My dreams came crashing down when I opened my mother’s bottle of mint extract, only to get an awful whiff of spearmint. SPEARMINT!! Ugh. It was a combination of spearmint and peppermint. Unacceptable!
I was not about to have spearmint mocha–gross. Instead, I just went with a simple mocha oatmeal, along with a little bit of vanilla extract to enhance the chocolate flavor.
Like my Thin Mints or Lemon Poppy Seed Oatmeal, I used banana to sweeten it. I swear you won’t taste it. I knew I wouldn’t be able to taste it with peppermint or almond extract, but I was very surprised that I didn’t even taste it with just vanilla extract! The coffee and chocolate flavors are very strong and mask the banana taste well.
The fun thing about this recipe is that the variations are endless! Instead of vanilla extract, you could use PEPPERMINT extract (not spearmint…) for a peppermint mocha, ALMOND extract for an almond mocha, etc. Imagine the possibilities: hazelnut, caramel, coconut, butterscotch, Irish cream, French vanilla….
What you'll need:
- 2/3 cup strong brewed coffee (I used cold press!)
- 1/3 cup milk of choice, or water
- 1/2 cup rolled oats (I used Country Choice Organic)
- 1/2 a ripe banana
- 1 rounded tbsp cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- pinch of salt
How to make it:
- Bring coffee and milk to a boil, add oats, and reduce heat to medium.
- Mash up banana and add to the oatmeal. Stir.
- Once more of the liquid has absorbed, add cocoa powder, vanilla extract (or whatever flavor you want to use), and salt.
- If you'd like to add any extra ingredients (coconut oil, nuts), do so now.
- When you're pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, transfer to a bowl. Serve with another splash of your milk of choice (and/or more coffee) and any other additional toppings (shredded coconut, nuts, chocolate chips, etc.).
Easy variations:
White Chocolate Mocha Oatmeal: Add a handful of white chocolate chips toward the end (either let them melt and stir them in, or simply sprinkle them on top when serving).
Coconut Mocha Oatmeal: Use coconut milk with the coffee for your cooking liquid, and top with shredded coconut at the end. The vanilla extract is optional.
Almond Joy Mocha Oatmeal: Use 1/4 tsp almond extract instead of vanilla extract, and top with shredded coconut at the end.
15 Responses to Mocha Oatmeal (with Variations)