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Tag Archives: nut butter
Cocoa Candy Cane PB2
Looking for an ultra easy way to Christmas-ify your favorite oatmeal recipe? This topping needs half of a standard candy cane and can be whipped up in about two minutes!
Gingerbread PB2
You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to post this. But Gingerbread is so distinctly “Christmas” that I forced myself to wait until December to share it. IT’S DECEMBER so here we go.
Kabocha-Pomegranate Steel Cut Oatmeal with Pecans and Tahini
In the past year, I have reserved steel cut oats for savory recipes (it’s like a risotto!), but here I went all sweet. I’m pretty darn pleased with the result, too.
POSTED IN: big batch, nut butter, nuts, pomegranate, steel cut, sweetened by dates, tahini, veggies, winter squash
POSTED IN: big batch, nut butter, nuts, pomegranate, steel cut, sweetened by dates, tahini, veggies, winter squash
Persimmon Cinnamon-Raisin Oatmeal
I had other plans for this week’s recipes, but when I walked into my produce market and spotted the newly stocked persimmon, I scrapped all those ideas immediately.
Persimmon! It’s been so long! Why must you hide for 80 percent of the year?
Matcha, Banana, and Coconut Overnight Oatmeal [Guest Post]
Hi friends. My name is Kelsey, if we haven’t met before. I hang out on Instagram as @amindfulvegan, and today I’m here to share with you a recipe that I posted a photo of on four separate occasions before I realized that I probably needed to cool it.
I’m a little bit embarrassed to be sharing this recipe with you. It features two things that I’ve given my mother an incredible amount of grief for liking: green tea and coconut. I spent 22 holiday seasons complaining about the presence of coconut pie (and one saying “no thank you, that’s got eggs”) and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve turned my nose up at the Diet Arizona green tea in my parents’ fridge. (Seriously though, diet green tea is pretty gross.)
You know what’s also gross? Matcha tea. I had never tried it, so I made some before I wrote this recipe up and that stuff is nasty. It’s grassy and bitter, but not in a good way. My recommendations for eating matcha are the same as the ones Lauren made in a recent post. That’s what a whole banana, and the coconut water, is for–cutting the bitterness. It tones the matcha flavor down to make a pleasant, fresh tasting bowl of oats that I promise isn’t grassy in the slightest. (more…)
Mango Oatmeal with Sriracha PB2
You know what’s extra great about this recipe? It’s a really simple oatmeal topped with a really simple PB2. The oatmeal is oats + mango, and the topping is PB2 + Sriracha. Maravilloso, right?!
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, mango, nut butter, pb2, peanut butter, spicy, toppings, tropical
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, mango, nut butter, pb2, peanut butter, spicy, toppings, tropical
Strawberry Cardamom Oatmeal with Coconut-Cashew Butter
I will not rest until I add cardamom to every single thing I can think of. One day I will have an entire cardamom section of my blog. <3
Cherry Nana Oatmeal with Chocolate Nut Butter
I never expected cherries and bananas to complement each other so well, but they really do. The sweetness from the bananas brings out the flavor of the cherries, and that cherry infusion adds enough wow-factor that no cinnamon is necessary–and I rarely make a banana oatmeal with just fruit and vanilla extract!
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, bananas, cherries, chocolate, nut butter, peanut butter
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, bananas, cherries, chocolate, nut butter, peanut butter
Apple Tahini Green Smoothie
I have wanted to make this apple-tahini recipe for a long time, but as a baked oatmeal. I have been hoarding a couple tablespoons of tahini for a month just to make this, but every time I have the opportunity, I think about summonsing the hellfires of my oven, and I quickly change my mind. I never used to understand when people posted no-bake recipes and referred to “not wanting to turn on your oven,” but I get it now.
Here’s the perfect breakfast for summer mornings if you, like me, don’t have air conditioning.
POSTED IN: apple, greens, honey, no bake, not porridge, nut butter, smoothies, tahini, veggies
POSTED IN: apple, greens, honey, no bake, not porridge, nut butter, smoothies, tahini, veggies
Blueberry Pie Oatmeal Bites
I’ve been craving some more oatmeal bites lately. For nearly a week straight, snack time would approach, and I would wish I had some of these gooey, chewy noms to bite into.
I had dried blueberries leftover from my recent granola recipe, and I knew they’d be perfect for this recipe. After studying some blueberry pie recipes, I added a bit of cinnamon and lemon juice, and voila–blueberry pie. Fabulous flavor. Definitely my favorite “bite” yet!