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Tag Archives: pb2
Double Chocolate PB2
As I’ve said before, toppings are a fun way to add just a dab of indulgence to an otherwise nutritious bowl of oatmeal. Dessert-like toppings are the perfect solution when you want to treat yourself but also don’t want to start your day with a stomachache.
Turmeric Coconut PB2
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POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, coconut, nut butter, pb2, peanut butter, toppings, turmeric
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, coconut, nut butter, pb2, peanut butter, toppings, turmeric
Cocoa Candy Cane PB2
Looking for an ultra easy way to Christmas-ify your favorite oatmeal recipe? This topping needs half of a standard candy cane and can be whipped up in about two minutes!
Gingerbread PB2
You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to post this. But Gingerbread is so distinctly “Christmas” that I forced myself to wait until December to share it. IT’S DECEMBER so here we go.
Persimmon Cinnamon-Raisin Oatmeal
I had other plans for this week’s recipes, but when I walked into my produce market and spotted the newly stocked persimmon, I scrapped all those ideas immediately.
Persimmon! It’s been so long! Why must you hide for 80 percent of the year?
PB2 Yogurt Frosting
Have you ever wanted to top your oatmeal with a pillow of creamy frosting? But you don’t want to give up your beloved peanut butter?
Here’s a great compromise. This topping is easy to make, requiring just plain yogurt and PB2 (and a drop of vanilla extract, if you’d like). (more…)
Product Review: PB2 with Fruit!
Hey oatmeal lovers! I’m very excited to introduce you to this sparkling new product by Bell Plantation: PB2 with Fruit! Playing off the concept of PB&J, this product comes in flavors of grape, strawberry, and banana. The result is a sweet and fun peanut butter with the ease and creaminess of the original PB2 product.
My favorite flavor was PB2 with Grape, which is not surprising since I prefer my PB&J with grape jelly. I thought this version had the most pleasing taste, and it tasted almost like I was eating actual PB&J, not just grape mixed into peanut butter, if that makes sense. (more…)
Mango Oatmeal with Sriracha PB2
You know what’s extra great about this recipe? It’s a really simple oatmeal topped with a really simple PB2. The oatmeal is oats + mango, and the topping is PB2 + Sriracha. Maravilloso, right?!
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, mango, nut butter, pb2, peanut butter, spicy, toppings, tropical
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, mango, nut butter, pb2, peanut butter, spicy, toppings, tropical
Cinnamon Raisin PB2
Does this oatmeal look familiar to you? It should! It’s actually Monday’s Cardamom Butternut Squash Oatmeal.
I wanted to top this oatmeal with cinnamon raisin peanut butter, but I had just finished my jar of it. Then I remembered I could recreate it with PB2.