Author Archives: Lauren Smith

About Lauren Smith

Lauren is a herbivore, Slytherin, and connoisseur of oats. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

How to Make 4 Different Oatmeal Recipes with One Pot

Every weekend, I prepare several servings of oatmeal to heat up throughout the week for breakfast. This either requires me to make a big batch and eat the same oatmeal every day of the week, OR spend half an hour making multiple different recipes and cleaning an annoying amount of pans.

As it turns out, you can make FOUR kinds of oatmeal from one batch, and you’ll only have ONE pan to clean afterwards! This is valuable if you prepare your oatmeal for the week like I do, or if you are preparing for a group of people who all want different kinds of oatmeal.

The easiest way to do this is to pick a main ingredient or “theme” that the oatmeal recipes in common. For me, it was (surprise, surprise…) banana. My four bowls below are Banana Chai, PB&J, Lemon Poppy Seed, and Banana Bread.

Can you believe Lemon Poppy Seed and Banana Chai can come out of the same pan??

Here’s what to do:

  1. Start by preparing your oatmeal according to the directions. I used steel-cut oatmeal, so I used 4 cups liquid and 1 cup oatmeal.
  2. Let cook for at least ten minutes on medium or medium-low heat, stirring occasionally.
  3. If you have any ingredients that all recipes will have in common, add now (I added mashed banana). Don’t forget a couple pinches of salt!
  4. Once the oatmeal reaches the right consistency, scoop it out into the tupperware container you’re going to store it in one serving at a time. (If you’re serving a group, you can just put them into bowls instead of tupperware.)
  5. Add the ingredients for a specific recipe into one of the containers of oatmeal and stir it in with a spoon or fork. Repeat with other three containers.
  6. Done! Do not add special toppings (nuts, coconut, etc.) until serving.

**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account!  You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!

Bananas Foster Oatmeal

Where are my banana lovers? Let’s celebrate.


Let’s celebrate this fantastic fruit that makes our oatmeal creamy and our bodies regular. 😉

Let’s make this humble fruit feel special and all dressed up. Let’s caramelize it and make it a little boozy. (Well…this is breakfast time, so maybe we’ll just use rum extract instead.) (more…)

Getting Fit #1, Plus 3 Protein-Packed Breakfasts!

TOA: Happy Saturday, everyone! For the next couple of months, I’m going to be featuring my friend Crystal on Saturdays. She’s a rock star figure skater and oatmeal lover, as well as my new personal trainer. Crystal, can you introduce yourself and your fitness background for the readers?

Crystal: Hi Everyone! I’m Crystal and I blog at, though it’s not nearly as cool as I love reading, writing, figure skating, all things British, and oatmeal. I’m obsessed with fitness and healthy eating. For the last fourteen years, I’ve been a competitive figure skater and am the 2013 US Collegiate National Junior Ladies Pewter Medalist. Throughout the years, my workouts on and off the ice have varied. At present, I skate between one and half hours to three and a half hours a day, five days a week. I work out with a personal trainer twice a week and do interval sprints two-three times a week. When I have time, I also do Pilates, Body Barre, yoga, and Zumba. Living in Colorado also gives me access to marvelous outdoor recreation. During the winter, I love skiing at any of resorts and in the summer, I enjoy hiking or doing the famed Manitou Springs incline. 

TOA: Okay, so I want to have a more active lifestyle. I’m not trying to lose weight or anything like that. Ever since I went veg*n, my extreme symptoms from IBS have basically disappeared; however, I still experience obnoxious bloating. Apparently this is a common IBS symptom that has little to do with the food you eat. Instead, everyone I’ve consulted (aka “the Internet”) recommends cardio.

I’ve tried jogging a mile or so after dinner, and it really works. I went to bed feeling great and woke up the next morning feeling light and focused.

But I HATE working out. I work 10-hour days and don’t have much energy (…or time…or ambition) by the time I get home. I am turning to you because 1) I need someone to motivate me and hold me accountable, and 2) I was hoping you’d have some tips for me.

What can I do to jumpstart this whole “active lifestyle” thing?

Crystal: The most important thing about being active is simply getting started! There are days when I am so tired that I think I cannot possibly drag myself to the rink, let along skate a senior freeskate! Exercise (cardio in particular) actually wakes me up and gives me energy for studying, work, or more skating. What do you typically do for exercise now? 

TOA: Just some uninspiring jogs around my neighborhood. I slowly worked up to a mile and recently managed a full two miles!
Crystal: One great thing about cardio is that it doesn’t take much time to receive the benefits. If you’re tired, try walking or lightly jogging. Who knows, the endorphins might give you enough energy to keep going! Whether starting out or a marathon runner, the most important part is the mental commitment. If you plan on completing 20-30 minutes of cardio (a good starting point) don’t let yourself skip it even if you’ve had a long day at work. Once you mentally make exercise a habit, it will become easier.

I suggest starting with two-three days of cardio per week. As great as cardio is, to feel the full benefits of fitness, resistance and strength training is equally important. Here is my recommendation for your week one training plan:

Day One: Walk/jog/run for 20-30 minutes then complete some basic resistance exercises (these can be done on a comfortable surface or by taking a yoga mat outside!) Try to do two sets of each: 20 crunches, 10 pushups, 10 squats, 10 dips, and a 30 second plank. Listen to your body! It is okay for it to feel challenging, but you should never feel physical pain. Also, be sure to stretch after each run. (I can give you some stretches if you need it). Day Two: Cardio for 30-40 minutes followed by stretching Day Three: Cardio for 20-30 minutes followed by the above mentioned resistance exercises.

Does this sound doable? Do you have any questions?

TOA: Two questions. First of all, is it acceptable to do modified pushups with my knees on the floor? I legit can’t do a real pushup…at the moment. Is it better to do 10 pushups the wimpy way, or fewer authentic pushups?

