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Getting Fit #10: I ran a 5K!
You’ve probably noticed that I stopped posting the Getting Fit series. Around a month and a half ago, I went out for a run along the East River, hoping to cure some terrible stomach pains. I was finally running 3.5-4 miles pretty consistently, and I was somewhat enjoying myself, too. I noticed a strange pain in my left hip, building and building with each step. About two miles into it, I had to stop; the pain was killer.
I was two miles from home, with no money for a cab or MetroCard for the subway. The pain in my hip was so strong that I had to limp. My stomach pain was still going strong. Feeling hopeless, I held back tears the entire walk home, being passed by all the effortless runners as I limped along. I stopped running that night.
Unfortunately, I had already signed up for a 5K. As The Color Run approached, I considered getting back out there, but I just didn’t have the heart. I huge part of me was just too tired (whoever told me the second year of teaching was easier than the first was LYING), but another part of me just feared getting out there and feeling the pain again, and having to then accept that the ONLY CURE I have found for my stomach was lost.
I didn’t train. I told Allison that she would just have to run it alone while I walked in the back, like a loser. However, when I woke up that morning, and put on all that gear, I had a change of heart. I would just try to run, and I would see how it went.
After putting on all my Color Run gear, I sent an affectionate text to my mom (at 5:51 am her time, mwahaha).
Allison and I made our long journey to Flatbush for the race. We were pretty pumped. 🙂
We started near the beginning, in the second or third wave of runners. Having a checkpoint at every kilometer was a lifesaver. Knowing that if I just ran a little farther, I would be doused in color and one kilometer closer to the end, saved me. I told myself shortly after we started that I wanted to make it to the third kilometer (pink!) before stopping, but when I got there, I just couldn’t stop. The determination was there. My hip wasn’t bothering me yet (it is now, but whatever). AND I WANTED MORE COLORS. NOW.
Thanks to Allison’s encouragement, I made it. All five kilometers. Without stopping once. Although many expletives were used. 😉
The festival at the end was the perfect finale to the event.
And then I hobbled home and did laundry. 🙂 Lots of it.
Getting Fit #9
This is the ninth segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram,@crystalchilcott.
TOA: Hello, Crystal! I have been watching all of your travels throughout Colorado on Instagram, and it looks like you’re having such a blast these days. You also share pictures of your “grocery finds” and meals from special restaurants.
I’m completing a 5k this fall. I know you have Collegiate Nationals next week (good luck!!), so I was wondering how you fuel yourself in the days leading up to your big competition.
Crystal: Hi Lauren! I’ve really enjoyed exploring more of Colorado before my year abroad!
Congratulations on your decision to complete a 5k! In the days leading up to an event, I usually stick to my usual diet. The changes usually happen on the day I travel to the competition and actually compete. Staying in a hotel room without a kitchen makes it hard to follow my usual diet so I have to adapt.
TOA: How do you do that? Do you bring your own food, or do you have to eat out?
Crystal: It’s usually a mix of both. I always ask for a fridge in my hotel room and stock up on staples like fruit, carrots, and Greek yogurt. I do usually have to eat out for at least one meal though.
TOA: What do you typically eat for breakfast and/or lunch on the day of a competition?
Crystal: My stomach is always upset on days I compete so I try to stick to oatmeal and whole grain bread with nut butter and fruit. I also make sure to have some green tea.
TOA: I have a similar problem! Back in high school when I had vocal contest, I wouldn’t be able to eat a thing all day until after my solo (at which point I went straight to the cafeteria and ordered one of everything, haha).
Do you practice the day before your competition, or rest?
Crystal: I have to force myself to eat something or else I won’t have energy! I have a 20 minute warm up where I just go through everything a few times. It depends on what time I compete what I do the rest of the day.
TOA: If you could pick any oatmeal recipe to eat on the day of your competition, what would it be?
Crystal: I would have berry banana baked oatmeal topped with peanut butter!
TOA: Of course you would! Well, best of luck to you with your competition next week!!
Crystal: Thank you!
In honor of Crystal’s favorite recipe (and her upcoming big competition), I’ve decided to round up some recipes. However, I’m going to do something a little different. Instead of sharing my own recipes with you, here are five recipes similar to my Berry Banana Baked Oatmeal (with peanut butter) from around the web! (Note that not all recipes are vegan.)
