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Tag Archives: jams and jellies
Fudgy PB&J Oatmeal
You can probably imagine how this recipe was born.
Yep: I wanted chocolate oatmeal, but I also wanted PB&J oatmeal.
POSTED IN: bananas, berries, jams and jellies, nut butter, peanut butter, sweet potato, veggies
POSTED IN: bananas, berries, jams and jellies, nut butter, peanut butter, sweet potato, veggies
Citrus Butternut Squash Oatmeal with Orange Marmalade
I love combining citrus with hearty produce like sweet potato or winter squash. It adds so much brightness, making porridges like this acceptable year-round, not just in November.
Apricot PB&J Oatmeal (& Basic Apricot Oatmeal)
Is there any fruit I won’t combine with PB&J? The answer is no. I will not rest until every fruit has been PB&J-ified.
Once upon a time, I scowled at apricots. “They are a bad version of peaches,” I said. I stand by my claim that they are inferior to peaches (which are my favorite fruit), but I no longer hate them. This came about after eating dried apricots multiple times a week for my morning snack and added diced apricot to my beloved kale salads. (more…)
Applesauce Ancient Grains Oatmeal with Almond Butter and Cherry Jam
After falling in love with Purely Elizabeth’s 6-Grain Ancient Grain Cereal, I decided to work with it again, this time with two special ingredients. 1) almond butter, which costs an arm and a leg, and 2) cherry jam, which my friend bought me from Italy. 🙂
The title says applesauce, but you could also use stewed apples, grated apples, or diced apples–whatever floats your yacht. (more…)
Lemon Baked Oatmeal with Raspberry Filling
As I announced on Wednesday’s guest post, Monica from and I are currently engaging in a recipe swap as we embark on our individual summer traveling. Make sure you check out those Four-Ingredient Fudgy Oat Bars! They’re no-bake!
For my contribution to our recipe swap, I made this baked oatmeal inspired by layer cakes. The baked oatmeal is lemon-flavored, and it’s brought together in the center by sweet and simple raspberry jam. As always, this recipe is vegan, sweetened by fruit (except for the jam), and uses simple pantry ingredients. (more…)
Banana PB and J Oatcakes
File this one under “things I should have made two years ago.”
I knew I wanted to make oatcakes for my last recipe of 2014, but I wasn’t sure which one. I have plenty of ideas for oatcake recipes, but none of them could be made at my parents’ house (missing some ingredients). Plus, I wanted banana. And peanut butter.
I actually had to go back and check my recipe list to make sure that I had never made this before. Seriously, how did I not make this earlier?
POSTED IN: bananas, jams and jellies, not porridge, pancakes and waffles, PB and J, peanut butter, toppings
POSTED IN: bananas, jams and jellies, not porridge, pancakes and waffles, PB and J, peanut butter, toppings
Banana PB&J Oatmeal
Well, this is awkward. Did you know this is the recipe I make more than any others? The other day, I was gearing up to make it (like always), and then I remembered that I didn’t have any attractive pictures of it. I decided that I would change that. I snapped the pictures, edited them, and searched for the blog post to change them.
The thing is, that post didn’t really exist. For its entire life, Banana PB&J Oatmeal has lived simply on a list of variations of Peanut Butter Oatmeal. How could I have subjected it to such a life?!
Instead of adding the pictures to that post, I decided to call it up on stage and give it the spotlight it deserves. This way, I will be able to link to the recipe every time I talk about it. Yippee!
Banana PB&J Oatmeal
What you'll need:
- 1 cup milk of choice, or water
- 1/2 cup rolled oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
- 1 ripe or overripe banana
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- pinch of salt
- 1-2 tbsp of peanut butter*
- 1 tbsp jam*
How to make it:
- Bring milk (I use an equal mixture of almond milk and water) to a boil, add oats, and reduce heat to medium. (If you’d like to add flax or chia seeds, do so now. I recommend flax.)
- Mash up banana and add to the oatmeal. Stir.
- Once more of the liquid has dissolved, add vanilla extract, a tiny pinch of salt, and cinnamon. Stir.
- When you’re pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, transfer to a bowl. Swirl or stir in jam (I like to leave in globs or strips of jam instead of stirring it in completely). Top with peanut butter.
- Add another splash of your milk of choice and any other additional toppings (shredded coconut, nuts, etc.).
Just an FYI:
*I often use PB2. *I prefer grape, but any flavor will work.
#FarmFreshOatmeal Giveaway!
It’s happening slowly, but more and more of you are joining me in eating #FarmFreshOatmeal!
In case you missed it, I’m challenging my readers to buy something–anything–from their local farmers’ market (or from their own garden) and use it in their morning oats!
Now, the response to this was slow, and I expected that. I am not even slightly discouraged. That slow response is, in fact, the whole reason why I feel this challenge is necessary. We are not utilizing these markets enough. We are relying too heavily on corporations and cookie-cutter supermarkets.
Last weekend, I was at the Union Square Green Market to buy produce for the recipe I intended to make that evening: ratatouille. I purchased locally-grown eggplant, two tomatoes, leeks, a bell pepper, a banana pepper, two zucchinis FOR UNDER TEN DOLLARS. That would have cost me double at Whole Foods.
Here are some more ways that my readers are enjoying #FarmFreshOatmeal!
Now, as promised in the title of this post, I am hosting a giveaway!
What do you win?
I have mentioned Beth’s Farm Kitchen numerous times on the blog. This little jam company has a booth at the Union Square Green Market and sells jams, syrups, preserves, pickles, condiments, chutneys, and more. I adore them. The winner of the giveaway will win:
- 1 16 oz. jar of Beth’s Farm Kitchen Chunky Applesauce
This can be used to make my Applesauce Oatmeal (or the overnight version).
