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Tag Archives: chai
Chai-Spiced Pineapple Oatmeal
A couple weeks ago, I stated that I was done with the pineapple recipes for a while. Apparently, “a while” is only a couple weeks. ? Once I thought of this recipe, I couldn’t wait to make it.
Chai-Spiced Pumpkin Oatmeal with Persimmon
Do you love Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal? Could you eat it every day and never get sick of it?
OR do you like it, but you’re looking for a slight change? If you fit in the latter camp, I have the recipe for you. This chai-spiced porridge tastes quite reminiscent of pumpkin pie, but the addition of cardamom gives it a distinctly different experience.
And yes, I am aware that chai literally translates to tea. But we Americans use chai to refer to a specific tea: masala chai. (more…)
Chai Oatcakes for One
Let me preface by acknowledging that “chai” is Indian for “tea” (or something like that). So when we Americans order a chai tea, we are ordering a “tea tea.” And when we post recipes for “chai oatcakes,” we are simply saying “tea oatcakes.” What we Americans consider “chai” is officially named “Masala chai.”
AKA don’t bother telling me that the name of these oatcakes are nonsensical. I’m just speaking American. [insert American flag and peace sign emojis here]
Okay, now for the more important info: these oatcakes are wonderful. It is incredible how well zucchini fluffs up oatcakes. Look at the top one in the picture! So thick and fluffy!
I’m usually pretty so-so about my chai recipes, but this one is my favorite. The punch of the chai spices were perfect for these oatcakes, and a drizzle of maple syrup on top was all it needed to taste like a million dollars. (What a stupid simile. I bet a million dollars taste pretty dirty and bland.)
Chai Coconut Zucchini Oatmeal
Zucchini is great. You can do so much with it!
You know what I love? The combination of coconut and masala chai spices.
Chocolate Chai Oatmeal
This oatmeal is loaded with spicy flavor! All those masala chai spices mixed with cocoa creates such a unique, flavorful porridge.
Because the cocoa and chai spices are so intense, you can use banana without tasting it. For those of you who are allergic to bananas (or are just stubborn), you could also use pumpkin puree with some sweetener instead. (more…)
Banana Chai Latte Oatmeal
Yes, my friends, that would be steamed milk you see. (Soy milk. I’m in a soy milk phase right now.)
Some of you might remember my concept for “flooded” oatmeal.” In truth, I had grand plans for that concept. I was going to whip it out fairly regularly with creative twists and blah, blah, blah. However, I needed the foam. I didn’t want warm milk. I wanted steamed milk. With foam. Without the foam, the flood just wasn’t doing anything for me.
Chai Stewed Apples Oatmeal
I’ve given up coffee. It was tough for me. Really tough. I’ve spent the last year sampling soy lattes at every coffee shop in New York City, but the past few months have been trying. Within hours of licking the last bits of froth off my mug, I would always find myself feeling woozy and having cold sweats. Every. Single. Time.
Instead, I’ve had to reinvest in my love for tea.
I really wish I could order chai more often at all my favorite coffee shops. Sadly, most places make theirs from a concentrate or powdered mix that already includes dairy. Bumsville.
Overnight Tea-Steeped Oatmeal
Coffee or tea?
Six years ago, I would have responded, “Neither.” I started drinking tea toward the final months of my senior year of high school as a way to calm my ever-tormented digestive system. I wasn’t crazy about it at first, but I learned to tolerate it. Now, I drink a glass of tea almost every day. (I’ve also learned to like coffee, too, but that’s beside the point.)
Baked Banana Oatmeal & Variations
If I wanted to, I could create ten billion recipes of just baked oatmeal based on bananas. So many possibilities!
I liked that idea at first: more posts, right? However, I didn’t want to look like a cheater. Is it fair to share a recipe for baked banana oatmeal, and two days later, post a recipe for baked chai-spiced banana oatmeal?? Nope. So to be fair, I’m going to consolidate it all into one fantastic post packed with fun ideas! (more…)
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, baked oatmeal, bananas, chai, chocolate, coconut, nuts, PB and J, peanut butter, strawberries, tips and tricks, tropical
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, baked oatmeal, bananas, chai, chocolate, coconut, nuts, PB and J, peanut butter, strawberries, tips and tricks, tropical
Variations on Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal
It’s mid-October, and pumpkin recipes are everywhere. If you’re the type of person that loves this, then read ahead with glee! If you were beyond sick of the pumpkin posts on TasteSpotting and Food Gawker way back on September 1, then I apologize. Another (non-pumpkin-themed) post will be up on Saturday! 🙂
Here is a list of possible variations for my basic baked pumpkin oatmeal:
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POSTED IN: apples, baked oatmeal, bananas, chai, chocolate, coffee, pumpkin, veggies, winter squash
POSTED IN: apples, baked oatmeal, bananas, chai, chocolate, coffee, pumpkin, veggies, winter squash