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Getting Fit #7: Alternative Workouts
This is the seventh segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram,@crystalchilcott.
TOA: Happy Saturday, everyone! I have spent all week moving into my beauuuutiful new apartment that I love so much. Considering all the hauling, pushing, pulling, packing, unpacking, and building IKEA furniture (ugh) I’ve been doing, I took a pass on running this week. I was sweating enough as it was!
I always enjoy when I accumulate exercise without having to “exercise.” I think that’s how it should be: our lives should be so naturally active that we don’t have to do absurd things like run in place on a treadmill.
This week, I asked Crystal to share with us her favorite ways to stay fit without having to run or lift weights!
Crystal: I honestly hate running. I like what it does for my body and I like how I feel afterwards, but the actual act of running is so monotonous. Most of the time, I actually like going to the gym, but this too can get repetitive. Being an active, physically fit person doesn’t mean monotony! There are plenty of ways to work out without actually going to the gym to “work out” or run.
Top Ten Favorite Alternative Workouts
10) Zumba Anytime I’m feeling bored with my interval sprints, I change it up by taking a Zumba class. Dancing to Latin and salsa music reminds me of my trips to Spain, Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic. The class always goes by quickly and is so much fun that I forget it’s a workout!
9) Jumping on the Trampoline When my sister and I were little, we saved up our money to purchase a trampoline. I have fond childhood memories of jumping on the trampoline for entire afternoons. In Colorado Springs, there a place called Trampoline World where they offer open gyms to use the trampoline. It’s definitely a fun way to release my inner child while working out!
8) Horseback riding My sister is a competitive equestrian and has five horses. While riding is a strengthening workout in itself, when you add in hauling water and feed to the barn and mucking out stalls, horses create quite a work out!
7) Swimming When I go swimming, I usually just stand or bob about in the water. But if I’m in the mood for an actual workout, swimming provides great resistance-free cardio. It works every muscle group!
6) Biking I was very impressed when I visited Boulder and Fort Collins because everyone biked everywhere! Seriously, there were more bike stands than parking places! Someday I hope to live in a city like that where I can incorporate exercise into my daily commutes.
5) Hiking I am lucky to live in Colorado, where there is no shortage of hiking trails. Hiking requires less effort at once and is a more stable pace, so it is easy to relax and enjoy the hike and not actually feel like I’m working out.
4) Rock climbing I don’t have much upper body strength, so my arms are always shaking after just two trips up a rock wall! It doesn’t matter, I still love the challenge!
3) Yoga There are so many different forms of yoga, I really think there is one for everyone. If I feel like doing a really hard work out, I do hot power fusion or hot yoga. I think that is more of a work out than even running. Sometimes 108 degree heat is too much, so I opt for a slow flow yoga class, which is relaxing and helps stretch my body.
2) Skiing I absolutely love skiing, especially in Colorado! Vail, Breckenridge, and Keystone are among my favorite places to ski in the state. The views of the mountains are unrivaled and skiing down from 12,000 feet is exhilarating. I already miss skiing! Plus, carrying my poles and skis whilst wearing ski boots proves to be another added work out!
1) Figure Skating I bet everyone saw this one coming, but figure skating really is an all-body work out! It takes a lot of strength to launch myself into the air, rotate, and land on a quarter inch of steel! Plus, getting through a four minute program is no easy feat! I train at 6,000 feet above sea level, which makes it even harder. Next week, I’m competing at over 8,000 feet, which is slightly terrifying!
TOA: Comment below–what are your favorite ways to stay active?
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Getting Fit #5 + Orange Marmalade and Almond Oatmeal
For the first time in several weeks, I have a recipe to share with you on a Saturday! Woohoo!
But first, let’s check in with Crystal.
This is the fourth segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram,@crystalchilcott.
TOA: Hi Crystal! How is your summer going?
Crystal: Hi Lauren! It finally feels like summer here in Colorado. I unfortunately sustained a concussion on Saturday so I haven’t been able to skate, but I’ve enjoyed having time to read a copious amount! How are you?