- 1 8 oz. jar of Beth’s Farm Kitchen Sour Cherry Jam
Use it to make Black Forest PB&J Oatmeal! [This is not the same cherry jam I used in my recipes that feature cherry jam, but it will be from now on. The “sour cherry” feature is much more flavorful and reminiscent of actual cherries. I find that most cherry jams just taste like fruity sugar. ;)]
How do you win?
Complete the challenge by uploading your oatmeal picture to Instagram, specifying what came from the farmers’ market (or a garden), and including the hashtag #FarmFreshOatmeal. The 50th post (with the #FarmFreshOatmeal hashtag) will win both items.
Yep. 50. That’s a lot to ask for, but I never settle. My cutoff date is September 12th. What will happen if we don’t reach 50 by September 12th? They become official property of the Oatmeal Artist kitchen. Mwahahaha. ^_^
Happy shopping. 🙂 Go, go, go! Time is of the essence!
“The Fine Print”
1. This is open to EVERYONE, including international readers.
2. This contest is on Instagram only. Entries on Twitter and Facebook (although appreciated) will not be included in the contest. Sorry!
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Grape and Orange Marmalade Oatmeal
I must share a story with you.
This is my last day of school as a first-year teacher. On one of the days earlier this week, a student (whom I love, of course) brought goodies for the teachers. My colleague came into our workroom holding a bag of cookies and encouraged me to check out my mailbox because the student had left treats for each of us, along with personalized drawings for gift tags. Like every time a student brings gifts, I felt the same mixed feelings: flattered, but disappointed. Nine times out of ten, I end up giving away the non-vegan food item to a coworker (but appreciate the thought nevertheless).
I hustled to my mailbox anyway, eager to see the drawing this student left me. What did I find?
Getting Fit #5 + Orange Marmalade and Almond Oatmeal
For the first time in several weeks, I have a recipe to share with you on a Saturday! Woohoo!
But first, let’s check in with Crystal.
This is the fourth segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram,@crystalchilcott.
TOA: Hi Crystal! How is your summer going?
Crystal: Hi Lauren! It finally feels like summer here in Colorado. I unfortunately sustained a concussion on Saturday so I haven’t been able to skate, but I’ve enjoyed having time to read a copious amount! How are you?
TOA: I’m okay. I’ve been feeling chronically fatigued lately; I experienced the same thing around this time last year. It seems like no matter what time I go to bed, I wake up exhausted. It makes staying active difficult!
Crystal: Does exercise give you an energy boost?
TOA: Not particularly. On weekends and Mondays, kind of. Once I get further into the week, I just trudge through my routine and feel dead from beginning to end.
Crystal: Hmm, do you think a change in routine might help?
TOA: Maybe. What are you thinking?
Crystal: Perhaps you could try doing strength before running to change it up a bit or doing intervals. If you did intervals you would lightly jog for a minute and then sprint for thirty seconds. Sometimes that makes my cardio a bit more interesting.
TOA: Hmm that could work. I like how it’s less monotonous than just plain long-distance jogging. However, I’m pleased to report that I’ve completed a 2.6 mile run a few times since we talked last!
Crystal: That’s great! It is awesome that you’re making progress even when you’re not feeling your best energy-wise. Would you be willing to try the intervals at least once next week to see how you like them?
TOA: Definitely. Besides that, should I follow the same routine?
Crystal: Is your strength routine still challenging but not impossible?
TOA: That’s the perfect way to describe it. Usually during the second set, I feel like there’s no way I’ll be able to complete all three, but then I can do it and it doesn’t kill me—ha!
Crystal: Great! I see no reason to change it then.
TOA: Thanks! Say, I have a question for you. When you’re doing hardcore training, what do you eat for breakfast?
Crystal:I almost always have oatmeal and matcha green tea, sometimes together! I almost never repeat bowls of oatmeal and either use one of your recipes or top it with whatever fruits, nuts, or nut butters I have on hand.
TOA: Do you eat before working out, or after?
Crystal: Always before. If I don’t eat beforehand I don’t think I could make it through a workout or skating session!
TOA: I’m the same way! However, I know many people that wait until after working out because they complain it makes them sick to eat before. That’s crazy to me! I’m ravenous in the morning. Similar to me, you’re a vegetarian. Do you use any “protein shakes” or anything of that nature?
Crystal: I don’t understand breakfast-skippers either! I’m a believer in getting all my nutrients through whole foods and using as little supplements as possible. On exceptionally hard workout days or on days when I feel I need more protein, I sometimes use SunWarrior protein and add it to a smoothie in my NutriBullet. I like that brand because it is from all plant-based sources and has none of the sketchy additives like most protein powders. I also sometimes eat Luna protein bars or Lara Alt bars.
TOA: YAY! I agree. I see no reason to buy protein powders myself. That’s what peanut butter is for.
Crystal: Oh, yes, peanut butter is definitely my favorite protein source! It is much more fun to eat peanut butter than drink an unappealing, chemical-ridden, pre-packaged protein shake!
TOA: I agree! Do you eat any differently on days that you work out vs. days that you don’t? (Or do you work out every day, haha?)
Crystal: Sunday is my only off day. I’m hungrier on days that I work out so I usually have an extra snack. I like to eat smaller meals five to six times a day, balanced with protein, grains, and fruits and veggies. I find I have the most energy this way whether I work out or not.
Like Crystal, I can handle eating breakfast before a workout. Often, I will eat something somewhat lighter, go for a run, and then come home for round two…because two breakfasts are better than one.
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, almond, citrus, fitness, hidden banana, jams and jellies
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, almond, citrus, fitness, hidden banana, jams and jellies