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Tag Archives: avocado
Peach-Cherry Oatmeal with Avocado
Oatmeal with avocado? Sounds bizarre, I know. But I’ve done it before (Grapefruit Avocado Oatmeal) and I loved it. I’ve been plotting my next avocado recipe for years. Years!!!
Irish Tricolor Oatmeal Smoothie Bowl
As I said last week, Ireland has a special place in my heart. During my time in Ireland, I fell in love with the Irish flag, which is called the Irish Tricolor, according to Wikipedia. How original. ???
POSTED IN: avocado, bananas, citrus, coconut, greens, kiwi, not porridge, pineapple, smoothies, tropical
POSTED IN: avocado, bananas, citrus, coconut, greens, kiwi, not porridge, pineapple, smoothies, tropical
Shamrock Oatmeal Smoothie
St. Patrick’s Day is eight days away! Regular readers of the blog will know that Ireland has a special place in my heart. I have only left North America once, and that was a study abroad program in Ireland. You could say it was love at first sight. 

Thus, every year on St. Patrick’s Day, nostalgia kicks in and I swoon over all the Irish love.
This recipe is, obviously, a spin off McDonald’s shamrock milkshake. But better–there is no added sugar! Just bananas. I adore the use of oats in my smoothies because the soluble fiber slows down the digestion, so it’s not just one quick, massive hit of sugar. I find oat smoothies to be much easier on my sensitive stomach.
But in addition to being nutritious, it’s minty and delicious! It tastes a bit like mint ice cream, which is what inspired me to add the chocolate chips on top. No regrets.
Choco-Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal Parfait
I made this recipe weeks ago, but it took me forever to share it because I didn’t like the pictures. Once I edited them, I realized they weren’t that bad, but still nothing great.
Ever since making my Brownie Baked Oatmeal Parfait, I have wanted to do something similar. I’m a huge fan of chocolate pudding made from avocados, so instead of using yogurt (as I did in the aforementioned parfait), I decided to layer it with some clean, vegan chocolate pudding! (more…)
White Chocolate Macadamia Baked Oatmeal
McDonald’s was the first fast food restaurant I “quit.” I haven’t been to one since the summer of 2010. The other similar chains followed shortly after: BK, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, KFC, etc. One that stuck around for a while was Subway. In fact, I still have Subway a couple times a year in times of desperation.
Subway and I have an interesting history. I loathed it for my entire childhood. It smells so dreadful! Whenever my family would choose to go there for dinner, I would rant and grumble for days. I would order Cheetos and ice cream and refuse to order a sandwich. I eventually overcame that fussiness and started ordering the sandwiches, first having simple turkey and cheese sandwiches, and eventually experimenting with the veggies. Now, of course, my sandwiches are ALL veggies. I am always amused by the worker’s faces when I ask for a sandwich with neither meat NOR cheese. “NO cheese? JUST veggies?” Yes. That’s what I said.
Anyway, when I think of Subway, I also think of their cookies. I can’t remember when I first tried it, but I always loved their white chocolate macadamia cookies. That combination is a killer.
I didn’t think there was any way a baked oatmeal recipe could rival that cookie, but IT DID. It tasted EXACTLY like it. I’m continuously amazed at how easily I can recreate cookie recipes using baked oatmeal.
Brownie Baked Oatmeal Parfait
I feel like I picked the right time to go herbivore. It’s so exciting to watch new vegan products pop up on mainstream grocery shelves all the time. It seems like every time I go to the store, I find a new vegan product. Now, I try not to fill my diet with mock meats and fake dairy, but it is amusing to experiment with them from time to time.My local produce market, which understandably has a tiny dairy section, just added Almond Dream yogurt to its selection. They only carry two flavors–coconut and strawberry–but I am completely fine with that. The coconut flavor is one of my favorites anyway.
To celebrate, I made this parfait. I typically eat one of my banana/peanut butter recipes on weekends, so I actually had to FORCE myself to make this. I think I pouted the entire time until I was finally spooning the results into my mouth. Then the sacrifice seemed worth it.
Salted Brownie Baked Oatmeal: Revisited
Despite its popularity, I’ve never been particularly proud of the original Salted Brownie Baked Oatmeal. At the time, I was a bit precarious with my recipes. I knew it wasn’t perfect (it tasted like bananas, for Pete’s sake!), but I enjoyed it, and it sounded fancy, so I posted it before I should have. Much to my anxiety, this recipe became a hit. I wasn’t surprised that people were excited about the recipe itself, but I was stunned when people actually tried it and liked it. Really? But it tastes like bananas!!
Cranberry Brownie Baked Oatmeal
I need to go back to all my chocolate baked oatmeals and redo them. I need to fix them knowing what I know now. I must improve them…ASAP…because I now know the secret to a banana-less, applesauce-less baked oatmeal.
It’s avocado. AVOCADO! Duh! Why didn’t I think of that earlier? Avocado is used all the time as a replacement for butter and eggs in vegan baking. Ugh! I could have saved myself from so many unnecessary banana flavors.
This trick worked like a charm for this recipe. I was too lazy to drag out my food processor, so I just mashed the heck out of this avocado and mixed it by hand with the other ingredients. Before adding the oats and cranberries, I tasted the chocolate-avocado mixture…and it’s like PUDDING. It reminded me of the dairy-free pudding I often make when I have avocado to use up…but without the banana!
Grapefruit Avocado Oatmeal
Don’t freak out. I know it looks and sounds strange, but…just give it a chance!
It’s verging on a savory oatmeal, but it’s definitely still sweet. It’s inspired by one of my favorite salads, grapefruit segments and avocado slices piled on a heap of spinach. Mmmm. If you’re hankering to try savory oats, but are still too scared to make the jump, this might be a good transition recipe for you. The grapefruit is flavorful, but the avocado is rich and creamy. As long as you like avocado (and I really, really do), you’ll enjoy this.