TOA: I’m okay. I’ve been feeling chronically fatigued lately; I experienced the same thing around this time last year. It seems like no matter what time I go to bed, I wake up exhausted. It makes staying active difficult!
Crystal: Does exercise give you an energy boost?
TOA: Not particularly. On weekends and Mondays, kind of. Once I get further into the week, I just trudge through my routine and feel dead from beginning to end.
Crystal: Hmm, do you think a change in routine might help?
TOA: Maybe. What are you thinking?
Crystal: Perhaps you could try doing strength before running to change it up a bit or doing intervals. If you did intervals you would lightly jog for a minute and then sprint for thirty seconds. Sometimes that makes my cardio a bit more interesting.
TOA: Hmm that could work. I like how it’s less monotonous than just plain long-distance jogging. However, I’m pleased to report that I’ve completed a 2.6 mile run a few times since we talked last!
Crystal: That’s great! It is awesome that you’re making progress even when you’re not feeling your best energy-wise. Would you be willing to try the intervals at least once next week to see how you like them?
TOA: Definitely. Besides that, should I follow the same routine?
Crystal: Is your strength routine still challenging but not impossible?
TOA: That’s the perfect way to describe it. Usually during the second set, I feel like there’s no way I’ll be able to complete all three, but then I can do it and it doesn’t kill me—ha!
Crystal: Great! I see no reason to change it then.
TOA: Thanks! Say, I have a question for you. When you’re doing hardcore training, what do you eat for breakfast?
Crystal:I almost always have oatmeal and matcha green tea, sometimes together! I almost never repeat bowls of oatmeal and either use one of your recipes or top it with whatever fruits, nuts, or nut butters I have on hand.
TOA: Do you eat before working out, or after?
Crystal: Always before. If I don’t eat beforehand I don’t think I could make it through a workout or skating session!
TOA: I’m the same way! However, I know many people that wait until after working out because they complain it makes them sick to eat before. That’s crazy to me! I’m ravenous in the morning. Similar to me, you’re a vegetarian. Do you use any “protein shakes” or anything of that nature?
Crystal: I don’t understand breakfast-skippers either! I’m a believer in getting all my nutrients through whole foods and using as little supplements as possible. On exceptionally hard workout days or on days when I feel I need more protein, I sometimes use SunWarrior protein and add it to a smoothie in my NutriBullet. I like that brand because it is from all plant-based sources and has none of the sketchy additives like most protein powders. I also sometimes eat Luna protein bars or Lara Alt bars.
TOA: YAY! I agree. I see no reason to buy protein powders myself. That’s what peanut butter is for.
Crystal: Oh, yes, peanut butter is definitely my favorite protein source! It is much more fun to eat peanut butter than drink an unappealing, chemical-ridden, pre-packaged protein shake!
TOA: I agree! Do you eat any differently on days that you work out vs. days that you don’t? (Or do you work out every day, haha?)
Crystal: Sunday is my only off day. I’m hungrier on days that I work out so I usually have an extra snack. I like to eat smaller meals five to six times a day, balanced with protein, grains, and fruits and veggies. I find I have the most energy this way whether I work out or not.
Like Crystal, I can handle eating breakfast before a workout. Often, I will eat something somewhat lighter, go for a run, and then come home for round two…because two breakfasts are better than one.
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, almond, citrus, fitness, hidden banana, jams and jellies
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, almond, citrus, fitness, hidden banana, jams and jellies
Getting Fit #4 + my running playlist
This is the fourth segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram,@crystalchilcott.
TOA: Hey Crystal! Congrats on finishing another year of college. I still have four weeks of teaching left (but I know they will fly by). I have good news and bad news. Which would you like first?
Crystal: Thank you! Good luck on your four weeks of teaching! Start with the bad news and then cheer me up with the good!
TOA: Okay, last week, I only did the routine once. Work has been consuming my life. I work from 6am-5pm, and then I go home or to a coffee shop and grade or plan until late. Ugh! The good news is that I got back on track this week. On Monday, I spent over an hour sulking on my couch, but I actually thought of YOU and this series, and I knew people were expecting me to follow through. I went outside, thinking I would just jog a mile or something (so I could SAY I did SOMETHING), but after a few blocks I felt great and completed a full 2 miles.
