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Tag Archives: almond
Peach Almond Oatmeal with Pomegranates
Mmkay. Time to be vulnerable.
I’ve been somber lately. Maybe even a little hopeless.
My apartment does not offer great lighting. My window faces almost directly south, meaning the sun never fully shines inside, despite our big windows. I cannot take pictures outside without walking straight onto the bustling sidewalks of New York and lookin’ like a fool. I try taking pictures near my bedroom window during the brightest time of the day, but they still turn out grainy and discolored.
I have a pretty great camera (the top-rated point-and-shoot on the market), but it functions best in natural lighting. It’s not ready for indoor, dimly-lit food photography. Having just signed a lease on my first how-the-heck-does-it-possibly-cost-this-much NYC apartment, I can’t even fathom buying a fancy camera at this point.
Peach Banana Muesli
Week 6 of not having a stove. ?
It’s becoming painful, yo. When so much of your happiness relies on your ability to cook and prepare food, not having a functioning stove is a terrible blow. We’ve been dealing with our electronic company for weeks trying to convince them to turn on our gas. Every time, it’s “You need to do X.” So then we do X. We wait. We call back. They say, “You did X, but you still need to do Y.” We say, “You never told us that, but okay.” We do Y. We wait. We call back. Etc.
Grape and Dark Chocolate Chunk Muesli
. . . Because chocolate chunks are just plain better than chocolate chips.
Although most of my favorite food blogs are vegan (or at least vegetarian), I take inspiration from all food lifestyles. I check FoodGawker at least twice every day and browse until I have viewed each new recipe, and I know the times of the day that the site is usually updated. It might be an addiction…
Ever since I “met” Haley from Cheap Recipe Blog, hers is one of the sites that I often find inspiration. Recently, she shared a cheap and easy entertaining idea of serving frozen grapes, dark chocolate, and wine for dessert. Um, I love all three of those things, so YES.
Cherry Almond Fudge Oatmeal
Since going to my parents’ house a little over a week ago, I’ve been hooked on my Fudgy Banana & Peanut Butter Oatmeal. Every time that I’ve had to photograph a new recipe–like this one–I basically had to force myself to say “no” to my beloved favorite. This recipe was a little easier to swallow since it’s still “fudgy,” but…no peanut butter?! The horror!
Luckily, I am satisfied with my decision as soon as I take the first bite!
I love cherry season. I think frozen cherries lack flavor, and dried cherries are tough and too chewy. Whenever I have fresh cherries to work with, I am a happy lady.
Apple Baked Oatmeal with Espresso Almond Butter Frosting
Remember how I bought almond butter and managed to not demolish it within seconds? Here is another recipe I created with it. Seriously, what could be better than a robe of almond butter smothering a baked oatmeal cake? Nothing, that’s what.
To see how I made it, scroll to the bottom. I’m about to do some sappy reflecting. (more…)
Roasted Strawberry and Almond Butter Oatmeal + Getting Fit #6
Yay! Oatmeal! You love oatmeal! I love oatmeal! Let’s roast some strawberries and be friends.
But first, let’s check in with Crystal.
This is the sixth segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram,@crystalchilcott.
TOA: Hello! How’s the concussion?
Crystal: It’s better now, but I’m at home in Pennsylvania and haven’t skated or worked out. It’s driving me crazy! How did the last two weeks go?
TOA: Great! I finally reached my goal of running 3 miles (twice!), and oddly enough, it was at my fastest pace yet! (~10 min/mile)
Crystal: That is wonderful! Has your energy level improved?
TOA: Not particularly. I’ve noticed I have more energy Saturday through Monday, but the rest of the week, I’m hopeless. I’m moving around my running schedule around to fit my “high energy” days and doing the bulk of it on weekends and early in the week (Mondays and Tuesdays). Last weekend, I went on a hike with a friend instead of my usual jog to switch things up!
Crystal: That’s great! Changing things up can help maintain your motivation and desire to run. Did you try interval running?
TOA: I did! This past Sunday, I didn’t feel like running at all, so I gave the intervals a shot. Every time I felt like walking, I started sprinting instead. Surprisingly, it worked! That night, I ran three miles again, and my whole body was exhausted afterwards. It was such a great workout.
Crystal: That’s great! That’s something you can always consider if you’re tired or not motivated. How do your strength exercises feel?
