Mango Cayenne Oat Smoothie

I love kombucha so much. I used to feel pressure to limit my kombucha intake (due to the fact that the good bottles cost like $5 each), but now that I make it at home, I can have one nearly every day!

One of my favorite flavor creations was mango + cayenne, which came about because I had some incredibly tough dried mango that I no longer wanted to snack on. As an expirement, I cut them into thin strips and tucked them into bottles of a fresh batch of kombucha. Sure enough, two days later (carbonating time!), my kombucha was delightfully mango-flavored, and I had found the perfect way not to waste that jaw-ripping mango.

Mango Cayenne Oat Smoothie by the Oatmeal Artist #Vegan

Looking up various ways to elevate that flavor, I decided to try cayenne. It was an obvious choice, considering my favorite storebought kombucha is Health-Ade’s Cayenne Cleanse. I love spicyspicyspicy. <3

I wanted to turn this into oatmeal. However, I already had the Spicy Mango Oatmeal, which was inspired by mango chutney. It would be different, but not different enough. Thus, I went the smoothie route. This better captured the refreshing vibe of my kombucha anyway. Heck, you could probably mix kombucha into this smoothie! That seems to be a thing people are doing lately.

Mango Cayenne Oat Smoothie by the Oatmeal Artist

I admit, I mostly make oatmeal smoothies for my readers. I’m not really big on smoothies myself. They hurt my stomach. ? But I must say, this is by far my favorite smoothie I’ve made, on the blog or otherwise. It reminded me how much I love mango. This smoothie is unadulterated mango flavor. It’s bold and brilliant. You don’t lose the mango beneath any banana or berry or pineapple. It’s mango in its purest form, with a dangerous hit of spice.

Be careful with the cayenne. I tried 1/8 tsp first and “couldn’t taste it,” but then it smacked me a few seconds later. In other words, don’t add more until you’re sure it’s not spicy enough for you. Still, I love, love, love spicy food, so I did add even more. It was awesome. ?

Random Recommendations:

  • [vids] Beyonce’s new visual album. ? (Link may be taken down due to copyright infringement eventually. Google it and find another source!)
  • [things] Consider getting your Mother’s Day gift from Etsy! I love finding unique little things made by individual entrepreneurs.
Mango Cayenne Oat Smoothie

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Yield: makes one 16 oz smoothie

What you'll need:

  • 1 and 1/2 cup frozen mango
  • 3/4 cup milk, water, orange juice, or a mix
  • 1/4 cup oats (quick or rolled) (I used BetterOats organic quick oats)
  • 1 tsp lime juice
  • 1/8-1/4 tsp cayenne
  • pinch of salt

How to make it:

  1. Puree all ingredients together in a blender or food processor until creamy.

Just an FYI:

All ingredients for the smoothie can easily be adjusted to meet your preferences. As written, this recipe makes a somewhat thin smoothie; use less liquid for a thicker smoothie. Make it green: add 1/2 cup packed spinach, stems removed

About Lauren Smith

Lauren is a herbivore, Slytherin, and connoisseur of oats. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

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