Author Archives: Lauren Smith

About Lauren Smith

Lauren is a herbivore, Slytherin, and connoisseur of oats. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

Cherry Garcia Oatmeal

This recipe has been on my mind for at LEAST half a year. Why, oh why, must cherries cost so much??


I once tried this with cheap cherry jam. I was at a diner for Sunday breakfast, and they had those little individual packets of jams. I immediately thought of my chocolate-cherry idea, and I snatched one and hid it in my purse. 😉 (more…)

Apple-Cherry Oatmeal

My family is quite accepting of my oatmeal love. In fact, when we were camping the other day, my mom made sure to have some rolled oats and almond milk packed for me. How sweet!


Even more sweet was what she bought for me: fresh cherries. I’ve wanted to use them in oatmeal for the longest time, but they’re so gosh darn expensive! I mentioned to her that I’ve always wanted some, and much to my delight, she actually bought some! (more…)

Banana Cream Pie Overnight Oatmeal

Banana Cream Pie is one of my favorite desserts…but only when it’s made correctly (aka homemade). I hate when people just whip up Jell-O banana pudding and stick it on top of a store-bought crust, and then squirt some canned whipped cream on top. It’s absolutely insulting!


I’ve wanted to create a banana cream pie oatmeal for a while now, but I wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. Would it just be a regular banana oatmeal with extra vanilla extract? Would I top it with something (banana soft serve? coconut whipped cream? soy yogurt?) to resemble the “cream?”

But then I got THIS idea. And it’s PERFECT. Banana Cream Pie should be cold, anyway, NOT hot! Plus, I like to think of overnight refrigerator oatmeal more like “oatmeal pudding,” and pudding is exactly what I wanted this oatmeal to resemble!

Loaded PB&J Oatmeal


Perhaps I’ve been so successful as a vegetarian because my favorite sandwich is PB&J. In fact, one of my favorite restaurants/coffee shops in town offers this divine, gourmet PB&J. It uses natural peanut butter, homemade mixed berry jam, sliced bananas, and homemade granola, all between locally made bakery bread…and then it’s grilled. (more…)

Salted Brownie Baked Oatmeal

[A new and improved version of this recipe can be found here. I highly recommend it!]

Mmkay. How could anyone see the name of this recipe and NOT be tempted?!


I suppose I owe you that much. It’s been over a WEEK since I’ve posted a recipe. First, I didn’t have any of the right ingredients to make a new recipe. Then, I spent the weekend camping with my parents at my grandmother’s farm. Then, I was so stressed out with work that I didn’t have time to take pictures in the morning. Finally, yesterday I planned to make this recipe and blog it before work…only to wake up an hour late and have to settle for TOAST. 🙁


Banana Bread Oatmeal

I realized the strangest thing this morning: I have never posted a recipe for banana bread oatmeal.


Which is absolutely bizarre if you consider a) how easy it is, b) how it was one of the first oatmeals I ever created, and c) that Quaker Instant Banana Bread Oatmeal packets were my very first experiences with porridge.


Orange Blackberry Oatmeal

Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the possibilities. I have so many ideas to share with the world, and it feels like there simply isn’t enough time to do it all.


This morning in particular was tormenting! I spent nearly ten minutes trying to decide what to make. Ultimately, I decided on this orange-blackberry combo–and I’m glad I did! It was the perfect way to wake up my sleepy Sunday self.

Peach Cobbler Baked Oatmeal

What’s your all-time favorite dessert?


I think this is one of the hardest questions to answer. I’ve never had a bad dessert before. Pretty much every dessert I eat brings a smile to my face and makes me feel like there’s nothing else I’d rather be eating. However, if I had to choose, I think it would be peach cobbler. Peaches are my favorite fruit, and I think this dessert is one that truly lets the fruit shine.


Triple Berry and Banana Oatmeal

It occurred to me last night after I posted my Fuzzy Navel Oatmeal recipe that I never actually told you guys about my summer job. Hmm…


I’m teaching at a college preparatory program for low-income and/or racial minority students. Many of them are ESL (English as a Second Language) students who have come to America from Africa (particularly Ethiopia and Eritrea). (more…)

Fuzzy Navel Oatmeal

Ahem. I better be careful posting all these cocktail oatmeal recipes, or people will get the wrong idea about me!


But to be honest, the orange-peach combo is truly divine. Truly. And the oatmeal version is even better–no hangover included!