Author Archives: Lauren Smith

About Lauren Smith

Lauren is a herbivore, Slytherin, and connoisseur of oats. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

French Toast Baked Oatmeal

[This post was edited with new pictures on May 31, 2015.]

I’ve never, ever, ever been a pancake-and-waffle kind of person (unless we’re talking about my banana-oat waffles…). When it came to my brunch option of choice, I would always pick french toast. My mom would make it using English muffin bread, which gave it such an interesting taste. It’s hard for me to fathom using French bread or other fancy breads to make French toast because I’m so fond of the English muffin version (try it sometime!).

French Toast Baked Oatmeal - The Oatmeal Artist

French Toast Oatmeal is actually one of the first recipes I made on my own after I gave up the Quaker instant packets. I made it on the stove, and it matched the flavor so perfectly that it made me fall in love with making my own oatmeal. If I’m not mistaken, it was the first “homemade oatmeal” I ever made that I didn’t hate. 🙂

Maple Syrup (more…)

Blueberry Almond Baked Oatmeal

Happy Saturday, fellow oatmeal lovers!


It’s so nice to have a Saturday morning at home again. I returned to my usual weekend morning routine of simultaneously making oatmeal and cleaning the kitchen. Why is cleaning the kitchen so cathartic to me?

Overnight Choco-Raspberry Oatmeal

It’s amazing (or perhaps just frustrating) how being away for a weekend can throw off my blog schedule so much. It’s been six days since my last post! You’d think after a break like this, I’d have some elaborate concoction to share, but alas, this one is pretty simple (but nevertheless delicious!).

My roommies and I went to Boston over the weekend. Considering it’s one of the top three U.S. cities I’ve ever wanted to visit (along with San Francisco and New Orleans!), I was so grateful to have that opportunity. I love my life right now!

Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oatmeal

My Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal was a hit. The Pumpkin Pie Baked Oatmeal was also a hit. (Confession: despite the fact that the stove-top version has more views, I highly prefer the baked version!) So why not give the people what they want?

Now you can enjoy silky pumpkin pie that practically prepared itself overnight. You’re welcome. 🙂


Funny story: the second time I made this, I accidentally dumped in a spoonful of TACO SEASONING instead of pie spices. Ugh.

Berry-Ginger Sauce

To be honest, I’d be happy eating “boring” oatmeal forever. A simple peanut butter and banana oatmeal makes me absolutely giddy. However, because I own an oatmeal blog where people come to see new and creative ideas, I have to get fancy sometimes. For those of you who like getting fancy, this one’s for you.


Toppings make things special. Just throwing chocolate chips on my oatmeal gets me all excited, so imagine how I felt drizzling on spoonfuls of BRIGHT RED DELICIOUSNESS.

Elvis Oatmeal

When my roommate told me that NYC was still without power below 26th Street, a few places ran through my head. What did Union Square look like? Was Trader Joe’s all right? Did Beyond Sushi weather the storm?

Elvis Oatmeal - Oatmeal Artist

And what about PEANUT BUTTER AND CO.??!!

If you haven’t heard of Peanut Butter and Co., it’s a tiny little shop on Sullivan St. (off Bleecker St.) that specializes in peanut butter sandwiches. I’m serious: check out their menu. It’s one of my absolutely favorite places in the city. Not only do I love gourmet peanut butter sandwiches, but the staff there is positively delightful, and the decor is retro and fun.


Baked Banana Oatmeal & Variations

If I wanted to, I could create ten billion recipes of just baked oatmeal based on bananas. So many possibilities!


I liked that idea at first:  more posts, right? However, I didn’t want to look like a cheater. Is it fair to share a recipe for baked banana oatmeal, and two days later, post a recipe for baked chai-spiced banana oatmeal?? Nope. So to be fair, I’m going to consolidate it all into one fantastic post packed with fun ideas! (more…)

Sweet Potato Oatmeal Muffins

What do you do when a hurricane pummels your town and cancels school for four days? Bake. Bake all afternoon. Bake multiple batches of muffins and have your roommates taste-test for you.


Here’s the result for you! These muffins are perfect for a healthy breakfast. They’re sweet enough to be delicious and satisfying, but not overly sweet like traditional muffins. They are also free of refined sugars and flours. You’re welcome!

Strawberry Mango Baked Oatmeal

You guys! A hurricane is coming straight at me! For someone who has lived her entire life in landlocked South Dakota, this weekend has been both exciting and nervewracking. At first, I was thrilled to experience the weak “leftovers” of the hurricane that the Northeast usually experiences (just so I could say I’ve been through a hurricane). However, the news quickly broke that we’re not getting leftovers: we’re getting the real deal.


Well, we’re still waiting for the rain to start. It’s windy and cloudy (it has been for days), but no storm yet. I was feeling kind of lazy today and didn’t feel like putting this post together, but I finally decided I should give you one last recipe before the Frankenstorm. (It’s possible you won’t see another oatmeal recipe from me this week!)


Yogurt Oatmeal

Stupid easy: that’s how I would describe this recipe. Essentially, you take the basic cooking instructions on the oatmeal carton. Then, you add your yogurt of choice. That’s it. If you want to get fancy, you add some other stuff. Whatever stuff you want.


Now, let me be clear: yogurt in oatmeal is not everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, the first time I tried it, I hated it. I used a very basic strawberry (dairy) yogurt, and the tartness of the yogurt really turned me off in the oatmeal. However, I know it’s a genuinely popular concept (even my mom does it!), so I tried it again, except with nondairy yogurt.