On Wednesday, I really didn’t want to run again, but I knew it was the last chance I would have before the weekend, so I sucked it up. Again, I thought “I’ll just do a quick mile and be done with it,” but before I knew it, I had completed over 2 miles.
My body feels amazing. I feel like two different people when I run compared to when I don’t run. The morning after a run, my digestive system just works so much better! If I didn’t hate it so much, I’d probably do it every day. 🙂
Crystal: See, the hardest part is just getting started! Do the benefits of feeling better outweigh the hatred of exercise yet?
TOA: Well, it’s easy to say “yes” right now because I’m not scheduled to run tonight. But….yes.
Crystal: Is there anything that makes the run more enjoyable? Music? Your new fitness clothes?
TOA: I love my new gear, ESPECIALLY my shoes. The music helps significantly, too. I think I would enjoy the run exponentially more if I had a great running path to use with a scenic view. The times I have run in Central Park or along the Hudson River have been so enjoyable, but it’s terribly inconvenient. I’m stuck in the center of Brooklyn, and when I’m not in the mood to run, I’m DEFINITELY not in the mood to hop on a subway and ride for half an hour just to reach the STARTING point of my run, so it’s easier to run in my neighborhood. The broken sidewalks and frequent stoplights on my run are not motivating at all.
Crystal: Central Park and the Hudson River sound like gorgeous places to run! Are there any parks near your neighborhood?
TOA: I think the closest is about two miles away, and that one is a giant hill…no thanks. haha!
Crystal: I guess you’ll just have to pretend the broken sidewalk is a river bank and the stoplights are bridges! Will you be able to take more scenic runs in the summer? How have your strength exercises been going?
TOA: Definitely. I’m going to be in Minnesota for several weeks and will have great running space. When I come back, I’m going to be in a new apartment in (*fingers crossed*) Manhattan.
The strength exercises are going well. On Wednesday night, I actually did three sets of sit ups!
Crystal: I’m sure Minnesota has some gorgeous running trails! Great job on the sit ups! Are you noticing an increase in core strength? Do you think you could do an additional set of each exercise this week?
TOA: I’ve noticed that I can do more in succession without having to pause for a breather, like 1, 2, 3, 4……..*break*…….5, 6, etc. I definitely think I can manage three sets!
Crystal: Great! We’ll see how that goes this week. Soon, I’m going to urge you to run slightly more than two miles. You don’t have to do that this week, but keep it in mind!
TOA: I’m working on it! Thanks again, Crystal.
Crystal: No problem! Good luck this week!
On Monday, I posted a photo on Instagram about how much I hate exercising, and I received tons of encouragement and tips for staying motivated. My cousin suggested music, which I absolutely agree with! One method I use to push through my runs is memorizing the lyrics to rap music. In general, rap is not one of my favorite genres, but when I find a song I like, I try to learn all the words. It’s fun. 😛 I have found that listening to these songs over and over while I’m running is a great distraction because I’m trying to learn the memorize the lyrics. If you like rap and/or don’t mind some (really) explicit language, here are my favorites: (Mom, don’t listen to these. You’ve been warned.)
- “Backseat Freestyle” – Kendrick Lamar
- “Empire State of Mind” – Jay-Z and Alicia Keys (this is especially satisfying because I’m running though the “concrete jungle” as I’m listening to it!)
- “Clique” – Kanye West, Big Sean, Jay-Z
Do you have any songs that you like to listen to while exercising? I’m always looking to expand my playlist.
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Getting Fit #3, Plus 3 Recipes for Mother’s Day!
This is the third segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram,@crystalchilcott.
TOA: Hey Crystal! How was your week?
Crystal: Hi Lauren! It is the week before finals, so my week has been stressful! Luckily, exercising helps me relieve stress and I find cooking relaxing…except for when I melted a plastic spoon yesterday! How was your week?
TOA: Yikes! My week was pretty eventful. I only exercised twice…which is actually fantastic when you consider that I was out of commission for three days with a kidney stone!! Yes, you read that correctly. A kidney stone.
Crystal: A kidney stone!? That sounds awful. Are you feeling better?
