessert?
I think this is one of the hardest questions to answer. I’ve never had a bad dessert before. Pretty much every dessert I eat brings a smile to my face and makes me feel like there’s nothing else I’d rather be eating. However, if I had to choose, I think it would be peach cobbler. Peaches are my favorite fruit, and I think this dessert is one that truly lets the fruit shine.
Fuzzy Navel Oatmeal
Ahem. I better be careful posting all these cocktail oatmeal recipes, or people will get the wrong idea about me!
But to be honest, the orange-peach combo is truly divine. Truly. And the oatmeal version is even better–no hangover included!