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Popular Porridges
Tag Archives: maple
French Toast Zoats with Tofu Scramble and Sausage
So I have a pretty amazing recipe for you today…
This porridge is a hodge-podge of everything good about American brunch. (That is, except for mimosas. I wasn’t able to work in a mimosa.)
Maple, Kabocha, and Rosemary Steel Cut Oatmeal
Regular readers already know my passion for this pine-flavored herb. I will combine it with just about anything when it comes to oatmeal: grapes, pineapple, peaches, and even chocolate. Combining it with squash probably makes the most sense out of all these, considering rosemary and squash are both classic fall flavors!
POSTED IN: big batch, herbs, maple, steel cut, sweetened by dates, veggies, winter squash
POSTED IN: big batch, herbs, maple, steel cut, sweetened by dates, veggies, winter squash
Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal with Maple Roasted Sweet Potato and Pear
Remember that vegan passover potluck I was telling you about? And remember that food repurpose recipe I promised you? It’s all coming together now.
Apparently, there’s this traditional Seder dish called Tzimmes. Not going to lie, it’s pretty freaking delicious. One of the potluck attendees made a variation of it from the Veganomicon cookbook that used sweet potatoes, pears, pecans, and raisins (pictured below). I loved it so much that I brought heaps of leftovers home. (The link to the tzimmes recipe includes an explanation of the Jewish history of the dish.) (more…)
POSTED IN: apples, dried fruit, maple, nuts, pears, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash, zucchini
POSTED IN: apples, dried fruit, maple, nuts, pears, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash, zucchini
Maple-Bacon Oatmeal with Figs
Where does one find figs in April? Since trying them back in August, I haven’t been able to get them off my mind.
Answer: Whole Foods.
As the title implies, this oatmeal could be created using a variety of fruits. Maple and “bacon” are the key ingredients of this recipe, but I chose to make mine “with figs.” You could make yours “with apple” or “with plum.” Go for it. Be you. 😉
Maple Sweet Potato Oatmeal
I think I’ve overcome my dislike of maple syrup. I’ve recently realized that it was never maple syrup itself that I loathed, but instead the general experience of eating the classic American pancake breakfast (aka Bisquik). I hate the taste of premixed white flour pancakes, and combined with sweet syrup, I was destined for a post-breakfast bellyache. It’s no wonder I associate pancakes and syrup with misery.
On the other hand, maple syrup and oatmeal has become one of my most beloved ways to start my mornings. Not only does it sweeten an earthy porridge, but it adds an unmatchable flavor that I’ve truly come to appreciate…maybe a little too much. 🙂
Apple and Veggie Sausage Oatmeal
I definitely try to limit my exposure to fake meats, but it’s always fun to experiment with them. My friends know that soyrizo is my absolute favorite, and good ol’ tempeh is a close second. I tend to have those around in my kitchen pretty regularly.
However, occasionally I get super crazy and buy random items…like these sausage links.
Gingerbread Steel-Cut Oatmeal
I’ve made Gingerbread Oatmeal before. You might remember it. It was one of my trials. One of my struggles. One of my white flags.I gave up and just borrowed a recipe from Vegan Yack .
This recipe is mine. Well, I can’t take all the credit, of course. VYA’s recipe did influence me a lot. However, I made sure to include some bananas in my version because I’m stubborn like that. I’m grateful I did because this was one spicy [insert colorful language here]. The banana helped mellow out all those cloves.
Salted Maple, Apple, and Pecan Oatmeal
I hope everyone had an excellent 4th of July. It’s definitely not my favorite holiday, but I had a pleasant camping trip with my parents. Yes, I’m back in the Midwest for a few weeks before starting another school year in Manhattan!
I know many of my readers are from outside the U.S. (hello!), but I hope your July 4th was nice, too. ^_^ If not, I have the perfect recipe to make your week better:
Apples. Pecans. Maple syrup.
And it’s SALTED!
I originally came up with the idea for salted maple and pecan oatmeal, but at the last minute I decided to include apples, and I’m glad that I did. It added an extra sweetness and boost of nutrition.
Apple Spice Oatcakes for One
One of my favorite parts of New York City is its glorious abundance of farmers markets. Access to local and fresh produce ranges from tiny little stands on the street to mega-markets like the Union Square Greenmarket. That’s where I found myself last weekend, just before the vendors started packing up and going home for the day.
Obviously I was smitten by the organic leafy greens and the fresh baked bread, but this market had so much more. There was hard cider. And wine. And vegan pies.
And my favorite: jams, jellies, and other jarred goods. I always seek these out at big farmers markets. I consider myself a collector of artisan fruit spreads. It fits nicely with my PB&J sandwich obsession (not to mention my oatmeal addiction…). Beth’s Farm Kitchen uses local ingredients to make some phenomenal jams, fruit butters, marmalades, chutneys, and pickled veggies. My purchase? No-sugar-added apple butter. And no, that does not mean they used Splenda, and no, that does not mean they sweetened it with “white grape juice concentrate.” It means they took a fruit. Added spices. Cooked it down to a butter. No sweeteners necessary.
. . . So I made pancakes! Now, of course, any apple butter will do. In fact, if you do not have apple butter, you can use applesauce instead, and then spice the pancakes yourself. However, the apple butter creates a convenient recipe because the spices are already included in the product!
As you can see, I made tiny little silver dollar pancakes. How precious are they? I will stick to the silver dollar size from now on. It was much more fun to eat a tower of mini pancakes than a short stack of fat ones. 🙂
Pineapple Cashew Oatmeal
You know what I love? Thai food. I actually didn’t eat much international cuisines in my youth (I was a meat-and-potatoes-only kind of girl), so my experiments have all been recent. I didn’t have Thai for the first time until last May. Oddly enough, the first exposure was in the Denver airport! 🙂 I had some sort of rice dish, and I chose the Thai peanut sauce. That moment, I knew I was meant to love Thai, and I went to my first real Thai restaurant shortly after that.
What did I choose for my first real Thai dish? Pineapple fried rice. Oddly enough, I detected a maple-ish taste. I was pretty sure there was no maple syrup involved, but I still decided at that moment that I could replicate the flavors of pineapple fried rice using pineapple, maple syrup, cashews, and raisins in oatmeal.