Growing up, I always liked oatmeal but never loved it. I would go through phases of eating oatmeal for breakfast, starting with dinosaur egg oatmeal as a kid, rotating through the different flavors of Quaker instant oatmeal in my early teens, and settling on plain oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar towards the end of high school. These were always just phases that lasted a few weeks before I moved onto eggs or Cheerios.
It was during my freshman year of college that my love for oatmeal really blossomed. I had recently discovered healthy living blogs, but being on a full dining plan, had limited use for their recipes. Up until then, I had virtually zero interest in cooking, but I came home for winter break that year eager to try it out. The very first recipe I made was Peanut Butter Fingers’ classic overnight oats. I loved the unique taste and texture of the oatmeal and yogurt mixed together. I also loved the process of actually cooking my own breakfast, following a recipe, and evaluating the finished result. In other words, I was hooked!
Thus began my foray into oatmeal experimentation. Some time during the summer after my freshman year of college, I discovered The Oatmeal Artist. I loved her perspective on oatmeal and life and really appreciated that her recipes were easy to make, used mostly ingredients I had on hand, were customizable, and most importantly, always turned out to be delicious! I also found several other oatmeal recipe blogs to explore through Lauren’s blog.
Now four years later, I prefer hot oats to overnight and enjoy baked oatmeal regularly. I cook my oats on the stovetop over the weekend but in the microwave during the week to save time. My oatmeal is now plant-based and you will never find my bowl without some sort of nut butter on top. I have tried anything and everything in my oatmeal, from chickpeas to spinach to watermelon. However, my favorites tend to be on the simpler side. I still try new recipes whenever I get the chance, but classics like Lauren’s peanut butter oatmeal will always have my heart.
And now without further ado, here’s my week of oatmeal, 2017-style!
I started the week off with the Real Life RD’s carrot cake oatmeal . I added zucchini and topped with maple mixed nut butter, so there was no need for maple syrup.
Here’s my go-to oatmeal. I eat it before tests, on early mornings, and just whenever I am in need of an extra comforting breakfast. I cook rolled oats in the microwave with zucchini and salt, then stir in cinnamon, pumpkin, and banana that I “melt” in the microwave. I top it with a little of bit of every nut butter I have on hand—today’s was peanut butter, maple mixed nut butter, and soy nut butter.
This is my favorite baked oatmeal—Edible Whims of an English Daydreamer’s sweet potato nut butter swirl baked oatmeal. I actually found this blog through the Oatmeal Artist. I added zucchini to my baked oatmeal and two types of nut butter.
Today’s breakfast was cinnamon roll oatmeal from Kat’s Health Corner . I made it with steel cut oats and added zucchini and diced apple before topping with Vega One protein powder and maple mixed nut butter.
This morning I chose to make Lauren’s morning glory oatmeal, one of my favorites. I added raisins and topped with soy nut butter.
Saturdays call for trying new recipes. Today was my first time trying Lauren’s pb&j&apple oatmeal and it was great! I added zucchini as per usual.
This epic breakfast combined oatmeal with another one of my favorite foods, sweet potatoes, for a weekend treat. I made a smaller portion of rolled oats in the microwave with zucchini and added cacao powder and some “melted” banana before pouring the oats over part of a baked Japanese sweet potato and topping with peanut butter.
Bonus oatmeal:
These are Nut Butter Runner’s pumpkin raisin overnight oats. I added zucchini and used coconut yogurt and made the oats in a mug with soy nut butter on the bottom since I didn’t have an almost empty nut butter jar.