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Allison’s Chocolate Chip Cookies [Guest Post]
As someone who reads a lot of food blogs and watches many cooking shows, I cannot hear the phrase, “the best chocolate chip cookies” without rolling my eyes. Thus, when I met my roommate Allison and she told me she made the best chocolate chip cookies, my eyes nearly rolled all the way to the back of my head. “I’ve been perfecting these cookies since I was in middle school,” she proclaimed confidently, but I still wasn’t convinced.
And then she made them…and I became a believer. These cookies are in full dessert form–not vegan, not sugar-free, not whole wheat–but they contain a few special ingredients that will take the average cookie to the next level. One of these ingredients is oatmeal; that’s probably why I love these chewy little rockstars so much! With a little persuasion (very little, actually), I convinced Allison to share her secret recipe on the blog for all of you.
As Lauren’s roommate, I am happy to report that her oatmeal tastes just as good as it looks. I will be the first to admit that I don’t eat oatmeal everyday—mornings are hard—but when I do, my porridges are almost always Oatmeal Artist recipes made by the Oatmeal Artist herself. What can I say, I’m spoiled!
The following recipe will probably be the first and only time that this blog will feature anything so explicitly unhealthy. Lauren and I have similar philosophies about fresh, unprocessed food, but she has better willpower. Sometimes you just want a cookie, ya know?
These chocolate chip cookies are not your average, run-of-the-mill Chips Ahoy. No, my friends, these cookies took several months of careful calibration and taste testing, many years ago. Since then, I have not looked back, and this has become my go-to recipe whenever I needed to bake something that was both quick to make and interesting to eat.