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Tag Archives: herbs
Plum Pineapple Rosemary Breakfast Cobbler
Let me tell you the history of Lauren and rosemary.
Herbs are not used in traditional Midwestern cuisine. Most dishes consist of copious amounts of Campbell’s Cream of Chicken and a solid pinch of salt. I didn’t have any concept of fresh herbs until my mom started growing her own chives and putting them on roasted sliced potatoes. (more…)
Blackberry Thyme Oatmeal
Remember less than a week ago when I said that my rosemary plant was the only one still thriving?
Joke’s on me! It’s dead now.
Shortly after making the Grape Rosemary Oatmeal (which was delicious!), my rosemary plant went from green and robust to brown and brittle. I don’t even know…
Grape Rosemary Oatmeal
Ugh, you guys… I suck so much at taking care of herbs.
I bought four different herbs from the farmers’ market: basil, cilantro, thyme, and rosemary. The basil looked beautiful for nearly two weeks, and then it turned a sad yellow color. The thyme turned brittle after a few days. The tall bush of cilantro collapsed into a yellow pile within hours. All three of them never fully recovered. I believe the basil and thyme improve a little bit every day, but the cilantro had to be removed from the pot and tossed. The only plant that still looks functional is the rosemary.
Sweet Corn, Blueberry, and Basil Oatmeal
The best part about Manhattan can be summed up in one word: access. In this city, you can basically track down anything..with relatively little effort (as long as you’ve mastered the public transportation piece). Certainly, I could access most things from Brooklyn, but it was always such a drag. I used to make excuses about how inconvenient or tedious it would be, and I would just stay home. In my new location, it’s so easy!Farmer’s market. No excuses.
What is it about farmer’s markets that is so incredible?! Maybe it’s because there are so many unique items (love the habanero jam I bought from Beth’s Family Kitchen). Maybe it’s because there are free samples. Maybe it’s because everything is so stinkin’ fresh. :
Blueberry Lime Basil Oatmeal
I was with a friend last weekend who asked me, “If they came up with a synthetic food–like a shake–that was proven to be safe and contained all the necessary nutrients for survival, would you eat it?”
Of course, I repeatedly argued that it couldn’t possibly be better or even on par with REAL food, which we were designed to eat and gain our nutrients from. Still, he responded each time, “But what if it were proven? Just pretend. Would you eat it?”
Finally, I said, “I think it would be great for feeding populations who are malnourished or food insecure, but I am neither of those things. I enjoy the process of chopping vegetables and cooking recipes and creating nourishing meals on my own. I feel spiritually fulfilled by it.”
That’s how I feel when I make recipes like this one. Whenever I make oatmeal with herbs, I feel so gourmet and fancy. Each of the three main flavors in this recipe blend together so beautifully. Once combined, they each become subtle and complement each other with perfect harmony.
Lemon, Thyme, and Honey Oatmeal
The more I experiment with savory oatmeal, the more I accept that I prefer recipes that are “half savory.” The Greek Oatmeal and Pizza Porridge recipes are both great…but I’d much rather have the sweet, velvety texture of Butternut Squash Oatmeal or the perfect flavor pairing of Sweet Potato and Soyrizo Oatmeal.
I suppose that’s why I’ve somewhat recently been inspired by dessert recipes that feature herbs, like this sorbet recipe. It allows me to combine my love of fruity oatmeal with flavors that are associated with more savory dishes.
Pineapple Jalapeno Oatmeal
I have discovered an imperfection in Trader Joe’s. It has taken me a year, but I finally found it. Trader Joe’s does not sell individual jalapeño peppers. If you wish to purchase one, you must buy a container of them that holds SEVEN PEPPERS.
Because who doesn’t need seven jalapeño peppers at one time?!
Feeling clever, I purchased one of their “guacamole kits” instead. It contains ONE jalapeño, two avocados, some garlic, a lime, and two tomatoes. I can use the avocados without a sweat, and I can easily find an excuse to use a lime. The garlic will remain usable for weeks and will definitely serve its purpose eventually. The tomatoes, however, will be a struggle. I might try and make tomato sauce or something (I have garlic, after all!).
Strawberry Basil Oatmeal
When I think about fresh herbs, I reflect on just how far my food journey has taken me. Until a couple years ago, I had never really experienced fresh herbs before. “Flavor” to me used to mean dumping sugar on top of my Frosted Flakes.* The idea of using fresh dill to season potatoes or a sprig of thyme to add zest to a homemade soup was absolutely foreign to me. I think the first time I experienced fresh herbs (that I can actually recall) was the summer that my mom grew chives out on our backyard deck, just a few years ago.
* In my mother’s defense, I did this behind her back; she did not approve. 🙂
Fast forward a couple years… I find using fresh herbs to be terribly inconvenient, but I still make the effort now and then. I despise how recipes always call for a minuscule amount, but stores sell them in rather large packages. Not helpful! Thus, I typically only buy them if it’s either an important recipe or it’s something that requires a hefty amount of herbs!
Savory Greek Oatmeal
[This post was updated on Jan. 3, 2016.]
I’ve said it once (or twice) and I’ll say it again: I’ll take my oats sweet, thank you. Still, I’m eager to keep experimenting with savory oatmeal, and I’m especially eager to bring you new, exciting recipes!
As much as I would love to say Greek food is my favorite, I have to admit that my definition of Greek food is embarrassingly shallow. I love Greek salad, and basically any menu item that claims to be “Greek” due to the inclusion of black olives and feta. I even used to think falafel was Greek, but I’ve since learned better (ahem, it’s Middle Eastern. whatever . . .). (more…)
Grapefruit Mint Oatmeal
Happy fifth day of Christmas! 🙂 Oddly enough, this recipe feels a little more summery than a typical December post, but the weather here has been unseasonably warm, so it seems fitting. I even wore a skirt yesterday! What’s the weather like in your area?
This oatmeal reminded me of a grapefruit mojito I had back in August. In all honesty, anything with fresh mint is delightful, and anything with grapefruit is magical, so the combination is perfect. This is actually a really simple recipe that you can throw together with less than five ingredients; however, I’d also recommend adding nondairy yogurt. That gives it the wonderfully creamy texture that most porridges offer.
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POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, citrus, cocktail lovers, grapefruit, herbs, mint, tropical, yogurt
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, citrus, cocktail lovers, grapefruit, herbs, mint, tropical, yogurt