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Tag Archives: ginger
Citrusy ‘Nana Ginger Oatmeal
I love fresh ginger. I love to drink it and I love to cook with it. I like the powerful scent that fills the room when you juice ginger, and I love the surprising zest it adds in a savory dish.
I’ve often looked into ways to add ginger to oatmeal, but in the past, I’ve never been satisfied with it. This recipe changed that.
Gingerbread PB2
You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to post this. But Gingerbread is so distinctly “Christmas” that I forced myself to wait until December to share it. IT’S DECEMBER so here we go.
Gingerbread Cream Cheese Baked Oatmeal
It’s December! That means it’s time to start rolling out the Christmas-inspired recipes. Yippee!
Gingerbread cookies are interesting. What really is the difference between gingerbread cookies and ginger molasses cookies? Can anyone answer this for me? They taste the same to me. Is it just the fact that gingerbread cookies are flat and snappy, while ginger molasses cookies tend to be puffier and softer? Yes? No? Maybe? And where do gingersnaps fit in this category? They all taste the same, am I right?!
Anyway, I feel like “gingersnaps” and “ginger molasses” cookies are enjoyed year round, but gingerbread cookies (particularly gingerbread man cookies) are specifically associated with the holiday season. I think it has to do with the hearty earthiness of the gingerbread flavor. We seem to like those flavors more during the winter months than the summer months.
Am I crazy? Does all of this sound made up? I just don’t know.
Plum Lemon Ginger Oatmeal
I never liked ginger that much until I had it in my green juice (kale + cucumber + lemon + ginger). After experiencing it in its fresh form, I was massively disappointed when I started using ground ginger in my oatmeal and other meals at home. It just didn’t have the same effect. It wasn’t that I had “learned” to love ginger; it was that I simply preferred it fresh, not dried and ground.
When I found this ginger juice at a small grocery store in Williamsburg, I knew it was what I needed. It’s like having access to fresh ginger at a moment’s notice. I don’t like buying actual ginger (or fresh herbs) because it’s always way more than I need, and I either have to frantically stuff it in everything, or watch it rot in my fridge. 🙁 This little bottle was perfect.
Five Recipes for National Gingerbread Day!
Happy National Gingerbread Day!
You know what’s odd? Celebrating gingerbread in June. I don’t know about you, but I associate it with winter and Christmas. This seems like some sort of bizarre conspiracy.
Nevertheless, I was delighted to see that I actually do have several gingerbread recipes to share on this occasion, so without further ado, here are five gingerbread recipes to celebrate this (strangely scheduled) holiday!
Have you tried any of these yet? Which is your favorite?
When it comes to gingerbread recipes, this one is hands down my
favorite. The gingerbread flavors are a little toned down, so the sweet potato
flavor is present, and the two complement each other beautifully.
favorite. The gingerbread flavors are a little toned down, so the sweet potato
flavor is present, and the two complement each other beautifully.
If you think gingerbread is too “spicy” for you, this is a pleasant way to mellow it
out. The sweet white chocolate chips add a surprising twist that makes the ginger
calm the eff down!
out. The sweet white chocolate chips add a surprising twist that makes the ginger
calm the eff down!
Dear, Starbucks: we don’t need you. We can enjoy gingerbread lattes
year-round, sans five pumps of artificial sweetener. But thanks anyway!
year-round, sans five pumps of artificial sweetener. But thanks anyway!
If you’re not looking for any twists and surprises, this recipe
celebrates gingerbread in its classic form. It also serves four, is sweetened
naturally, and involves chewy and filling STEEL CUT oats!
celebrates gingerbread in its classic form. It also serves four, is sweetened
naturally, and involves chewy and filling STEEL CUT oats!
Looking for something a little more out of the box? Skip the porridge
and take out your muffin tin. These are excellent for packing in lunches, road
trip snacks, or a to-go breakfast.
and take out your muffin tin. These are excellent for packing in lunches, road
trip snacks, or a to-go breakfast.
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Apple Beet Oatmeal
One of my favorite parts of meeting new people is how they influence my food preferences. Before I met my former roommate Christin, I never sauteed my vegetables (I always steamed or roasted). Before my current roommate Chilee, I avoided mushrooms at all costs. And of course, there was my former boyfriend from my junior year of college, who inadvertently converted me to a vegetarian (and eventually fully herbie).
Then, there’s Allison. She’s taught me you can never use enough cinnamon. She showed me (before going vegan) that “runny eggs” are nothing to be feared. She introduced me to dozens of foods I had ever tried before, like goat cheese and Indian food and RAMEN (the real stuff). Last but not least, with months of effort, she trained me to appreciate her favorite vegetable: beets.
I tried them once. I tried them twice. I tried them several times. Each time, I found them tolerable at best, but why did they taste like dirt? Why were they always cold and gelatinous?
But then this recipe happened. I had thought of the concept ages ago, but making it would force me to confront my wariness of beets. I’m pleased to report that I’m so glad I finally did it!
Carrot Ginger Oatmeal
Did you know I used to hate ginger? It’s true. If you look at my early recipes when I used ginger, it would always be a teensy tiny pinch. I can’t remember when my feelings changed, but I have a much higher tolerance for it now.
I much prefer fresh ginger, but now that I’ve acquired a taste for it, I’m fine with ground ginger. I thought half a teaspoon would be too much for this recipe, so I started with just a quarter teaspoon. After a few tastes, I continued adding more bit by bit, until I finally had added half a teaspoon total. Perfect.
Spicy Mango Oatmeal
Mango chutney–that’s the inspiration for this recipe.
Believe it or not, the first time I had chutney was in Ireland. I remember asking the waitress what “chutney” was because it came on the sandwich I wanted. She tried to explain it, but it sounded like nothing I had ever heard of, so I requested it on the side.
It was life-changing.
Gingerbread White Chocolate Chip Oatmeal
My sister and her husband hooked me up for Christmas. In addition to the fantastic vanilla bean paste they gave me, I also received four bags of nondairy white chocolate chips. Hooray! Time to make those white chocolate recipes I’ve been dreaming up.
The white chocolate chips add an unexpected sweetness that mellows out the intense gingerbread spices. To keep this porridge healthy, go easy on the chocolate chips. The banana makes the oatmeal sweet and healthy, and a small handful of white chocolate chips will just add a hint of pizzazz.
Sweet Potato Gingerbread Oatmeal
Sweet potatoes are so dreamy. They can be silky and creamy, or fried and crunchy. They can be salty and packed with herbs, or sweet and packed with spices. I do love me some sweet potato oatmeal.
This recipe is quite different from my other gingerbread recipes, mostly because I allowed sweet potatoes to be the star. It seemed pointless to mask the sweet potato flavors completely since I already have gingerbread recipes, so I intentionally elected to make this more of a “gingerbread-spiced sweet potato” recipe (and I’m pleased with the results).