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Dark Chocolate Espresso Brownie Baked Oatmeal with a Shortbread Crust [Guest Post]
It’s that time of the week again! Here’s another contest winner from the brownie baked oatmeal contest. This one sounds complex, but if you read the instructions, Lyndsey has actually made this a quick and easy process! Enjoy.
Hello! Shoutout to Lauren for giving me another opportunity to post on her wonderful blog. I’m always so excited to try out her new recipes, and it’s fun to be able to share one of my personal creations with all of you.
I started drinking coffee a couple of years ago to mask the flavor of my required nutrition supplements due to my health issues (you can read more about that here). Now, I enjoy a cup of warm, black coffee every morning as a way to start my day off right.
My love of black coffee is reflective of my taste for bitter flavors. Thus, I also have an obsession with dark chocolate. I add Hershey’s Dark Cocoa to my oatmeal almost every day, which I love as a healthy “indulgence.” (more…)
POSTED IN: chocolate, coffee, cookie lovers, dessert lovers, guest post, veggies, zucchini
POSTED IN: chocolate, coffee, cookie lovers, dessert lovers, guest post, veggies, zucchini
Peanut Butter Cheesecake Swirled Brownie Baked Oatmeal [Guest Post]
This is the second recipe winner from my Brownie Baked Oatmeal contest! How beautiful are these photos? ? Enjoy!
First of all, let me thank Lauren. Two years ago I had an oat packet in the pantry and I didn’t know how to use it. In Italy most of the people think that oats are to be eaten as they are, but I found them as flavourful as paper. ?
I started to search on Google if I could find something more interesting (and healthy than granola packed with sugar ?). I discovered oatmeal, and immediately fell in love with Lauren’s blog! It was full of ideas and my breakfast was never the same! (more…)
POSTED IN: baked oatmeal, chocolate, dessert lovers, guest post, nut butter, nuts, peanut butter, veggies, yogurt, zucchini
POSTED IN: baked oatmeal, chocolate, dessert lovers, guest post, nut butter, nuts, peanut butter, veggies, yogurt, zucchini
Cherry Chili Brownie Baked Oatmeal [Guest Post]
This is recipe #1 from the brownie baked oatmeal contest!!! This winning submission comes to us courtesy of Katarzyna.
My Cherry Chili Brownie Baked Oatmeal was inspired by chocolate my Mom gave me. It was cherry & chili dark chocolate and I absolutely loved it. The only thing it was lacking was . . . the chili flavor. (more…)
POSTED IN: baked oatmeal, bananas, cherries, chocolate, dessert lovers, guest post, hidden banana, spicy
POSTED IN: baked oatmeal, bananas, cherries, chocolate, dessert lovers, guest post, hidden banana, spicy
Spiced Parsnip Oatmeal [Guest Post]

Hi there!
My name is Kelsey Goodin you might recognize me as @fortheloveof_pb on Instagram, or from my guest post back in September. I’m back today to bring you a warm, spicy bowl of oats that stars a special ingredient: parsnips! (more…)
Topping: Quest Bars! [Guest Post]
The first time I saw Kia use Quest Bars atop her oatmeal on Instagram, I immediately wanted to try it myself. Unfortunately, I quickly learned that they contain milk, so I would have to settle for just enjoying them vicariously through Kia. Still, I wanted to share with you the creative way that Kia is using them in case some of you would like to try it!
The world of oatmeal is truly delightful, a food that can have various flavours and combinations that satisfy any hungry mouth. I love my oatmeal and many multiple flavours but to take my oatmeal to the next level, I needed to add topping. My staple toppings are banana, more fruit, and nut butter!! However, as I am an athlete, I needed some extra and also to take my oatmeal to a tasty extreme. To do this I added a Quest Nutrition Quest Bar to my bowl of oatmeal . . . Words can’t describe how my tastebuds felt. The delicious protein bar combines so well with the oats, slightly melting into a gooey deliciousness.
