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Author Archives: Lauren Smith
Zucchini Bread Baked Oatmeal
After my other experience with zucchini bread oatmeal, I decided to try something a little more authentic. In fact, you may notice, I went back and changed the name of the other recipe to “Zucchini-Nut Bread Oatmeal.” It just seemed right.
But this one tastes like zucchini bread, especially because it’s baked.
Raspberry Lemonade Overnight Oatmeal
Have you tried overnight refrigerator oatmeal yet?
It’s a pretty great concept, especially in the summertime. Most days–thanks to the fabulous invention of the air conditioner–I wake up eager for a warm bowl of oatmeal, regardless of the temperature outside. Some days, however, are quite the opposite, and a cold, ready-to-go jar of delicious, silky oatmeal is the perfect compromise.
Actually, compromise seems like a poor word choice. It implies settling for something less than the original. I would say that overnight oatmeal isn’t less than the stove top; it’s just different. Equally awesome for different reasons.
Pumpkin and Peach Oatmeal
As I prepare for my big move to the east coast, I worry about the state of this blog. Our work day starts bright and early in the mornings. Will I have time to snap a picture of my breakfast? Will I feel silly photographing my food in front of my roommates?
I don’t want my blog to die. I love this blog. It’s one of the first blogs (I’ve had several in the past) in which I’m eager and enthusiastic to post more. Sure, sometimes it feels like work, and I just want to eat my stinkin’ oatmeal and not deal with my mediocre photography skills. However, it’s worth it, and I still have dozens and dozens and dozens of ideas that I’m eager to share.
Peach Pie Oatmeal
Okay, take a second to drool over this:
Delicious? Yep, I thought so, too (and I actually ATE it, so I can guarantee it’s delicious). But before I tell you how to make it, I have to share some news with you…
I generally don’t share too much of my personal life on here, except for occasional “gosh, I’m so exhausted from teaching this week” or “student teaching is fun” or “I didn’t have time to post any new recipes the past few days because I’ve been so busy grading.” But this news is pretty big. Like, move-across-the-country big.
Carrot Cake Oatmeal
I finally did it! I gave carrot cake oatmeal a second chance.
I tried it once. Long, long ago. I believe it was one of the very first recipes I tried as I was learning to make my own oatmeal (as opposed to the Quaker instant packets). It didn’t sit right with me. I’m not sure if I made it incorrectly, or if I was still just learning to like the texture of this new stovetop porridge.
TIP: Bananas
Bananas–despite being FAR from my favorite fruit–are one of my favorite ingredients when making oatmeal. It’s a natural sweetener, and it also can turn a wimpy bowl of plain oatmeal into a creamy, filling delight!
Here are five tips for using bananas.
1. Buy them in bulk and freeze them. My local supermarket puts out large bags of overripe bananas for $.99 about twice a week. I then slice them into a gallon-size Ziplock bag. When you’re ready to use it for oatmeal, place a small handful of slices in a bowl and microwave for about 30-45 seconds while you’re waiting for your milk/water to boil. Then, mash it up! (Additionally, you can use these for smoothies and banana soft serve!)
2. No (almond) milk? No problem! I hate oatmeal made in water, so if I’m out of almond/soy/coconut milk, I make sure to add bananas. It’s still not as good as oatmeal cooked in almond milk, but it definitely helps give the oatmeal a creamy, flavorful texture.
3. If your fresh bananas are not ripe enough yet, peel it and stick it in the microwave. This is known as CCK’s melted banana trick.
4. If you want to sweeten your oatmeal but you don’t want it to taste like bananas, you have to plan carefully. Notice how my banana-sweetened oatmeal recipes contain other strong flavors: Thin Mints Oatmeal uses chocolate and powerful peppermint extract, Almond Joy Oatmeal uses intense almond extract, and Lemon Poppy Seed Oatmeal uses a heavy dose of lemon juice. You can’t sweeten–for example– Coconut Cream Pie Oatmeal with banana and expect not to taste it. Using less banana (about half or just a third) will sometimes help keep the banana flavor at bay.
5. Bananas are incredibly filling. This makes it a great addition to a ordinarily measly bowl of porridge! However, I sometimes find a whole banana to be TOO much (I prefer having several small meals spaced out every few hours), so I frequently use half a banana (or even just a third!) to make it a little lighter. With the other half, I slice them into my freezer bag. 🙂
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Apple Pie Oatmeal
As with the Banana Bread Oatmeal, it’s a little shocking that it took me so long to post such a basic, fundamental recipe. I guess I was in no hurry to post these classic recipes because they’re already in abundance. Search “apple pie oatmeal” on Pinterest and you’ll have an overwhelming supply of options to choose from.
Despite this, it felt wrong to host a blog dedicated to oatmeal without including this simple recipe, so here’s my version. It is very similar to my Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, but uses apple pie spice instead of just cinnamon. You can buy this in a supermarket, but I made my own blend using this recipe. If you have pumpkin pie spice on hand, you could use that as well; they’re very similar. (more…)
Banana Split Oatmeal
Yep. I’m insane. Or genius. Not sure which.
This porridge contains ALL the flavors of the classic banana split. However, unlike the typical massive dessert found in diners, THIS banana split is healthy AND vegan! Don’t act like you’re not impressed. 😉
TIP: Dicing Apples (Quickly!)
I have many apple recipes coming your way, so I thought I’d give you this quick tutorial and other tips for working with apples!
Many of my “standard” oatmeal recipes include apples. I always, always, always add them to the oatmeal immediately after the oats. This gives them several minutes to become soft, and the oats have a chance to soak up some of the apple’s juices.
Not surprisingly, I’ve become a pro at dicing the nummy fruit in a way that is quick and wastes as little of it as possible. Here are the steps I follow to speed through this process as fast as possible:
1. Cut the apple in half, and then quarters.
2. Take one quarter. With a paring knife, cut a narrow “half moon” shape from the inside edge–just enough to get rid of the core. (I continued using my chef’s knife because I’m lazy like that. Do as I say, not as I do. 😉 I’m a professional.) I typically do this step over my sink (because I have a garbage disposal) so clean-up is easier. If you don’t have a garbage disposal, you can do this over your trash can…just don’t drop the apple! 🙂
3. Now, slice the quarter into thirds.
4. For each of the three slices, dice them quickly into the saucepan. I aim for approximately 1-inch cubes or so.
5. Repeat with the remaining quarters!*
*Note: I frequently only use 1/2 an apple to make my oatmeal. Thus, I will cut my apple in half, and then place one half in an air-tight container and place in the fridge. In my experience, you don’t need to add any juices or special chemicals to prevent it from browning. I’ve had great success with this method; I’ll use one half on one morning, and the next morning, the other half is still in great condition, waiting for me! 🙂
That’s one “glad” apple! 🙂
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Coconut-Lime Oatmeal with Apples
The best thing ever happened when I was at the supermarket the other day: organic Red Delicious apples were on SALE. Granted, it was still $1.99/lb, but that’s still much better than 2.99/lb!
My soul always dies a little bit during the summer months when apples are out of season. Why can’t all produce be in season all the time? 🙂
Okay, I don’t really mean that. There is something exciting about fruits and veggies coming in and out of season. It also adds a sentimental value; squash and pumpkins and apples make me dream of autumn leaves and crisp, cool breezes; sweet corn and zucchini remind me of hot summer cookouts; asparagus and rhubarb and strawberries make me grin with the thought of spring and the promise of warmer days. (more…)