TOA: Yes. I passed it in record time and recovered pretty quickly. On Tuesday, I was finally able to enjoy a run. And when I say “enjoy,” I mean I actually enjoyed it! I jogged two miles, and I felt so strong and invigorated the entire time, until the last tenth of a mile or so. The strength exercises afterwards went beautifully, too. However, the next day, I worked out again and it didn’t go as well. I had a side ache immediately, and my strength exercises felt like torture. Why does this happen? How come some days I feel so much more energetic than others?
Crystal: I’m glad you’re feeling better! It’s frustrating to follow a great day with one that feels like a struggle. Do you have different sleeping or eating habits on the days when you feel less energetic?
TOA: Not that I can think of. Is it not a great idea to do my routine two days in a row?
Crystal: It depends on your body and how fast you can recover, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a rest day between each run, especially as you adjust to your new routine. Would you like to try that this week and see how it goes?
TOA: Yes. Maybe this time the weather AND my kidneys will cooperate! How about the routine itself?
Crystal: Let’s keep it the same for one more week. If it goes well this week, we’ll tweak it for the following one.
TOA: Great! I’m really going to shoot for three days this time. Talk to you next week!
TOA: Hey Crystal! How was your week?
Crystal: Hi Lauren! It is the week before finals, so my week has been stressful! Luckily, exercising helps me relieve stress and I find cooking relaxing…except for when I melted a plastic spoon yesterday! How was your week?
TOA: Yikes! My week was pretty eventful. I only exercised twice…which is actually fantastic when you consider that I was out of commission for three days with a kidney stone!! Yes, you read that correctly. A kidney stone.
Crystal: A kidney stone!? That sounds awful. Are you feeling better?
TOA: Yes. I passed it in record time and recovered pretty quickly. On Tuesday, I was finally able to enjoy a run. And when I say “enjoy,” I mean I actually enjoyed it! I jogged two miles, and I felt so strong and invigorated the entire time, until the last tenth of a mile or so. The strength exercises afterwards went beautifully, too. However, the next day, I worked out again and it didn’t go as well. I had a side ache immediately, and my strength exercises felt like torture. Why does this happen? How come some days I feel so much more energetic than others?
Crystal: I’m glad you’re feeling better! It’s frustrating to follow a great day with one that feels like a struggle. Do you have different sleeping or eating habits on the days when you feel less energetic?
TOA: Not that I can think of. Is it not a great idea to do my routine two days in a row?
Crystal: It depends on your body and how fast you can recover, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a rest day between each run, especially as you adjust to your new routine. Would you like to try that this week and see how it goes?
TOA: Yes. Maybe this time the weather AND my kidneys will cooperate! How about the routine itself?
Crystal: Let’s keep it the same for one more week. If it goes well this week, we’ll tweak it for the following one.
TOA: Great! I’m really going to shoot for three days this time. Talk to you next week!
Do you have your Mother’s Day plans ready? @neverenoughcinnamon on Instagram requested some recipe ideas for Mother’s Day, so here it goes! I wasn’t really sure what qualifies as a “Mother’s Day” recipe, so I just picked some fancier recipes that I would feel proud serving to my own mother.
I love you, mom!
This is a classic. Everyone loves blueberry muffins! (Well, everyone except
for my brother…)
for my brother…)
I don’t know about YOUR mom, but my mom loves lemon poppy seed
muffins. I think she’d appreciate this one, and I’m guessing she’s not the
only mom out there that would like it!
muffins. I think she’d appreciate this one, and I’m guessing she’s not the
only mom out there that would like it!
Don’t want to heat up your oven? Try this recipe instead. I think my mom would get a kick
out of this one and how fun it is. What mother wouldn’t want a banana split for breakfast?!
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Getting Fit #2, Plus Crystal’s Recommended Recipes
This is the second segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram, @crystalchilcott.
TOA: Hey Crystal. How has skating been going for you this week?
Crystal: Hi Lauren! Skating is going well! I competed last weekend and was happy with my skate. How did your exercise go this week?
TOA: As well as it could, I suppose. I hated it immensely, but I felt great once I finished! Earlier this week, I ordered some new running shoes and running clothes. The shoes showed up today, and I was able to wear them for the first time today. More importantly, I ran two whole miles!
