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Tag Archives: dessert lovers
Cheddar Apple Pie Oatmeal
YES, cheddar + apple pie. Is this crazy?
I’ve never had cheddar on apple pie, but it’s a thing. Even Martha Stewart supports this sweet-and-salty combo. Even though I’ve never had it, I can imagine it’s good: I’ve had apple slices on grilled cheese sandwiches, after all.
Since I had that cheddar from last week’s Cheddar Bay Biscuit Oatmeal on hand, I decided it was time to give this combo a shot.
Chocolate Campfire Oatmeal with Graham Crackers
Alternative title: S’mores Oatmeal 2.0. The original version was great, but I wanted to take another stab at it. It’s not often I have vegan marshmallows in my kitchen, so I wanted to create a s’mores-themed porridge that could be done with no marshmallows at all.
I know, I’m a rebel.
I promise you, this oatmeal is actually better than my original s’mores recipe, in my opinion. I can’t explain it, but I found this one way more enjoyable. (more…)
German Chocolate Cake Batter Oatmeal
Today’s recipe is really a stovetop version of my German Chocolate Cake Baked Oatmeal, which I made half a decade ago. It’s really just a chocolate oatmeal made memorable by the coconut-pecan topping. Since it’s a cake batter, it’s perfect for celebrating birthdays. 🙂
POSTED IN: chocolate, coconut, dessert lovers, nut butter, nuts, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash
POSTED IN: chocolate, coconut, dessert lovers, nut butter, nuts, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash
Cheater Funfetti Baked Oatmeal [Product Review: You Fresh Naturals]
Funfetti baked oatmeal with four ingredients + salt?? Yeah, you read that correctly. Four ingredients. Do you know how rare it is to have a baked oatmeal meet the sole criterion for the “5 ingredients or less” tag? Very. Very rare.
This rarity is made possible through the use of a nut butter. I made this recipe with You Fresh Naturals “Birthday Cake” Cashew-Coconut Butter. Because the nut butter is already sweetened and flavored to the max, it lends itself quite easily to a “5 ingredients or less” recipe. It pretty much does all the work.
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POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, baked oatmeal, coconut, dessert lovers, nut butter, nuts, review
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, baked oatmeal, coconut, dessert lovers, nut butter, nuts, review
Brownie Baked Oatmeal – Big Batch!
The benefit of an entire 8×8 pan of Brownie Baked Oatmeal is that it is a definite crowd-pleaser. Who wouldn’t want to eat oatmeal if it tasted like a brownie? If you find yourself needing to make breakfast for a group of friends or your family, this one is a safe bet.
Oatmeal Recipes for Christmas – 2016 Edition!
Every year I assemble my most Christmassy recipes in one post. I would have liked it to be inclusive of other winter holidays, but alas, I have no expertise in Jewish cuisine (although I did rock that tzimmes recipe for Passover).
This year welcomed many new additions to the Christmas-themed lineup, many in the form of PB2 toppings! But this roundup also includes old favorites because peanut butter blossom cookies will never go out of style. (more…)
Gingerbread PB2
You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to post this. But Gingerbread is so distinctly “Christmas” that I forced myself to wait until December to share it. IT’S DECEMBER so here we go.
Red Bean Paste and Matcha Overnight Oatmeal Parfait
I bought a huge can of red bean paste, so of course I have multiple red bean paste recipes for you now! If you’re unfamiliar with this ingredient native to Japan, I recommend reading this post for more info.
Unlike the linked recipe above, which blends the red bean paste into the oats, this recipe layers the paste into a parfait with Matcha Yogurt Overnight Zoats. This combination seemed obvious, given how often these two flavors (matcha + red bean paste) are combined in various desserts. (more…)
Muddy Buddies Oatmeal
Or Puppy Chow Oatmeal. Or Monkey Munch Oatmeal. My family called it puppy chow, but I think it’s more widely known as muddy buddies, so that’s what I’ll name it.
Whatever you know it as, it’s the same thing: a “Chex”-type cereal coated in peanut butter and melted chocolate, and then tossed in powdered sugar. How did I turn this into “healthy” oatmeal? I didn’t. I tried, and it didn’t work. This is one of those go-for-it-or-pick-a-different-recipe kind of posts.
Don’t you dare skip the powdered sugar.
German Chocolate Cake Oatmeal Bites
I’m extra excited about this recipe. These little energy bites capture the flavors of my German Chocolate Oatmeal with a quarter of the hassle and an eighth of the pecans.
POSTED IN: chocolate, coconut, dessert lovers, dried fruit, not porridge, nut butter, nuts, oatmeal bites, peanut butter
POSTED IN: chocolate, coconut, dessert lovers, dried fruit, not porridge, nut butter, nuts, oatmeal bites, peanut butter