My three favourite Quest Bar flavours are Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough , Cookies and Cream and either White Chocolate Raspberry or Double Chocolate Chunk. I just love those beautiful chocolate chunks !! (more…)
Jalapeno Popper Savory Oatmeal [Guest Post]
This recipe is the final of three savory recipes that won the Savory Oatmeal Contest. In case you missed them, here are Sarah’s Curried Pumpkin Basil Oatmeal and Lyndsey’s BBQ Sweet Potato Oatmeal.
My name is Joz Lee. Short story: When I got married, I did not know how to cook. My husband was a good cook and I learned from him. Then we traveled to different states and countries; wherever we traveled, I was involved in learning and participating in the FOOD. Then I had a chance to take a nutrition course and got certified. After that I fell in love with food. I find a new recipe and I follow it to a ‘T,’ and then I improvise, change, and often don’t measure out the ingredients! It almost always comes out perfectly.
Savory BBQ Sweet Potato Oatmeal
This recipe is the second of three savory recipes that won the Savory Oatmeal Contest. In case you missed it, here is Sarah’s Curried Pumpkin Basil Oatmeal.
Hello, everyone! I am so excited that I was invited to share this delicious fall recipe with you. My name is Lyndsey, and I am sixteen years old. My hobbies include musical theatre, running, watching Grey’s Anatomy, and cooking up tasty recipes. I have a passion for nutrition and fitness, and aspire to become an endocrinologist in the future. For more background on me, and my obsession with all things oatmeal, you can read my post from when I was the Oatmeal Enthusiast in April 2014.
I love the fall. Digging out my boots from the back of my closet and seeing the pumpkin spice recipes gradually appear on my Pinterest feed fills me with an immense amount of glee. My favorite fall flavor would have to be the stereotypical pumpkin, which is closely followed by apple spice. However, when I am craving something a bit fancier than pumpkin, a tasty sweet potato is the perfect substitution.
For my entire life, I have never, EVER enjoyed ketchup. I much prefer the slightly sweet and spicy taste of barbecue sauce, which pairs great with homemade baked sweet potato fries 🙂 The other day, I was brainstorming a new savory oatmeal recipe. I knew I wanted to use up a sweet potato I had on hand, and I was having a major craving for barbecue sauce. So this recipe was born! It contains a creamy sweet potato and barbecue sauce base, and is topped with some more barbecue and some green onions. For some spice, an optional pinch of cayenne pepper is delicious! (more…)
Oatmeal Enthusiasts: Meet Charlotte A.!
Most of my Enthusiasts are found through the #oatmealartist tag on Instagram or the Oatmeal Artist Facebook page. However, Charlotte was a friend of mine before TOA. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly, she even helped me name it! After posting several oatmeal recipes on my first blog, I told her that I thought I had “found my calling.” She agreed. I then threw out a million possibilities for new blog names, and she helped me narrow them down. So yeah, we go back. Anyway, recently Charlotte’s been telling me about all the oatmeal she has been eating, and I immediately began begging her to be my Enthusiast. 🙂
Hello! My name is Charlotte, and I love oatmeal. I first met Lauren online about 10 years ago because we were both massive fans of Sasha Cohen, and over the next 10 years we discovered many other common interests, the biggest of which is that we both have careers involved in education, and both absolutely love food – oatmeal in particular. I remember the earliest days of Lauren’s blogging, before she created The Oatmeal Artist, and I remember the early days of The Oatmeal Artist as well. Watching it become a huge success has been a lot of fun, and I am so incredibly proud of her!
I can’t remember the first time I tried one of her recipes, but I know it was when she was still writing that earlier blog, and I remember being amazed by her ingenuity. As she transitioned over to The Oatmeal Artist, I began trying her ever-increasing variety of recipes on and off throughout the years. I started telling all my college friends to look up The Oatmeal Artist and try her recipes whenever they were lamenting their inability to make decent breakfast food. I remember that many of them would laugh, and then come back a few days later to tell me how utterly amazed they were that you could do so many things with oatmeal!
