Tag Archives: nuts

Berry and Fig Oatmeal

For all of my fig lovers out there (and there appears to be a large herd of you), this recipe comes as both a gift and an apology. Although this may rock your world and taste divine, I must share with you that this will be my final fig recipe until next year.Take a deep breath. You will survive this.


I’ve enjoyed working with figs and getting to know them, but fig season is escaping us. Actually, I can’t tell you exactly what months fig season runs, but something tells me figs have a short season. It just seems like one of those fruits.


Fig and Banana Muesli

I know hundreds of people in my own neighborhood live without a roof over their head or food to eat. They can barely afford a loaf of bread, let alone figs. Still, I have to say that not having gas really sucks. Cold showers suck. Not having a functional stove sucks. Not having an oven that heats up sucks.


Luckily, I’ve had dozens of recipes from July to post, but those are running out. I’m eager to “stay ahead” of the posts. I don’t like feeling pressure to slap a post together just for the sake of staying on schedule.  Moreover, I just have to admit that eating overnight oatmeal cold is just not my thing.

Oh yeah, did I mention I don’t have a microwave either?!


Chocolate Hazelnut Oatmeal

When was the first time you experienced Nutella?I had never even heard of it until my freshman year of college when I was taking French 101. A number of my classmates had birthdays within a week or two of each other, so one day, our professor walked into class carrying a stack of crepes and a jar of Nutella. Bon anniversaire, indeed!



Salted Maple, Apple, and Pecan Oatmeal

I hope everyone had an excellent 4th of July. It’s definitely not my favorite holiday, but I had a pleasant camping trip with my parents. Yes, I’m back in the Midwest for a few weeks before starting another school year in Manhattan!

I know many of my readers are from outside the U.S. (hello!), but I hope your July 4th was nice, too. ^_^ If not, I have the perfect recipe to make your week better:


Apples. Pecans. Maple syrup.

And it’s SALTED!

I originally came up with the idea for salted maple and pecan oatmeal, but at the last minute I decided to include apples, and I’m glad that I did. It added an extra sweetness and boost of nutrition.

Allison’s Chocolate Chip Cookies [Guest Post]

As someone who reads a lot of food blogs and watches many cooking shows, I cannot hear the phrase, “the best chocolate chip cookies” without rolling my eyes. Thus, when I met my roommate Allison and she told me she made the best chocolate chip cookies, my eyes nearly rolled all the way to the back of my head. “I’ve been perfecting these cookies since I was in middle school,” she proclaimed confidently, but I still wasn’t convinced.

And then she made them…and I became a believer. These cookies are in full dessert form–not vegan, not sugar-free, not whole wheat–but they contain a few special ingredients that will take the average cookie to the next level. One of these ingredients is oatmeal; that’s probably why I love these chewy little rockstars so much! With a little persuasion (very little, actually), I convinced Allison to share her secret recipe on the blog for all of you.

As Lauren’s roommate, I am happy to report that her oatmeal tastes just as good as it looks. I will be the first to admit that I don’t eat oatmeal everyday—mornings are hard—but when I do, my porridges are almost always Oatmeal Artist recipes made by the Oatmeal Artist herself. What can I say, I’m spoiled!


The following recipe will probably be the first and only time that this blog will feature anything so explicitly unhealthy. Lauren and I have similar philosophies about fresh, unprocessed food, but she has better willpower. Sometimes you just want a cookie, ya know?

These chocolate chip cookies are not your average, run-of-the-mill Chips Ahoy. No, my friends, these cookies took several months of careful calibration and taste testing, many years ago. Since then, I have not looked back, and this has become my go-to recipe whenever I needed to bake something that was both quick to make and interesting to eat.

Grape and Walnut Oatmeal [Guest Post]

There comes a time in every food blogger’s life when they see a recipe on the internetz and think, “Damnit. Why didn’t I think of that?!” This is what happened when I stumbled upon a few recipes on a blog called Cinnamon Soliloquy. I could quickly tell from Stevie’s blog that she was an oatmeal fan and read my blog. The format of her recipes even resembled mine a little bit! Jealous that she had some cool oatmeal ideas that I hadn’t thought of yet, I decided to reach out and ask her to write a guest post for me. (This is my first guest post on the blog; there are more in the works!)


My name is Stevie and I blog over at Cinnamon Soliloquy – but Lauren has very kindly given me the opportunity to include this guest post in her gorgeous blog!

I am currently studying Classics (lots of ancient Greek and Latin) at the University of Exeter, Devon in the UK. I love exercise and try to live a balanced, healthy life – which includes what I eat!


My blog is mainly a way for me to share recipes – the majority of which are oatmeal (or as we call it here in England – porridge!) based. I have eaten oatmeal for as long as I can remember, however for the first 17 years of my life it was the flavoured stuff which came out of a Quaker packet.

Almond Berry Overnight Oatmeal

What’s the general consensus on almond extract? Sometimes, I truly love it. It’s dynamite in my Pear and Almond Baked Oatmeal and killer in Almond Joy Oatmeal. Other times, I can’t help but be a little peeved by it. I mean, it doesn’t actually taste like almonds, in my opinion.

Anyway, the perk of almond extract is that it steals the show, meaning it’s perfect for a “hidden banana” recipe. I make this overnight recipe whenever I’m in the mood for a creamy and fruity porridge, but I’m not in the mood for the taste of bananas. (Lately, I’ve filled this need with my Lemon Drop Oatmeal, but hey, it’s good to have options!)

Oatmeal Recipes for Pecan Lovers!

April 14th (Sunday) is National Pecan Day! I apologize for getting into the food holidays all of a sudden. I’ve always found food holidays to be extremely superfluous and ridiculously silly, yet here I am celebrating two in the same month (earlier this month, I celebrated PB&J day!)

I use pecans frequently to top my oatmeal, especially in Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal or Sweet Potato Pie Oatmeal. However, the following recipes feature pecans as one of the main ingredients, so if you love pecans, try these porridges!

Ohhhhh my goodness! This one is freakishly good! And to think, I
made this on a whim…
The ultimate celebration of pecans. It almost tastes like candy…but without
the gut ache!
That coconut-pecan butter on top is like a FREAKIN’ DREAM.
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account!  You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!

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Pineapple Cashew Oatmeal

You know what I love? Thai food. I actually didn’t eat much international cuisines in my youth (I was a meat-and-potatoes-only kind of girl), so my experiments have all been recent. I didn’t have Thai for the first time until last May. Oddly enough, the first exposure was in the Denver airport! 🙂 I had some sort of rice dish, and I chose the Thai peanut sauce. That moment, I knew I was meant to love Thai, and I went to my first real Thai restaurant shortly after that.


What did I choose for my first real Thai dish? Pineapple fried rice. Oddly enough, I detected a maple-ish taste. I was pretty sure there was no maple syrup involved, but I still decided at that moment that I could replicate the flavors of pineapple fried rice using pineapple, maple syrup, cashews, and raisins in oatmeal.

Berry Chocolate Crunch Oatmeal

Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, taste buds!
For I ne’er tasted true beauty till this week.

Sweetest pepitas…


If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand


I know I’m being incredibly overdramatic, but my confession must capture the scale of my new infatuation. This past weekend (thanks to my mother’s birthday present), I tried pepitas for the first time. I’ve had “roasted pumpkin seeds” before, but they were nothing like “pepitas.” You would think they would be equally wonderful (considering pepitas are pumpkin seeds), but there is definitely a difference, the first being that pepitas are as glorious to this night as is a winged messenger of heaven, and “roasted pumpkin seeds” are just a big pile of “meh.”