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Tag Archives: mango
Mango Oatmeal with Sriracha PB2
You know what’s extra great about this recipe? It’s a really simple oatmeal topped with a really simple PB2. The oatmeal is oats + mango, and the topping is PB2 + Sriracha. Maravilloso, right?!
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, mango, nut butter, pb2, peanut butter, spicy, toppings, tropical
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, mango, nut butter, pb2, peanut butter, spicy, toppings, tropical
Mango Basil Oatmeal
I love basil and I love mango. Don’t mind me; I’ll just be over here adding basil to every type of fruit you can think of.
Mango-Papaya Oatmeal with Dragon Fruit
I thought I had cured Papaya Anxiety™️ with my Piña Papaya Oatmeal, but it turns out I was just getting started. Best. Papaya. Recipe. Yet. This combination of three tropical fruits is stellar. Mango is a winner, always. Papaya plays off the mango beautifully. Dragon fruit adds an unobtrusive sweetness that merely enhances the mango.
Mango-Kiwi Oatmeal with Strawberry-Kiwi-Coconut Relish
Okay, I’m relish-obsessed. I definitely go through phases with my food. There was 2012’s baked oatmeal phase. 2013’s overnight oats phase. 2014’s breakfast cobbler phase. 2015’s zucchini phase and flavored PB2 phase. Apparently, this is my relish phase.
Mango Tahini Oatmeal
Mango. ?
I adore mango, especially when I can find a way to temper the sweetness a bit. What calms sweetness better than a swirl of tahini?
Mango Cayenne Oat Smoothie
I love kombucha so much. I used to feel pressure to limit my kombucha intake (due to the fact that the good bottles cost like $5 each), but now that I make it at home, I can have one nearly every day!
One of my favorite flavor creations was mango + cayenne, which came about because I had some incredibly tough dried mango that I no longer wanted to snack on. As an expirement, I cut them into thin strips and tucked them into bottles of a fresh batch of kombucha. Sure enough, two days later (carbonating time!), my kombucha was delightfully mango-flavored, and I had found the perfect way not to waste that jaw-ripping mango.
Looking up various ways to elevate that flavor, I decided to try cayenne. It was an obvious choice, considering my favorite storebought kombucha is Health-Ade’s Cayenne Cleanse. I love spicyspicyspicy. <3 (more…)
Banana, Mango, & Cardamom Oatmeal
If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been missing a former lover of mine. A couple former lovers, actually.
Peanut butter. And cocoa powder. 🙁
I finished my PB2 and cocoa powder before the move to Brooklyn, and at my new apartment, I decided not to buy more. Why? (more…)
Mango Persimmon Oatmeal
Bliss. If I could sum up my experience of the last two weeks, it has been bliss. My world has felt out of control for three or four years now, ever since I strapped on the weight of teaching on my shoulders. To every teacher out there that is in the trenches and powering through, I praise you. You have more strength than I do.
Or . . . more likely, the intense extroversion required to be an effective teacher wore my introverted heart out. Either way, I feel free. Weightless. (more…)