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Tag Archives: peaches
Peach Tea Oatmeal
I can’t believe I have less than a month of school left! That means summer is right around the corner. I know it has already started for many of you, but here in grand ol’ New York City, the school year stretches on and on and on until the end of June (madness!!).
This recipe oozes with summer vibes. It reminds me of sitting on some back porch, sipping iced tea. I’ve been wanting to make this for a while, and as soon as the peaches showed up at my produce market (far too early to truly be in season, but whatever), I hopped to it.
Spiced Apple and Peach Steel-Cut Oatmeal
Peach season has technically closed. Let’s be honest—it closed a while ago. However, I’m miserable at goodbyes, so I’m still throwing them in my porridge mid-September. Bite me.
If, like me, you’re still stuck in summer, this porridge will help you transition to autumn. It combines summer’s peach with autumn’s apple, and I spiced it with an earthy blend of cinnamon, allspice, and cloves.
Peach and Blueberry Overnight Oatmeal
First there was Peach & Blueberry Oatmeal. Then Peach & Blueberry Oatcakes. Now, I present Peach & Blueberry Overnight Oatmeal. Three cheers for the best fruit combo known to mankind! (Or can you nominate a better one?)
I made my version diced, but I bet it would be marvelous with pureed peaches (if you’re okay with dirtying your blender).
Peach and Blueberry Oatcakes for One
What is it about oatmeal that makes my digestive system run so well? I understand the nutrition aspect and all (hurray soluble fiber!), but this marvelous ingredient still astounds me. Pancakes make me sick for the rest of the day. Cereal (even the “healthy” ones) makes me puffy and weird. Even whole wheat muffins or waffles or pancakes leave me ill.
But swap the flour with oats? Problem solved.
These oatcake recipes actually let me enjoy pancakes again. Plus, they’re way more flavorful than anything Bisquick could make.
Peach Cherry Almond Oatmeal
Sometimes, I write these posts shortly after I’ve finished eating the oatmeal. Sometimes, I write it weeks after the last time I ate it. And sometimes, like right now, I write it while I’m eating it.That’s how you know it’s good.
Grilled Peach Steel-Cut Oatmeal
You know you have a fantastic oatmeal planned when you wake up at 6 am and spend twenty minutes wondering if it’s too early to get up and start making breakfast. That’s actually one of the billion reasons I love oatmeal. Did you know I used to hate mornings? Now I wake up at absurd hours because I’m so gosh darn excited to slurp down some oats.
Yeah, so… Remember on Monday, when I was all “sophisticated” with that Strawberry Basil Oatmeal? Here we go again. Grilled peaches, anyone?
Just Peachy Oatmeal
Have you tried pureeing your fruits before adding them to your oatmeal yet? My recent interest in this started with the Strawberry Limeade Overnight Oatmeal and progressed from there (I think I had done it a few times before that, but just here and there).
As you may remember, I bought a bunch of peaches a while ago and frantically raced to use them all up. I was continuously frustrated with how poorly the peach flavor distributed throughout the porridge. I mean, come on, peaches are incredibly juicy and have tons of flavor!
Well, I thought I would try the puree method and see how it went. That way, the wonderful peach flavor would dominate every spoonful.
Fruit-on-the-Bottom Oatmeal
I’ll be honest right from the start: I have never had (nor do I have the desire to try) fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt. First of all, it’s not available in nondairy varieties, so that’s an obvious deterrent. Moreso, the “fruit” on the bottom has been heavily processed and coated with sickeningly sweet high fructose corn syrup. Um, no.
Like most of my recipes, I’ve been eager to try this one for a while. It required me to have yogurt on hand, which I usually lack. Whenever I have it, I end up demolishing it before I can even attempt this or the other yogurt-demanding recipes.
POSTED IN: berries, blueberries, jams and jellies, kiwi, mango, overnight, peaches, plums, strawberries, yogurt
POSTED IN: berries, blueberries, jams and jellies, kiwi, mango, overnight, peaches, plums, strawberries, yogurt
Nectarine-Lime Oatmeal
Last week, I found myself in possession of a ginormous, juicy nectarine. I always thought I didn’t like them (because they were like an inferior version of peaches), but this one proved me wrong. I mean, they essentially taste the same, but peaches don the fuzzy skin. Other than that, they’re nearly twins!
So what would I do with the nectarine? Obviously, my first thought was to use it in oatmeal. I did some hardcore research and studied all sorts of flavor combinations. I saw a few sources listing nectarine/peaches and lime as a good combination, so I thought I’d try it out.
Peach and Almond Butter Oatmeal
Guys, I might have a new favorite oatmeal recipe. I mean, I love the Baked Peanut Butter Cookie, and the Nutty ‘Nana Berry, and the Neapolitan, but this one has peaches! PEACHES!! And almond butter!! Two things that are amazing on their own are now brought together in this beautiful bowl of happiness.
First, let’s talk about peaches. Juicy. Sweet. Tastes like summer. And then there’s almond butter: rich, but sweeter and milder than its peanut cousin. Because of its milder flavor, it lets the peaches be the star, while still lending that rich, buttery taste.