TOA: I’ll be honest: the last time I did three miles, I skipped them. My whole body was limp. But on this past Wednesday night, I only ran 1.5 miles (it was sweltering hot), so I did them. They are my least favorite part of the routine haha.
As I reflect on the last few months, I am so proud of how far I have come. Do I love exercising? Nope. Still hate it. Have I skipped a routine along the way? Definitely. Did I once go an entire week without running? Sure did. HOWEVER…have I given up? NO. The past several weeks, I have run at least twice (usually three times) every week. And I’m up to THREE MILES, and that’s with my super exhausted body right now. I can’t wait to see what I accomplish once summer vacation starts and I’m no longer a walking zombie.
Such a celebration demands some fancy porridge. I’ve been meaning to top my oatmeal with roasted strawberries for ages, but I finally tried it. It’s actually absurdly easy–just time-consuming.
Oh, and great news: I made this jar of almond butter last more than three days (because that happened once…). It’s been a solid two weeks and I haven’t finished yet. Yay?
Roasted Strawberry and Almond Butter Oatmeal + Getting Fit #6
What you'll need:
- 5 strawberries
- 1/2 tsp maple syrup
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- 3/4 cup milk of choice, or water
- 1/4 cup quick cook steel-cut oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract OR almond extract
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon (omit if using almond extract)
- 1-2 tbsp of almond butter
- pinch of salt
- sliced or slivered almonds for topping
For the Roasted Strawberries
For the Oatmeal
How to make it:
- Preheat oven to 350 F. Spray an oven-safe ramekin with nonstick cooking spray.
- Hull and quarter strawberries.
- Toss with maple syrup and vanilla extract.
- Place in oven for about 20-25 minutes, until warm and juicy but still holding its shape. Set aside.
- Bring milk (I use 1/2 c almond milk and 1/4 c water) to a boil, add oats, and reduce heat to medium. (If you'd like to add a teaspoon of flax or chia seeds, do so now.)
- Once more of the liquid has absorbed, add extract of choice, optional cinnamon, and salt. Stir.
- When you're pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, swirl in almond butter. I like to not mix it in completely because I like finding globs of it when I'm eating. 🙂
- Transfer to a bowl. Top with sliced/slivered almonds and roasted strawberries. Add a splash of your milk of choice and any other additional toppings (shredded coconut, nuts, etc.).
Getting Fit #5 + Orange Marmalade and Almond Oatmeal
For the first time in several weeks, I have a recipe to share with you on a Saturday! Woohoo!
But first, let’s check in with Crystal.
This is the fourth segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram,@crystalchilcott.
TOA: Hi Crystal! How is your summer going?
Crystal: Hi Lauren! It finally feels like summer here in Colorado. I unfortunately sustained a concussion on Saturday so I haven’t been able to skate, but I’ve enjoyed having time to read a copious amount! How are you?
TOA: I’m okay. I’ve been feeling chronically fatigued lately; I experienced the same thing around this time last year. It seems like no matter what time I go to bed, I wake up exhausted. It makes staying active difficult!
Crystal: Does exercise give you an energy boost?
TOA: Not particularly. On weekends and Mondays, kind of. Once I get further into the week, I just trudge through my routine and feel dead from beginning to end.
Crystal: Hmm, do you think a change in routine might help?
TOA: Maybe. What are you thinking?
Crystal: Perhaps you could try doing strength before running to change it up a bit or doing intervals. If you did intervals you would lightly jog for a minute and then sprint for thirty seconds. Sometimes that makes my cardio a bit more interesting.
TOA: Hmm that could work. I like how it’s less monotonous than just plain long-distance jogging. However, I’m pleased to report that I’ve completed a 2.6 mile run a few times since we talked last!
Crystal: That’s great! It is awesome that you’re making progress even when you’re not feeling your best energy-wise. Would you be willing to try the intervals at least once next week to see how you like them?
TOA: Definitely. Besides that, should I follow the same routine?
Crystal: Is your strength routine still challenging but not impossible?
TOA: That’s the perfect way to describe it. Usually during the second set, I feel like there’s no way I’ll be able to complete all three, but then I can do it and it doesn’t kill me—ha!
Crystal: Great! I see no reason to change it then.
TOA: Thanks! Say, I have a question for you. When you’re doing hardcore training, what do you eat for breakfast?
Crystal:I almost always have oatmeal and matcha green tea, sometimes together! I almost never repeat bowls of oatmeal and either use one of your recipes or top it with whatever fruits, nuts, or nut butters I have on hand.