For the last two school years, I had an incredibly stressful job that left me feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and angry all the time. I gained 20 lbs while I worked there. At the end of June, I left, and in August started a new job doing what I love most – teaching choir to middle schoolers. I’m much happier now, and when I started the job on August 3rd I also started a new diet and exercise plan to get rid of all the excess weight (and hopefully go even further!). Whenever I start over again on my on-and-off health crusade I always go back to oatmeal, because it works. A bowl of oatmeal in the morning is not only healthy and filling, but incredibly delicious. I never feel like I’m missing out when I eat oatmeal, and I’ve always felt that that has to be the key to make life changes that actually stick.
Lauren’s always been very supportive of my attempts to be a better me, and I’m endlessly grateful for that. Below are the bowls I made during this week. You’ll notice that I’m not very innovative, or fancy. They all look very similar. I mostly just really like nut butters and berries. When I taught in China for a year, the only American food I could consistently find was peanut butter, so I always had a jar on the counter for bouts of homesickness. I never really realize how much I loved peanut butter until it became my American touchstone.
Monday – Triple-Almond Oatmeal
I eat this a lot. It’s simple and it works. Almond milk, almond butter, and slivered almonds with some maple syrup (my sweet tooth is much larger than Lauren’s and I’ve never been able to totally skip sweeteners the way she can), salt, vanilla, and lots of cinnamon! I absolutely adore cinnamon and add much larger quantities of it than is normally listed in recipes on TOA. Also, you’ll notice a cup of tea in all of these, somewhere in the background. Earl Grey is my favorite thing forever. (more…)
Curried Pumpkin Basil Oats [Guest Post]
This recipe is the first of three savory recipes that won the Savory Oatmeal Contest.
My name is Sarah, and I must tell you right away that oatmeal is my favorite food. It is just so affordable and wholesome and versatile! I can literally eat it for any meal of the day. I discovered The Oatmeal Artist blog over a year ago and I check it multiple times per week. Though I do not always have the more “exotic” ingredients Lauren lists in her recipes, reading her blog expands my repertoire of oatmeal ideas. I also like just seeing how pretty oatmeal can be! I share my excitement about the blog and its contents regularly with friends and coworkers, and now I am excited to share my own recipe on the blog. (Thanks for the opportunity, Lauren!) I developed this recipe using simple ingredients in my kitchen, but it’s oh, so good!
Saturday morning came, and it was time to craft my bowl of oatmeal. I had leftover pumpkin sitting on the kitchen counter, bananas frozen in the freezer, and assorted vegetables in the fridge. What did I want to make? Brownie batter oatmeal? No, too sweet. Pumpkin banana oatmeal? Still too sweet. Pumpkin peanut butter? No. Curried vegetable? No, too much like the Indian food a friend and I planned to try at a new restaurant later that day. I wanted to use that pumpkin, though. It called to me. (more…)
Call for Submissions! Savory Oatmeal Contest
At the request of a reader (I searched the comments but could not find who said it–sorry!!), I am holding a guest post contest for savory oatmeal recipes! While I enjoy savory oatmeal and have a long list of ideas for them, I rarely have the motivation to actually make them, so I’m pawning off my duties to YOU! (I’m not too proud to admit my laziness. ^_^ )
What are the rules for the contest recipes?
- It must be a savory recipe and use oats–not other grains.
- The recipe does not have to be vegan, but preference will be given to vegan or vegan-friendly recipes.
- It must be inherently savory (e.g. herbed pumpkin & leek oatmeal), NOT a sweet-salty blend (e.g. salted plum oatmeal).
- The recipe can be a single serving or a big batch. It can be steel-cut or quick. It can be baked or stovetop. Please no pancake, muffin, or baked goods recipes.
- I recommend looking through my savory recipes to avoid pitching an idea for something I’ve already done.