Author Archives: Lauren Smith

About Lauren Smith

Lauren is a herbivore, Slytherin, and connoisseur of oats. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

Green Apple and Walnut Oatmeal


I went apple picking for the first time today. Or the second…maybe. I grew up near an orchard, and we went there once on a class field trip, but I can’t remember if we actually got to do any picking, or if we just walked around the rest of the place. Either way, this felt new and different because apple farms on the east coast are special. (more…)


Strawberry Banana Baked Oatmeal

One month! I’ve officially completed one month as a full-time tutor. Yippee!


Six weeks ago (when I came for training), the idea of eating baked oatmeal every morning was so dreadful. I’m not a fan of changing routines, and stove-top oatmeal was definitely the routine! However, recipes like this (and THIS) make baked oatmeal such a delight.

German Chocolate Baked Oatmeal

I did it! I did it! I’ve been pondering this recipe for months, and it’s finally a reality! Last week, I referenced my list of oatmeal recipes and how many of them were more ambitious, and I was too lazy to attempt them. This was one of those recipes.


Once I figured out the missing piece of the equation (the all-important coconut-pecan frosting), I couldn’t wait to try it out. The other day, I finally did it. (more…)

Neapolitan Baked Oatmeal

As I typed out this recipe, I couldn’t help but feel depressed. That is because I may be peaking as an oatmeal blogger. I’m not sure if I can ever top this one:


This recipe, you see, is so elaborate, well thought-out, and mouth-wateringly delicious that I’m not even going to bother posting the instructions for a single serving. It’s way too much work for one serving, and it’s way too delicious to not share (or, if you’re like me, eat every morning for a week).

Blueberry Trail Mix Baked Oatmeal

I dislike only posting twice a week. I was pretty happy with those few weeks back in August and early September when I was able to pump out three recipes each week. Now, I seem to be in a tiny rut.


One problem is that I eat the same baked oatmeal every morning. I have come to really enjoy this system as it allows me to sleep in a little later than I would if I had to cook my oatmeal on the stove every single day. Plus, it gives me a nice weekend project to look forward to. My roommates are always interested in what my “oatmeal of the week” will be, so that’s motivating as well. Unfortunately, that means I’m not trying out a new recipe every single morning. (more…)

Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

Yep. My Pumpkin Pie Baked Oatmeal was a hit, so I decided to try it out on the stove as well. 🙂 Everything’s better on the stove, right? Right??


This recipe is perfect because autumn is definitely setting in. I know this because each day when my alarm goes off at 5:35, it’s a little darker outside. 🙁 And each morning, it’s a little chillier on our walk to work. Autumn is admittedly my favorite season, but I’m not a huge fan of those two particular characteristics.

Banana Oat-Quinoa Porridge

I’ve only made breakfast quinoa once or twice. It was delicious, but it always bothered me how one serving is only 1/4 a cup (as opposed to 1/2 cup of oats, which feels giant in comparison).


I found a solution: an oat-quinoa hybrid! I had no idea what to expect, but I really enjoyed it. The texture and taste were oddly reminiscent of rice pudding.


Peanut Butter Cookie Baked Oatmeal

I am a terrible conversationalist. When I have stories to tell, I find myself lost in conversation with someone, but when it comes to small talk, there’s no hope for me. In these types of situations, if no one says anything for a couple of minutes, I clear my throat and say:

“What are your three favorite types of cookies? Go!”


Initially, people give me an odd look. Or they ask why. Or they say, “I don’t know.” Eventually, however, they get sucked in to the infinite awesomeness of my go-to game. Within twenty minutes, I have them listing their favorite color combinations, U.S. cities to visit, car models, NFL teams, and ethnic cuisines. (more…)

PB&J Baked Oatmeal

I love peanut butter and jelly so much, it hurts. [/cliche]


During the first week of school last week, I ended up filling out a couple different get-to-know-you surveys that asked for my favorite food. I first wrote down “oatmeal,” but then I scratched it out and wrote “grilled PB&J sandwich.” As it turns out, that’s a foreign concept to a lot of people. What a shame. (more…)

Grapefruit Blueberry Oatmeal

I’ve posted a lot of blueberry recipes lately, and I’m not apologizing for it!


But before I get into that…do you know what today is? It’s September 1st. Today is the one-year anniversary of my first day of vegetarianism. As I explained in my “About Me” page, I originally just planned to try one month without meat. About halfway through the month of September, I already knew (at least subconsciously) that I would not be going back. I was in love with it.
