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Author Archives: Lauren Smith
Coconut Oatmeal with Strawberries and Chocolate Chips
How do you feel about chocolate chips for breakfast?
Like me, many of my followers are health-conscious. Therefore, I’m extremely curious about the general consensus on chocolate chips for breakfast. Most chips involve a myriad of unwelcome ingredients (ex: milk, sugar, hydrogenated oils). I’ve also seen a variety of brands make their chips vegan and/or “healthier” by using cocoa liquor instead of actual cocoa to flavor the chips. My current stock (from Trader Joe’s) falls into that category, and although it doesn’t necessarily impress me, I prefer it over some other sketchy brands I’ve seen.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Baked Oatmeal
What are your thoughts on sugar?
Personally, I go out of my way to avoid sugar, especially when it’s unnecessary or in large amounts (or both). I find that sugar not only rips my stomach apart, but makes my teeth feel gross and my tastebuds overwhelmed. I’ve learned to appreciate subtle sweetness (like the caramelization of roasted broccoli, for example) far more than the teeth-rotting sweetness of Mountain Dew (yuck).
Variations on Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal
It’s mid-October, and pumpkin recipes are everywhere. If you’re the type of person that loves this, then read ahead with glee! If you were beyond sick of the pumpkin posts on TasteSpotting and Food Gawker way back on September 1, then I apologize. Another (non-pumpkin-themed) post will be up on Saturday! 🙂
Here is a list of possible variations for my basic baked pumpkin oatmeal:
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POSTED IN: apples, baked oatmeal, bananas, chai, chocolate, coffee, pumpkin, veggies, winter squash
POSTED IN: apples, baked oatmeal, bananas, chai, chocolate, coffee, pumpkin, veggies, winter squash
Sweet Potato Pie Baked Oatmeal
Well, I got a new laptop. I hate to admit it, but there was nothing functionally wrong with my other one. In fact, it was probably the best-working piece of technology I’ve owned for as long as I’ve been old enough to actually use technology. 😉
Why the switch? Well, a 17-inch, 10-pound laptop is not functional for someone who carries her laptop everywhere on her back. Not only is it painfully heavy to lug around, but it barely fits in my backpack! Each day that I had to stuff it into my backpack, the edges and corners got a little more scuffed. Ugh! My mother and I were clearly NOT thinking when we ordered that model.
POSTED IN: baked oatmeal, dessert lovers, pie lovers, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash
POSTED IN: baked oatmeal, dessert lovers, pie lovers, sweet potato, veggies, winter squash
Coconut Banana Baked Oatmeal
Today marks two months in New Jersey! It took a while, but I’ve definitely developed an affection for this interesting city. At first glance, yes, much of the area seems worn down and desolate. However, with a bit of optimism and a lot of exploring, I’ve found much to love about the area.
The hardest part about Newark, in my opinion, is that the restaurant scene is difficult to navigate. It boils down to two main problems: 1) Many of the restaurants are Spanish and Portugese places that serve nothing but meat and seafood, and 2) the restaurants that I really want to visit (coffee shops and cafes) are located in the business district, and are thus only open from 8-5. This is problematic when you consider I work from 7-6.
Coconut Pumpkin Swirl Baked Oatmeal
I apologize for the freakishly long name of this oatmeal. I normally try to avoid lengthy titles like that, but I couldn’t resist. This is what this oatmeal had to be named.
This oatmeal was inspired by a wonderful experience at Amazing Thailand in Minneapolis, MN. Thai is one of my favorite cuisines, despite the fact that I only discovered it recently! At this particular restaurant, I ordered pineapple fried rice, but my friend ordered pumpkin-coconut curry. I was shocked at how delicious the combination was, and I’ve wanted to try it in oatmeal ever since.
Pumpkin Nut Butter Oatmeal
It’s so appalling to consider how I used to hate pumpkin. Why were my taste buds so worthless for twenty years?! Recently, I’ve been a fiend for anything and everything pumpkin.
I’m also a fiend of anything nut or nut butter related. I recently saw a pin for a recipe for pumpkin oatmeal topped with almond butter, and I quickly logged the idea on The List. (Unfortunately, I cannot find this recipe for the life of me. If you know what I’m talking about, please comment below so I can give inspiration credit to the original poster!)
Pomegranate & Chocolate Chip Oatmeal
Got some extra cash to throw around? Buy a pomegranate!
The other day, I saw a fantastic recipe on Pinterest and Finding Vegan for Cocoa Nib and Pomegranate Overnight Oatmeal. I was immediately intrigued, but I knew I wouldn’t be making it anytime soon; my typical budget does not allow for pricey pomegranates!
Apple Nut Butter Baked Oatmeal
My favorite snack ever is apples and peanut butter. I don’t understand why people put caramel on apples. Gross! Peanut butter is ten times better.
So naturally, I really liked this oatmeal. Normally, I would just title this “Apple Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal.” However, I went all out this week and bought ALMOND BUTTER for the first time! What a great combination! Still, I have absolutely no doubt that peanut butter would be magical, if not better than the almond butter. 🙂 (more…)
Overnight Coconut Oatmeal
Want to enjoy the easiest, laziest oatmeal ever?
Take mason jar. Fill with coconut milk, oats, and chia seeds. Place in fridge. Sleep. Wake up. Eat.