Glühwein (Mulled Wine) Oatmeal [Guest Post]

Hi oatmeal lovers! I am back in New York City after a three-week excursion to visit friends and family. If you’ve been following the blog, you know that I’ve been featuring many guest posts to keep the blog active throughout the summer despite my travels. Although I’ve been eating simple oatmeal every morning, I didn’t really have time to create new recipes, make them look pretty, and take nice pictures of them. So I outsourced. 😉  I found Tiffany’s “Glühwein” (aka mulled wine) Oatmeal on Instagram and thought it was brilliant. 


To see the recipe for this splendid recipe, scroll down, down, down! Otherwise, leisurely scroll through some pictures from my travels.

So what have I been up to? Well, I spent some time in Minnesota and reunited with high school friends:

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My family and I cheered on the Minnesota Twins:

11059749_10206988812860287_4974228829099104975_nMy boyfriend and I went to CANADA!!

Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 3.06.54 PM And, of course, I drank enough espresso to fill the Space Needle:

Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 3.07.30 PMIf you’d like to see more pictures from my travels, check out my Instagram.

But now for the main event, Tiffany’s Mulled Wine Oatmeal!

Hello fellow oatmeal addicts!

My name is Tiffany and I am thrilled to be asked by Lauren to share my recipe for mulled-wine-spiced porridge with you. I’m a long-time oatmeal lover and an avid reader of Lauren’s blog, and often find myself turning to her expertise when I’m looking for inspiration or exciting combinations.

I hail from sunny Australia, although right now we’re in the middle of a damn cold winter and even though it chills my bones, it’s perfect oatmeal weather! I’m a postgrad student at the University of Melbourne, and when I can’t be found buried face-first in a mountain of books, I’m probably making a delicious mess in the kitchen. I love to cook! My food philosophy is pretty simple: local, seasonal, kind. I eat a mostly vegan diet and I love to use produce that’s in-season and abundant. Fresh is best! One of my favourite things is to go to farmers’ markets and stock up on loads of fresh fruit and veg.


Like most of you, I love breakfast. Love it. On frosty winter mornings, a comforting bowl of oats is what gets me out of my toasty warm bed and ready to face the day. I like my porridge with fruit – lots and lots of fruit. Add some toasted nuts, a chef’s pinch of salt and a touch of sweetness and I’m in heaven.


Something else I love is mulled wine, which I discovered a taste for when I moved to Melbourne a year ago. Deep and warming and spiced, it smells of winter and tastes of Christmas. Recently I bought some Glühwein Spice (mulled wine) from Gewürzhaus Spice Merchants, fully intending to infuse it in a bottle of South Australian cab sav. One dreary and unproductive day I wondered, ‘What would mulled wine spice be like in oatmeal?’ And so was born my Glühwein Red Grape Porridge with Toasted Almonds and Medjool Dates. So delicious.


I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! And thanks to Lauren for letting me share it with you! Oatmeal on, fellow addicts.


Tiff xx

Instagram: @tiffany_jaded


Glühwein Red Grape Porridge with Toasted Almonds and Medjool Dates

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 8 minutes

Yield: serves 1

What you'll need:

  • 10g slivered almonds, toasted
  • 1/3 cup organic rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup almond milk
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 1 medjool date, diced
  • 1/2 teaspoon Glühwein spice*
  • 1 cup red grapes
  • Pinch salt
  • Juice 1 orange wedge

How to make it:

  1. Toast the almonds in a dry saucepan until golden brown. (Keep an eye on them, it doesn’t take long!) Set aside.
  2. Add oats, milk, salt, Glühwein spice and dates to a saucepan and heat gently. Cut half of the grapes in half (so they will release their juices) and add them to the oats.
  3. Reduce the heat and allow to simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Add the orange juice and the remaining grapes (I left mine whole) so they heat through.
  5. When the oats reach your preferred consistency, add a pinch of salt and transfer to a bowl.
  6. Top with the toasted almonds and enjoy!

Just an FYI:

*Gewürzhaus use: wild hibiscus, orange peel, clove, lemon peel, star anise, cinnamon, cassia and pepper. [Note by TOA: You can find mulling spices in many spice and kitchen stores, or you can order online! Here's one from Simply Organic.]


About Lauren Smith

Lauren is a herbivore, Slytherin, and connoisseur of oats. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

2 Responses to Glühwein (Mulled Wine) Oatmeal [Guest Post]

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