Tag Archives: nuts

Orange, Maple, and Pecan Oatmeal

I promised you a recipe with oranges, right? Well, here we go!


Now, I’ve told you about the list – the lengthy checklist on my iPod of all the oatmeal ideas that I’ve yet to make and post about. The weird thing is, only about half of my recipes actually originate from that list. The rest are born on mornings when I walk in the kitchen, analyze my limited ingredients, and throw something together (exhibit A). This is one of those recipes.



Single-Serving Muesli

Are you aware that muesli is just raw oats and a smorgasbord of random ingredients that could easily be assembled in thirty seconds? Are you aware that you could just grab whatever nuts, dried fruit, seeds, or what-have-yous and throw it in to your muesli? Are you aware that you need not purchase $6 boxes of mediocre muesli from the store?

I’m going to give you a moment; this revelation can be a little troubling. After all, if you’re like me, you may have been depriving yourself of this wondrous breakfast because “it’s too expensive” and it’s a “luxury item.” Now, you’ve realized you’ve been wrongfully missing out.


When I studied abroad in Ireland (thank you, world, for your kindness to me), I ate muesli for breakfast every single morning. The first morning, I chose porridge for obvious reasons. However, it was bland and runny and not my style. Then, I noticed that every place we stayed was serving Alpen Swiss Muesli. I had never heard of muesli before then, but I was immediately smitten. It was like a healthier version of granola, and it went beautifully with peaches and plain yogurt, which must be popular in Ireland because every single place we stayed at offered these items in their “buffet” lines.

Peach and Almond Butter Oatmeal

Guys, I might have a new favorite oatmeal recipe. I mean, I love the Baked Peanut Butter Cookie, and the Nutty ‘Nana Berry, and the Neapolitan, but this one has peaches! PEACHES!! And almond butter!! Two things that are amazing on their own are now brought together in this beautiful bowl of happiness.


First, let’s talk about peaches. Juicy. Sweet. Tastes like summer. And then there’s almond butter: rich, but sweeter and milder than its peanut cousin. Because of its milder flavor, it lets the peaches be the star, while still lending that rich, buttery taste.

Snickers Salad Oatmeal

If you do not reign from the Midwest region of the United States, you will be baffled by the name of this oatmeal. You will be even more confused as you look at the ingredients. Of course, the recipe for Snickers Salad has recently popped up around Pinterest, but for the most part, this piece of classic Midwestern cuisine is foreign to everyone in the remaining 45 states.


Let me break this down for you: Snickers Salad consists of chopped apples, chopped Snickers bars, mini marshmallows, and Cool Whip. Yes, you read that correctly. Take a second; read it again. Yep.

That’s Snickers Salad.

Cranberry Almond Oatmeal

It’s been a little quiet this week, for which I will not apologize! I enjoyed the break. I came down with the flu last weekend, and it set me back quite a bit. I had recipes to post, but I felt pretty tired, busy, and lethargic the rest of my week. It took me heap-loads of ambition to drag myself out of my funk this morning, but I’m finally back.


I recently received an Amazon gift card for Christmas. Being a very strange person, I decided to buy groceries with it. Like anyone who eats freakishly strange but healthy food, some products (e.g. chia seeds!) can be expensive and/or hard to find, and Amazon is a beautiful place to find these things. What did I buy with my earnings? KIND bars.


Pecan Pie Baked Oatmeal

I have another confession to make, guys. I’ve never had pecan pie before. Just like I had never had sweet potato pie or a gingerbread latte before I made those into oatmeal recipes!


But as usual, I made sure to study “classic” recipes before I made my recipe. You will find no corn syrup or eggs in this recipe, but you WILL find a (un)healthy dose of maple syrup! Forgive me; it’s not my most nutritious recipe. 🙂 However, if this isn’t something you’re willing to try for breakfast, I think this oatmeal could make an equally appealing dessert! By dessert standards, it’s truly quite healthy!

Blueberry Oat Muffins

I am extraordinarily fond of my Blueberry Muffin Baked Oatmeal recipe. It was my very first baked oatmeal attempt, and it ended up being one of the most popular recipes on my blog. It was actually #1 for several months, until the Salted Brownie came along. 🙂

If that recipe hadn’t turned out as well as it had, I might have been turned off baked oatmeal forever. Instead, it sparked my curiosity. Yes, it was more time-consuming and finicky, but it had its pay-offs. Now, of course, I’m almost as obsessed with baked oatmeal as I am with stove-top.


But I’m getting off-track. I realized today that if I loved that recipe so much, why not convert it to mimic actual blueberry muffins?

Maple-Nut Sauce

I was so thrilled to see the feedback for my Berry-Ginger Sauce! You guys unanimously supported the idea of more topping recipes, which is really exciting for me! It’s often hard to have everything on hand to create a new oatmeal recipe, but new topping recipes are comparatively easy to produce.

This one, for example, is only two ingredients, and it goes beautifully with the French Toast Baked Oatmeal from earlier this week. It would also be delish on Zucchini Bread Baked Oatmeal or Banana / Banana Baked Oatmeal.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

Maple-Nut Sauce

by The Oatmeal Artist
Prep Time: 0 min
Cook Time: 4 min
Ingredients (serves 1)
  • 1 tbsp creamy peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  1. Add both ingredients to the smallest saucepan you have and heat over low-medium heat.
  2. Stir until both ingredients are combined. If a spatula isn’t working for you, try a whisk.
  3. When the sauce begins to bubble, stir continuously as it simmers for another minute or two. Then, remove from heat.
  4. Add to oatmeal (or pancakes!) immediately. It will thicken up quickly (of course, if you want to use this as a “frosting,” you could intentionally let it sit for a while!).
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**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account!  You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!

Elvis Oatmeal

When my roommate told me that NYC was still without power below 26th Street, a few places ran through my head. What did Union Square look like? Was Trader Joe’s all right? Did Beyond Sushi weather the storm?

Elvis Oatmeal - Oatmeal Artist

And what about PEANUT BUTTER AND CO.??!!

If you haven’t heard of Peanut Butter and Co., it’s a tiny little shop on Sullivan St. (off Bleecker St.) that specializes in peanut butter sandwiches. I’m serious: check out their menu. It’s one of my absolutely favorite places in the city. Not only do I love gourmet peanut butter sandwiches, but the staff there is positively delightful, and the decor is retro and fun.


Baked Banana Oatmeal & Variations

If I wanted to, I could create ten billion recipes of just baked oatmeal based on bananas. So many possibilities!


I liked that idea at first:  more posts, right? However, I didn’t want to look like a cheater. Is it fair to share a recipe for baked banana oatmeal, and two days later, post a recipe for baked chai-spiced banana oatmeal?? Nope. So to be fair, I’m going to consolidate it all into one fantastic post packed with fun ideas! (more…)