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Tag Archives: apricot
Apricot Almond Butter Bites
Gasp! Where have I been??
I’ve been proud of not taking any blogging breaks since I ran the heck away from quit teaching, but last week got the better of me! You know what really did it? The weather sucked (rain, rain, and more rain), which means I have no natural lighting for pictures. On the few days of semi-sunshine, I was too lazy to dirty some dishes and take a few pictures. It’s something I fight on a regular basis, but last week, the laziness won.
Lately I have found myself heading out the door with no packable snacks. Yes, I have dried fruit, but sometimes I get sick of just eating those every day, and I wanted something a little more interesting. Preferably something nutty. Having some dried apricots and almond butter to use up, I immediately set off to make an “energy ball” recipe that would be reminiscent of my beloved Peach & Almond Butter Oatmeal. (more…)
POSTED IN: almond, apricot, dried fruit, no bake, not porridge, nut butter, nuts, oatmeal bites
POSTED IN: almond, apricot, dried fruit, no bake, not porridge, nut butter, nuts, oatmeal bites
Apricot Pineapple Overnight Oatmeal
Happy Friday! Here’s my final recipe for this random pineapple series. ? Pineapple is shockingly versatile, pleasantly sweet, and wonderfully flavorful, but I’m all pineappled out for a while.
Next obsession, please!
Once again, I used the Kite Hill yogurt (I made this at the same time as I made the Blueberry Pineapple Overnight Oatmeal, to be honest). Unlike the blueberry version, I added a pinch of cinnamon to this recipe, and it worked surprisingly well with the yogurt. I think almond milk yogurt (especially this brand) is a little less tangy than you would generally think of yogurt, so the cinnamon works with it and not against it.
Apricot PB&J Oatmeal (& Basic Apricot Oatmeal)
Is there any fruit I won’t combine with PB&J? The answer is no. I will not rest until every fruit has been PB&J-ified.
Once upon a time, I scowled at apricots. “They are a bad version of peaches,” I said. I stand by my claim that they are inferior to peaches (which are my favorite fruit), but I no longer hate them. This came about after eating dried apricots multiple times a week for my morning snack and added diced apricot to my beloved kale salads. (more…)
Strawberry Apricot Mint Breakfast Cobbler
Check out this newest addition to my breakfast cobbler family:
Before I give you the recipe, let me indulge in some personal reflection.
I’ve had some more time here and there lately. My grad school courses finished for the semester, and I instantly felt a weight lifted. Suddenly, a had a wealth of hours that could be dedicated to whatever I wanted. At first, they were spent lying in bed watching stand-up comedy. I needed to recuperate. Badly. (more…)
POSTED IN: apricot, baked oatmeal, berries, breakfast cobbler, dessert lovers, herbs, mint, strawberries
POSTED IN: apricot, baked oatmeal, berries, breakfast cobbler, dessert lovers, herbs, mint, strawberries
Apricot Cardamom Oatmeal
Remember my angst against apricots?? How they are basically just wannabe peaches? Well, I have discovered one perk they have over peaches: they have a more powerful flavor than peaches, making them more enjoyable in oatmeal. Peaches tend to “disappear” when mixed into oatmeal, but apricots are still pretty in-your-face.
As a result, I used apricots for this recipe even though I originally envisioned it with peaches. Of course, you could use either.
Roasted Apricot Oatmeal
You know how I don’t like pears because they remind me of a sad, flavorless, soggy apple? That’s kind of how I feel about apricots. 😛 They remind me of a hard, off-tasting peach. And YOU KNOW how much I love my peaches. I often grab apricot-flavored jelly or pancake syrup, thinking, “Ohhhh, this will be like peaches!!” But the whole time I’m eating it, all I can notice is that apricot taste, and how it’s not peaches.
Apricots are like decaf coffee. It’s almost what you want, but it’s mostly a disappointment.
However, when I saw the clamshell of apricots at Trader Joe’s this week (TJ’s loves its clamshells…), I felt inspired. Apricots are so cute! That golden hue with sporadic shades of blush just spoke to me. 🙂
Apricot Cherry Overnight Oatmeal
I achieved the impossible: I snapped an attractive photo of overnight oatmeal! What is it about overnight oats that make them so UN-photogenic? I think that’s one of the reasons why I don’t like posting overnight recipes. I always feel like I’m setting myself up for failure. I loathe putting up a post with sub-par photos (yet I do it all the time).
Confession time: this was the first fresh apricot I’ve ever eaten. Ha! I’ve had many a dried apricot, but never fresh. I bought one last year to make an oatmeal recipe with, but I waited a day too long and it turned rotten before I could cut into it. Dang…I hate wasting food!
Apricot Granola Oatmeal
Prepare yourself for a whole lot of dried fruit craziness coming your way. Remember the box of goodies my mom sent me before my birthday? Well, she apparently decided that wasn’t enough, and she shipped an even BIGGER box of treats last week. I guess the first box was my “pre-birthday gift,” and the second one was the “belated birthday gift.” Either way, THANK YOU, MOM!!!The second box contains oodles of awesome stuff, from papaya to crystallized ginger. I can’t tell you how excited I am to use them all in oatmeal!
For my first recipe, I was feeling a little uncreative, so no papaya spears made it into the saucepan. I did, however, use the maple-almond granola my mom sent as a topping! Granola makes a wonderful topping; I also used it on the Loaded PB&J Oatmeal! Some days, you just can’t decide between cold granola and hot porridge, so you have both! 🙂