The first time I did the strength exercises, it was the worst and I hated you for making me do them. However, the second time (after my two-mile run) it was so much easier. I whipped through the sets, no problem.
Crystal: Congratulations on running the full two miles! New work out clothes and running shoes are always a good motivator! I’m happy you stuck with the exercises even if I did give you a good reason to hate me. You’ll thank me later! Was there anything in particular that you struggled with?
TOA: Not really. The first time I did the strength exercises, every squat and push-up (even a modified one!) felt impossible. I would go down barely an inch and feel like I was going to collapse. For the next three days, I was incredibly sore. (Luckily, I couldn’t do my exercises for those days anyway because it was pouring rain.) I feel like I built up an incredible amount of strength already just between the first and second time. Next week, should I follow the same routine, or are you going to make it….(I’m cringing right now)…harder?
Crystal: Let’s keep it the same another week, though if you feel ambitious, you could try unmodified push-ups…even just one! How many days did you run this past week?
TOA: Only twice because of the rain. Should I try for three this time?
Crystal: Yes, try for three! Hopefully the weather will cooperate! It is supposed to be in the 80s and sunny here in Colorado.
TOA: Lucky you! We’re experiencing the upper 60s. Now, let me ask YOU some questions! Do you have a favorite oatmeal recipe?
Crystal: Picking just one is hard! I made your new bananas foster recipe today and that was fantastic! I love baked oatmeal, especially strawberry banana. My all-time favorite oatmeal recipe is your pumpkin pie baked oatmeal. I love how it makes my whole townhouse smell like Thanksgiving!
TOA: Mmm, yes. I like how the Peanut Butter Cookie Baked Oatmeal makes my apartment smell like peanut butter cookies. What made you interested in oatmeal?
Crystal: That’s another favorite! When I was in elementary school, I actually hated oatmeal! My sister always ate dinosaur egg instant oatmeal and it really grossed me out. When I moved to Colorado and started cooking for myself, I looked for a healthy, whole grain breakfast and gave oatmeal another try. When I discovered that there were more options than just dinosaur eggs, I grew to love it! It is filling enough to give me lots of energy to skate, but never upsets my stomach.
TOA: That’s why I tried (and fell in love with) it, too—it was easy on my stomach.
Thanks, Crystal! I’ll talk to you again next week.
Crystal: Good luck with your exercise this week! I’m excited to see how it goes!
Have you tried the three recipes Crystal recommended? Here they are:
This recipe is both visually appealing and wonderfully delicious.
Strawberry and banana is such a classic combination. Can you
imagine this topped with peanut butter? Oh my goodness.
imagine this topped with peanut butter? Oh my goodness.
Crystal is not alone with her love of my Pumpkin Pie Baked Oatmeal. As
of the time of this post, it’s my fifth most popular recipe!
of the time of this post, it’s my fifth most popular recipe!
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Getting Fit #1, Plus 3 Protein-Packed Breakfasts!
TOA: Happy Saturday, everyone! For the next couple of months, I’m going to be featuring my friend Crystal on Saturdays. She’s a rock star figure skater and oatmeal lover, as well as my new personal trainer. Crystal, can you introduce yourself and your fitness background for the readers?
Crystal: Hi Everyone! I’m Crystal and I blog at, though it’s not nearly as cool as I love reading, writing, figure skating, all things British, and oatmeal. I’m obsessed with fitness and healthy eating. For the last fourteen years, I’ve been a competitive figure skater and am the 2013 US Collegiate National Junior Ladies Pewter Medalist. Throughout the years, my workouts on and off the ice have varied. At present, I skate between one and half hours to three and a half hours a day, five days a week. I work out with a personal trainer twice a week and do interval sprints two-three times a week. When I have time, I also do Pilates, Body Barre, yoga, and Zumba. Living in Colorado also gives me access to marvelous outdoor recreation. During the winter, I love skiing at any of resorts and in the summer, I enjoy hiking or doing the famed Manitou Springs incline.
TOA: Okay, so I want to have a more active lifestyle. I’m not trying to lose weight or anything like that. Ever since I went veg*n, my extreme symptoms from IBS have basically disappeared; however, I still experience obnoxious bloating. Apparently this is a common IBS symptom that has little to do with the food you eat. Instead, everyone I’ve consulted (aka “the Internet”) recommends cardio.
