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Tag Archives: dessert lovers
Black Forest Cake Oatmeal
This morning, a screeching fire alarm woke me up at 4:26 AM. I do not remember being woken up by it, nor do I remember my first thoughts. My first memory today was standing in the middle of my bedroom, thinking, “I should put pants on.”
This morning, I walked down fifteen flights of stairs in a creepy, side stairwell. I sat in the apartment lobby in my pajamas while waiting for the flashing firetruck to give us the okay. I had no idea what my hair looked like, until I spotted that frizzy lion’s mane in the reflection of a window I passed.
This morning, I stood in a crowd of tired, angry residents slouching and moping in front of the elevators, which were frantically shuffling everyone back up to their apartments. One minute passed. Two minutes passed. People started leaning against walls. Three minutes passed. People sat down. Four minutes passed. We lost hope. We took a deep breath. We took the stairs, each step reminding me that it was 5 AM and our lives officially sucked. (more…)
French Silk Pie Oatmeal
Sometimes, I toss my nose in the air at French Silk Pie. I think it’s because it’s my brother’s favorite kind of pie, and (more often than not) if my brother thinks something is good, it’s actually lame. He’s the pickiest eater in the world, and most of his food choices are safe and dull. Or maybe that’s just me being pretentious.
At the end of the day, how can you turn it down, though? It has a nostalgic appeal to it, probably because it’s just a fancy way to eat pudding…with fabulous curls of chocolate on top!
Snickers Salad Oatmeal
If you do not reign from the Midwest region of the United States, you will be baffled by the name of this oatmeal. You will be even more confused as you look at the ingredients. Of course, the recipe for Snickers Salad has recently popped up around Pinterest, but for the most part, this piece of classic Midwestern cuisine is foreign to everyone in the remaining 45 states.
Let me break this down for you: Snickers Salad consists of chopped apples, chopped Snickers bars, mini marshmallows, and Cool Whip. Yes, you read that correctly. Take a second; read it again. Yep.
That’s Snickers Salad.
Chocolate Pear Upside-Down Cake Baked Oatmeal
I hate when my recipes have long names…oh well!
This is another oatmeal idea that appears to have a double identity; it can’t decide whether it’s breakfast or dessert! I actually baked this on a Sunday afternoon, and then let it wait for me in the fridge until Monday morning. It was so painful having to wait that long!
Pecan Pie Baked Oatmeal
I have another confession to make, guys. I’ve never had pecan pie before. Just like I had never had sweet potato pie or a gingerbread latte before I made those into oatmeal recipes!
But as usual, I made sure to study “classic” recipes before I made my recipe. You will find no corn syrup or eggs in this recipe, but you WILL find a (un)healthy dose of maple syrup! Forgive me; it’s not my most nutritious recipe. 🙂 However, if this isn’t something you’re willing to try for breakfast, I think this oatmeal could make an equally appealing dessert! By dessert standards, it’s truly quite healthy!
Strawberry Shortcake Oatmeal, Veganized!
Do you remember several months ago when I posted a recipe for Strawberry Shortcake Oatmeal? At the time, I said I was unsatisfied with the nonvegan-ness of the recipe. 🙂 I made a pledge to veganize it. . . someday.Well, it may have taken a while, but. . . here it is!
I bet you thought I forgot about it, didn’t you?
Caramelized Banana Oatmeal
Yep. I’m getting fancy.
In case you didn’t get the hint from Wednesday’s banana muffin post, my mom hooked me up with a mountain of bananas this week. I had other plans for oatmeal, but when I saw the need to use up bananas, I had to replan. That’s when I came up with this idea.
Candy Cane Cookie Dough Oatmeal
There will be two reactions to this post. Half the people will rejoice the festive nature or “special treat” aspect of it. The other half will be appalled that I just put candy on top of my breakfast. To both of these camps, I say: happy holidays?
I couldn’t resist doing something with candy canes, despite the fact that I would consider myself in the second aforementioned camp. I would never crumble up a Snickers bar over my oatmeal, after all. However, once this idea came into my head, I just couldn’t ignore it. It had to be done.
Gingerbread Oat Muffins
I never used to enjoy baking things (even baked oatmeal took me awhile to get the hang of), but I am on a muffin spree lately. Once I learned my ways with baking soda and wet to dry ratios, making oatmeal muffins became a blast.
These were originally intended to be banana-gingerbread muffins. However, after preparing the batter, I realized the banana flavor was completely hidden. To be honest, I wasn’t at all upset about that! I actually preferred a straight-up gingerbread flavor, but I knew (or thought) using bananas as a sweetener would change the flavor, so I decided to be realistic and honest and include banana in the name.
Eggnog Oatmeal
Sadly, my family was never an eggnog family. It wasn’t until I was in high school that I asked my mom what it was, so she bought me a carton of the store-bought variety so I could try it. I’ll admit now that most of it ended up being poured down the sink two weeks later (i.e. I was unimpressed). I’ve never had homemade eggnog, but it’s never been high on my priority list for foods to try, either.
Now that I avoid dairy, I have even less desire to try the real stuff. However, I was exceptionally curious to try the dairy-free varieties after reading some reviews. I saw the rice ‘nog appear in Whole Foods even before Thanksgiving, but it wasn’t until a week ago that I finally captured the coconut ‘nog! As soon as I spotted it on an obscure refrigerated shelf in the corner of the store, I snatched a jug up in less time than it takes for my roommate to complain whenever we play Christmas music. 😉
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, cocktail lovers, dessert lovers, dried fruit, overnight, pumpkin, sweetened by dates
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, cocktail lovers, dessert lovers, dried fruit, overnight, pumpkin, sweetened by dates