TOA: Do you eat before working out, or after?
Crystal: Always before. If I don’t eat beforehand I don’t think I could make it through a workout or skating session!
TOA: I’m the same way! However, I know many people that wait until after working out because they complain it makes them sick to eat before. That’s crazy to me! I’m ravenous in the morning. Similar to me, you’re a vegetarian. Do you use any “protein shakes” or anything of that nature?
Crystal: I don’t understand breakfast-skippers either! I’m a believer in getting all my nutrients through whole foods and using as little supplements as possible. On exceptionally hard workout days or on days when I feel I need more protein, I sometimes use SunWarrior protein and add it to a smoothie in my NutriBullet. I like that brand because it is from all plant-based sources and has none of the sketchy additives like most protein powders. I also sometimes eat Luna protein bars or Lara Alt bars.
TOA: YAY! I agree. I see no reason to buy protein powders myself. That’s what peanut butter is for.
Crystal: Oh, yes, peanut butter is definitely my favorite protein source! It is much more fun to eat peanut butter than drink an unappealing, chemical-ridden, pre-packaged protein shake!
TOA: I agree! Do you eat any differently on days that you work out vs. days that you don’t? (Or do you work out every day, haha?)
Crystal: Sunday is my only off day. I’m hungrier on days that I work out so I usually have an extra snack. I like to eat smaller meals five to six times a day, balanced with protein, grains, and fruits and veggies. I find I have the most energy this way whether I work out or not.
Like Crystal, I can handle eating breakfast before a workout. Often, I will eat something somewhat lighter, go for a run, and then come home for round two…because two breakfasts are better than one.
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, almond, citrus, fitness, hidden banana, jams and jellies
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, almond, citrus, fitness, hidden banana, jams and jellies
Plum Almond Oatmeal
If you liked my Pear Almond Baked Oatmeal, methinks you’ll like this. It has a similar profile, but it’s better because it’s pear-less and made on the stove.
You’ve probably noticed a lack of baked recipes lately (except for the occasional brownie, of course). I much prefer stove-top recipes because they’re easier to control and significantly faster. Additionally, I make all my oatmeal for the week on Saturday and Sunday, and then I reheat them throughout the week. I don’t own a microwave (I know, right?), so I heat the oatmeal on the stove while I’m doing my hair and makeup at 4:45 am. It’s ridiculously difficult to reheat a baked oatmeal on the stove, so it rarely happens these days.
Anyway, the moral of the story is that plums are better than pears, stove-top is better than baked, and almond extract is wonderful. Or something like that.
Plum Almond Oatmeal
What you'll need:
- 1 plum
- 1 cup milk of choice, or water
- 1/2 cup rolled oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
- 1/4 tsp almond extract
- pinch of salt
How to make it:
- Prep your plum by dicing it into small cubes.
- Bring milk (I use 1/2 c almond milk and 1/2 c water) to a boil, add plum cubes and oats, and reduce heat to medium. (If you'd like to add a teaspoon of flax or chia seeds, do so now.)
- Once more of the liquid has absorbed, add almond extract and salt. Stir.
- When you're pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, transfer to a bowl. Add a splash of your milk of choice and any other additional toppings (sliced almonds, shredded coconut, nuts, etc.).
Strawberry Almond Oatmeal
Inspired by my recent Berry, Almond, & Coconut Oatmeal, I realized I haven’t done enough with almond extract. So many possibilities!
My favorite aspect of almond extract (besides its taste) is the intensity of its flavor. This allows me to (drum roll please) . . .use the hidden banana trick! Oatmeal without banana is like a cookie without chocolate chips (a poor analogy, considering my favorite cookie is a snickerdoodle).
Anyway, strawberries have been–inexplicably–on sale and in great quality at my local produce market, so I’ve been enjoying them in my oatmeal and salads. Combined with the nutty almond extract, this oatmeal is a fresh and fruity delight.
Berry, Almond, and Coconut Oatmeal
Whenever I make a recipe with coconut, I become angry with myself for not doing so more often. Coconut is so…perfect in every way. Buttery, rich, flavorful. So great.
This oatmeal combines the lovely combination of almonds and coconut, like my Almond Joy Oatmeal. It also contains a hidden banana, so I guess you could say they’re close cousins. The difference is this one tastes a little healthier (without the chocolate, and the addition of fresh berries)! However, these cousins are equally tasty. 🙂