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Tag Archives: coconut
Double-Chocolate Mango Oatmeal with Toasted Coconut
What kind of recipe-creator would I be if I didn’t take some risks? Chocolate and mango are not often paired together, but it has been done. For example, there’s chocolate-covered mango, this chocolate-mango loaf cake, this coconut mango cashew chocolate bark, or Oatgasm’s Chocolate Chili Mango Baked Oatmeal.
I was in the mood for peanut butter when I made this, so I found a way to include that as well. I actually made Happy Herbivore’s Nutty Spread, but instead of adding cinnamon, I added cocoa powder. I love Nutty Spread because it gives me less of a tummy ache than pure peanut butter, and it can be supped in for peanut butter in most situations. (more…)
Ambrosia Overnight Oatmeal
Ambrosia reminds me of my high school days working in the deli of my hometown grocery store. Yes, your dear Lauren used to stand behind a counter and weigh super thin slices of smoked turkey, bread and fry chicken, and gobble down leftover chicken thighs at the end of her shift. I was basically a walking tub of grease for two years. To this day, I can’t stand the smell of a deep-fryer…and most fried foods, actually.However, our deli counter also offered a variety of salads. The standards were, of course, potato salad and macaroni salad, but there was also always a couple “sweet salads.” The Midwest is infamous for its…erm…salads (Exhibit A and B). I think Ambrosia is actually “a thing” outside of the Midwest, but it was definitely one of the occasional offerings at my humble little deli.
Any excuse to take out my martini glass, yes?
Mango-Coconut Overnight Oatmeal with Puffed Wild Rice
Before I share the beautiful recipe pictured below, let me just declare my love and commitment to New York City. I love you, NYC, and there’s nobody else for me than you. Please don’t be jealous at what I’m about to say. At the end of the day, my rent money goes to you, and it’s your beautiful bridges and skylines I drool over.
That being said, there’s another city I adore: MSP, better known to the rest of the world as “Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota.”
‘Murica Overnight Oatmeal Parfait
The irony of this post is that I’m actually one of the least patriotic people you will ever meet. It’s not that I’m not happy to be in America; I just don’t care to celebrate it with some of the most annoying songs ever and the most obnoxious outfits of all time. Like seriously, calm down, Toby Keith.
(I should clarify that I by no means take my liberties for granted or do not respect those who protect our country; I just think that our flaunting of patriotism is what gets us so much flack from the rest of the world! Why do you think nobody likes Gretchen Weiners?)
However, I do like berries, and if eating berries means celebrating ‘Murica, I’ll be a little patriotic today. Here’s to living in a country that provides me easy access to my favorite foods with minimal effort! Thanks, Founding Fathers! (more…)
Black Forest PB and J Oatmeal
The frustrating part about moving is having such limited groceries. I’m trying not to purchase any excess food before moving day, which means I’m stuck making oatmeal solely from pantry items. Luckily for you AND me, this gave me a reason to finally share a recipe I’ve been hoarding recently.
It’s easy for me to say that this oatmeal can be whipped up without making an extra trip to the store, but it would be delusional of me to think that everyone keeps chocolate nut butter and cherry jam on hand at all times. I do. ^_^ Thus, when I had no fresh fruit this morning, this was the perfect oatmeal to make.
Lemon Coconut Oatcakes for One
A common “insult” I have to endure from people outside my inner circle is, “You must get really tired of eating such bland food.” The ignorance toward vegan food just breaks my heart. The food I ate prior to my veganism was not more flavorful. It was simply greasier and saltier. The food I eat now is by far more flavorful, satisfying, and exciting.
I mean . . . just look at it!
These Lemon Coconut Oatcakes are fruity, tropical, and filling. I topped my oatcakes with my lemon curd (with coconut stirred in). Also, despite being filling, they’re a little lighter than . . . err . . . some of my other recipes. 🙂
Tropical Oatmeal
This recipe is so obvious that it’s almost embarrassing that I haven’t posted it yet. I have so many tropical-themed recipes, but why not combine them all into one fabulous breakfast?
Mango, pineapple, and coconut were obvious choices, but my decision to include banana was a last-minute addition. I don’t know about you, but I always forget bananas are a tropical fruit.
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POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, bananas, coconut, kiwi, mango, papaya, pineapple, tropical
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, bananas, coconut, kiwi, mango, papaya, pineapple, tropical
Salted Mango Coconut Oatmeal
I may crave peanut butter and bananas hardcore during the fall and winter months, but during the spring and summer, I definitely crave a different flavor. I’ve noticed that everyone’s cravings change with the seasons*, and my oatmeal is no exception. These tropical, fruity, and citrusy porridge recipes I’ve been craving are lighter and more refreshing than my usual cozy bowls.
*But let’s be honest, peanut butter is appropriate 365 days a year.
For this recipe, I was inspired by these popsicles. I never would have considered salting a tropical recipe like this, but these popsicles were so visually appealing that I wanted to grab one from the screen and try it out. However, I’m perpetually cold (just ask the students who sweat to death in my classroom), so I had no desire to make popsicles. Then I thought, why not try it as oatmeal? So I did.
Black Forest Oatcakes…and my blog’s 2nd birthday!
Two years. TWO YEARS! Considering I’ve been running this blog during the two most challenging years of my life (student teaching/senior year, my year of service in Newark, and my first year of teaching in NYC), it’s a pretty big deal that I’ve managed to maintain this blog through it all. To celebrate, I made oatcakes:
But first, let me indulge in my nostalgia. Three fantastic things have happened since the Oatmeal Artist’s first birthday.
- I began my partnership with Country Choice Organic, which has completely changed my life.
- I began the Oatmeal Enthusiast series, which showed me that there are SO MANY PEOPLE that eat oatmeal every single morning, just like me.
- The #oatmealartist hashtag began on Instagram, which always gives me a nice ego boost whenever I’m feeling down. As of right now, there’s over 2,000 pictures on Instagram with the #oatmealartist tag. So cool!
POSTED IN: beets, cherries, chocolate, coconut, dessert lovers, pancakes and waffles, yogurt
POSTED IN: beets, cherries, chocolate, coconut, dessert lovers, pancakes and waffles, yogurt
Mango Coconut Cardamom Oatmeal
Mangoes are one of my favorite fruits, yet you rarely see one in my kitchen. They’re so expensive! I used to buy frozen mango, but for some reason I stopped doing that… (I know what I’m adding to my grocery list this week!!)
My local produce market has reasonably priced produce, especially for New York. I noticed that their mangoes were one for a dollar, which is how much I pay for my oranges, too. Since I buy an orange for every day of the week, I could not justify NOT buying a mango at that price! ^_^