I’ve tried jogging a mile or so after dinner, and it really works. I went to bed feeling great and woke up the next morning feeling light and focused.
But I HATE working out. I work 10-hour days and don’t have much energy (…or time…or ambition) by the time I get home. I am turning to you because 1) I need someone to motivate me and hold me accountable, and 2) I was hoping you’d have some tips for me.
What can I do to jumpstart this whole “active lifestyle” thing?
Crystal: The most important thing about being active is simply getting started! There are days when I am so tired that I think I cannot possibly drag myself to the rink, let along skate a senior freeskate! Exercise (cardio in particular) actually wakes me up and gives me energy for studying, work, or more skating. What do you typically do for exercise now?
TOA: Just some uninspiring jogs around my neighborhood. I slowly worked up to a mile and recently managed a full two miles!
Crystal: One great thing about cardio is that it doesn’t take much time to receive the benefits. If you’re tired, try walking or lightly jogging. Who knows, the endorphins might give you enough energy to keep going! Whether starting out or a marathon runner, the most important part is the mental commitment. If you plan on completing 20-30 minutes of cardio (a good starting point) don’t let yourself skip it even if you’ve had a long day at work. Once you mentally make exercise a habit, it will become easier.
I suggest starting with two-three days of cardio per week. As great as cardio is, to feel the full benefits of fitness, resistance and strength training is equally important. Here is my recommendation for your week one training plan:
Day One: Walk/jog/run for 20-30 minutes then complete some basic resistance exercises (these can be done on a comfortable surface or by taking a yoga mat outside!) Try to do two sets of each: 20 crunches, 10 pushups, 10 squats, 10 dips, and a 30 second plank. Listen to your body! It is okay for it to feel challenging, but you should never feel physical pain. Also, be sure to stretch after each run. (I can give you some stretches if you need it). Day Two: Cardio for 30-40 minutes followed by stretching Day Three: Cardio for 20-30 minutes followed by the above mentioned resistance exercises.
Does this sound doable? Do you have any questions?
TOA: Two questions. First of all, is it acceptable to do modified pushups with my knees on the floor? I legit can’t do a real pushup…at the moment. Is it better to do 10 pushups the wimpy way, or fewer authentic pushups?
Crystal: It is totally acceptable to do modified pushups! Even from your knees, you can still get a great range of motion in your upper body. It is better to ten the modified way. It’s not “wimpy” as long as you’re giving your full effort!
TOA: Sweet. Second question: what in the world are dips?
Crystal: Dips are another way to work your upper body! Sit on your mat with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Lean back slightly and place your hands beneath your shoulders, facing forward. Now adjust your weight so that only your palms and feet are on the floor. Bend your elbows and lower your weight as low as you can without touching. Raise yourself back up and repeat.
TOA: Alright, I lied. I have another question. What is the need for the strength and resistance exercises anyway? That’s not what I signed up for.
Crystal: While cardio gives your body great benefits, you need to be strong enough to receive them! If your muscles are not used to the exercise of running, we need to build them up so you can run faster and longer. Remember, your heart is a muscle too so we want it strong and healthy while running.
TOA: Ohhh, that makes sense. Okay, I’m going to try this next week and I’ll let you know how it goes! Thanks!
Crystal: Great! Let me know if you have any questions. I’m excited to watch your progress!
To go along with this new Getting Fit series, I have compiled three protein-packed oatmeal recipes to start your day! As a vegan, people constantly ask where I get my protein. The answer? The same place elephants, cattle, buffalo, horses, hippos, rhinos, and many other animals find theirs: from plants. When was the last time anyone worried about how rhinos got their protein?
Even the humble oat provides some protein. 😉
Even the humble oat provides some protein. 😉
Because peanut butter.
Crunchy and full of flavor, this oatmeal is speckled with delicious
energy-giving nuts!
energy-giving nuts!
Did you know spinach is composed of 47% protein (per calorie)? That’s pretty legit
for a humble salad green. Combined with a banana, peanut butter, and oats, this
recipe is a great way to boost your energy in the morning!
for a humble salad green. Combined with a banana, peanut butter, and oats, this
recipe is a great way to boost your energy in the morning!
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!