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Tag Archives: cookie lovers
The Cookie Collection
Considering how frequently oats appear in cookie recipes these days, it’s no surprise that cookie-inspired recipes turn out so satisfyingly perfect! They are a wonderful complement to each other. If you’ve made my Peanut Butter Cookie Baked Oatmeal, you understand just what I mean: it tastes (and smells) exactly like the real cookie!
Here I have assembled all of my cookie-themed recipes, including some overnight “cookie dough” porridges. And FYI, you can always check out all the cookie recipes by scrolling through the “Cookie Lovers” tag.
Oh, and for each oatmeal recipe, I paired it with a vegan cookie recipe if you want to skip breakfast and go right for dessert! 😉
Peanut Butter Cookie Baked Oatmeal
Check out this mini peanut butter cookie recipe by Kathy Patalsky.
Dark Chocolate Espresso Brownie Baked Oatmeal with a Shortbread Crust [Guest Post]
It’s that time of the week again! Here’s another contest winner from the brownie baked oatmeal contest. This one sounds complex, but if you read the instructions, Lyndsey has actually made this a quick and easy process! Enjoy.
Hello! Shoutout to Lauren for giving me another opportunity to post on her wonderful blog. I’m always so excited to try out her new recipes, and it’s fun to be able to share one of my personal creations with all of you.
I started drinking coffee a couple of years ago to mask the flavor of my required nutrition supplements due to my health issues (you can read more about that here). Now, I enjoy a cup of warm, black coffee every morning as a way to start my day off right.
My love of black coffee is reflective of my taste for bitter flavors. Thus, I also have an obsession with dark chocolate. I add Hershey’s Dark Cocoa to my oatmeal almost every day, which I love as a healthy “indulgence.” (more…)
POSTED IN: chocolate, coffee, cookie lovers, dessert lovers, guest post, veggies, zucchini
POSTED IN: chocolate, coffee, cookie lovers, dessert lovers, guest post, veggies, zucchini
Rosemary Chocolate Chip Oatmeal
Last week, I gave you my Rosemary Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal, inspired by one of my new favorite cookies. This should show you just how much I love it (or, perhaps, how quickly I finish a bag of chocolate chips and how quickly rosemary turns into sad, dried-up needles).
Maybe a bit of both. 🙂
I guess this is kind of like the “cookie dough” version of the baked recipe. However, I didn’t use “cookie” in the title for either because 1) I hate long titles, and 2) not that many people hear “rosemary chocolate chip” and immediately think, “COOKIES!!!” Maybe someday.
Rosemary Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal
Before you scrunch up your nose, you should know that I did not come up with this concept. It’s already a thing. Just ask Pinterest. In other words, many people have already given this baby the stamp of approval, so you have no reason not to try it.
Here’s how I discovered it. My favorite coffee shop, which I have visited over 140 times because espresso is a fundamental human need, recently began selling salted rosemary chocolate chip cookies. There are several aspects of this that grabbed my attention:
- Salted cookies are fabulous.
- Chocolate is wonderful.
- Rosemary is my Herb of the Moment.
- Mmm, cookies.
Cowboy Cookie Baked Oatmeal
I get unreasonably excited every time I put out a new cookie oatmeal. This is one I have wanted to make for quite a while. Actually, I first wanted to make a monster cookie baked oatmeal, but that would require the use of M&Ms, and then I would have to splurge on vegan M&Ms, and I just wasn’t ready to spend my money on that. Just as I feel about vegan marshmallows. Maybe someday.
As much as I imagined myself making this, I wasn’t 100 percent sure what actually goes into a cowboy cookie. Truthfully, I’m not sure if I’ve ever even had one. All I knew is that there were nuts and chocolate involved.
To guide my recipe, I did what I always do: What Would Martha Stewart Do? (more…)
Gingerbread Cream Cheese Baked Oatmeal
It’s December! That means it’s time to start rolling out the Christmas-inspired recipes. Yippee!
Gingerbread cookies are interesting. What really is the difference between gingerbread cookies and ginger molasses cookies? Can anyone answer this for me? They taste the same to me. Is it just the fact that gingerbread cookies are flat and snappy, while ginger molasses cookies tend to be puffier and softer? Yes? No? Maybe? And where do gingersnaps fit in this category? They all taste the same, am I right?!
Anyway, I feel like “gingersnaps” and “ginger molasses” cookies are enjoyed year round, but gingerbread cookies (particularly gingerbread man cookies) are specifically associated with the holiday season. I think it has to do with the hearty earthiness of the gingerbread flavor. We seem to like those flavors more during the winter months than the summer months.
Am I crazy? Does all of this sound made up? I just don’t know.
Tahini Cookie Baked Oatmeal
So tahini has been a learning experience for me. My first taste was one of . . . bewilderment. I was taken aback by its bitterness and wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. I think I made some great recipes with the mocha poached pear and raspberries and chocolate and the apple and honey. But I still wasn’t sure how I felt about tahini in general.
This baked oatmeal gave me a new appreciation for tahini. Inspired by this recipe for tahini cookies, I made a baked oatmeal similar to my Peanut Butter Cookie Baked Oatmeal, but with tahini. Would you believe that I liked it just as much? (more…)
Cookies and Cream Overnight Oats [Guest Post]
TOA: Special shout out to Kelsey! She suggested making a cookies and cream overnight oatmeal, and I said her idea sounded brilliant and she should try it out herself. Being fantastic, she went to work right away and delivered this perfect recipe. I can’t wait to try it in my kitchen!
Hi there!
My name is Kelsey; I’m a math grad student at the University of Virginia and a major oatmeal fanatic. Before we get to the recipe, let me just say that I am so excited to be writing this guest post. I’m a big fan of the blog, so rest assured there was some major fangirling going on when Lauren brought up the possibility of writing this post.
My story is very similar to hers (digestive issues, transition to veganism, cutting out almost all added sugar, etc.), so I’ve always really related to the content on the blog. Oatmeal is one of my main creative outlets as far as food is concerned so I really love experimenting with new ingredients and flavor combos.
The newest flavor oatmeal in my life is Cookies and Cream. It plays off of Lauren’s faux-reo PB2 recipe, which is basically oreo cookie butter, and employs overnight oats, my new go-to afternoon snack. (more…)
Snickerdoodle Cookie Baked Oatmeal
Today marks my first official day of summer vacation unemployment. It’s true: I’m no longer teaching. If you’ve been following my blog closely for more than six months, you probably don’t need an explanation. You only have to browse a few posts from the past year to infer why I’m leaving the classroom.
I’d love to say I’m full-time blogging now, but that is not (and probably never will be) the case. Boo. I have my sights set on something else, but I’ll wait until that (maybe) pans out before I discuss it on here. In the meantime, hooray for mental health! (more…)
Faux-reo Cookie PB2
Perhaps you’ve seen the cookies ‘n’ creme cookie butter at Trader Joe’s. Or the many recipes around the interwebz for a similar product. Or maybe you just eat an entire package of Oreos at once like Oreos.
It doesn’t take a genius to recognize none of these options are particularly healthy. Luckily, I have a much healthier alternative for you. I didn’t set out to make it, but I accidentally “discovered” it one morning as I prepared my daily PB2.
You see, in my pre-vegan days, I made homemade Oreos…not once, but twice. That’s the kind of person I am. (They do have vegan recipes out there, but I used this one because Smitten Kitchen is a queen.) (more…)