Unfortunately, I haven’t had great luck with them in oatmeal. In my experience, they just don’t give off much flavor. Pairing them with raspberries was quite successful, though! The raspberries provided the much-needed pow of flavor, and the cubes of soft plums could simply add a little variety to each spoonful.
P.S. You know what makes me sad? These white/yellow plums. The red ones are so much better. Whenever I bite into a plum and see that deep red hue, I get so excited. I apologize for the inadequacy of the plum in this picture!
Raspberry Plum Oatmeal
What you'll need:
- 1 cup milk of choice, or water
- 1/2 cup rolled oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
- 1 plum
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- pinch of allspice
- pinch of salt
- 1/4 cup fresh raspberries
How to make it:
- Bring milk (I use 1/2 c almond milk and 1/2 c water) to a boil, add oats, and reduce heat to medium. (If you'd like to add a teaspoon of flax or chia seeds, do so now.)
- Dice the plum and add to the oatmeal. Stir occasionally.
- Once more of the liquid has absorbed, add vanilla extract, cinnamon, allspice, and salt. Stir.
- When you're pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, stir in a few of the raspberries (up to half of them). Then, transfer to a bowl. Add a splash of your milk of choice, the remaining raspberries, and any other additional toppings (shredded coconut, nuts, etc.).
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