Crystal: It is totally acceptable to do modified pushups! Even from your knees, you can still get a great range of motion in your upper body. It is better to ten the modified way. It’s not “wimpy” as long as you’re giving your full effort!

TOA: Sweet. Second question: what in the world are dips?

Crystal: Dips are another way to work your upper body! Sit on your mat with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Lean back slightly and place your hands beneath your shoulders, facing forward. Now adjust your weight so that only your palms and feet are on the floor. Bend your elbows and lower your weight as low as you can without touching. Raise yourself back up and repeat.

TOA: Alright, I lied. I have another question. What is the need for the strength and resistance exercises anyway? That’s not what I signed up for.

Crystal: While cardio gives your body great benefits, you need to be strong enough to receive them! If your muscles are not used to the exercise of running, we need to build them up so you can run faster and longer. Remember, your heart is a muscle too so we want it strong and healthy while running.

TOA: Ohhh, that makes sense. Okay, I’m going to try this next week and I’ll let you know how it goes! Thanks!

Crystal: Great! Let me know if you have any questions. I’m excited to watch your progress!

    To go along with this new Getting Fit series, I have compiled three protein-packed oatmeal recipes to start your day! As a vegan, people constantly ask where I get my protein. The answer? The same place elephants, cattle, buffalo, horses, hippos, rhinos, and many other animals find theirs: from plants. When was the last time anyone worried about how rhinos got their protein?

    Even the humble oat provides some protein. 😉

    Because peanut butter.

    Crunchy and full of flavor, this oatmeal is speckled with delicious
    energy-giving nuts!

    Did you know spinach is composed of 47% protein (per calorie)? That’s pretty legit
    for a humble salad green. Combined with a banana, peanut butter, and oats, this
    recipe is a great way to boost your energy in the morning!

    **You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account!  You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!


    Choco-Banana Oatcakes with Peanut Butter Mousse

    Yep, more oatcakes! I know I just posted my Black Forest Oatcakes, but you know it could be months before I post another. (By the way, it’s been almost a year since I’ve posted a muffin recipe!)


    Basically, I felt like I ate my Fudgy PB & Banana Oatmeal way too often, and I wanted to switch it up…but I still wanted banana, peanut butter, and chocolate. I put my favorite porridge into pancake form, and problem solved!

    Salted Mango Coconut Oatmeal

    I may crave peanut butter and bananas hardcore during the fall and winter months, but during the spring and summer, I definitely crave a different flavor. I’ve noticed that everyone’s cravings change with the seasons*, and my oatmeal is no exception. These tropical, fruity, and citrusy porridge recipes I’ve been craving are lighter and more refreshing than my usual cozy bowls.

    *But let’s be honest, peanut butter is appropriate 365 days a year.


    For this recipe, I was inspired by these popsicles. I never would have considered salting a tropical recipe like this, but these popsicles were so visually appealing that I wanted to grab one from the screen and try it out. However, I’m perpetually cold (just ask the students who sweat to death in my classroom), so I had no desire to make popsicles. Then I thought, why not try it as oatmeal? So I did.

    Lemon White Chocolate Oatmeal

    Is it spring? I thought it was, but then I went to Philadelphia with my spring coat and basically froze to death. As soon as I returned to my apartment in New York, I switched back to my heavy winter coat. Ugh!

    To fool myself into thinking it is, in fact, spring, I returned to my beloved lemon-flavored oats. Every spring, I just can’t get enough lemon in my oatmeal!  This time, I combined it with white chocolate chips. The tang of the lemon and the sweet white chocolate are definitely a winning combination!

    Another fun way to make this oatmeal would be with a blob of Peanut Butter & Co.’s White Chocolate Wonderful. It’s definitely not my favorite (tastes like Butterfingers or something), but I know a lot of people who love it, so…

    How’s the weather in your neck of the woods? I hope for your sake that you’re having a better spring season than I am! 🙂

    Lemon White Chocolate Oatmeal

    by The Oatmeal Artist
    Prep Time: 2 min
    Cook Time: 5 min
    Ingredients (serves 1)
    • 3/4 cup milk of choice, or water
    • 1/4 cup quick cook steel-cut oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
    • 1 ripe banana
    • 2 tbsp lemon juice (the juice of one lemon) or 1 tsp lemon extract
    • pinch of salt
    • handful of white chocolate chips (I use the King David brand)
    1. Bring milk (I use 1/2 c almond milk and 1/4 c water) to a boil, add oats, and reduce heat to medium. (If you’d like to add a teaspoon of flax or chia seeds, do so now.)
    2. Mash banana thoroughly and stir into oatmeal.
    3. Once more of the liquid has absorbed, add lemon juice, lemon extract, and salt. Stir.
    4. When you’re pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, transfer to a bowl. Add a splash of your milk of choice, white chocolate chips, and any other additional toppings (pomegranate seeds, shredded coconut, nuts, etc.).
    Powered by Recipage

    **You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account!  You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!

    Cinnamon Fig Steel-Cut Oatmeal

    Do not fear cinnamon! I often add just enough in my recipes to give it a warm, cozy taste, but whenever I add more, I never regret it. For this particular recipe, I took a deep breath and added a full 1/2 teaspoon. It looked like too much for a moment: it even turned the oatmeal! However, after one bite, I knew I had made the correct choice.


    I highly recommend going with the full 1/2 teaspoon. You’ll never know unless you try. If you must, you could always start with a 1/4 teaspoon and slowly add more until you think you have enough…but that would make you a wimp. 🙂

    Black Forest Oatcakes…and my blog’s 2nd birthday!

    Two years. TWO YEARS! Considering I’ve been running this blog during the two most challenging years of my life (student teaching/senior year, my year of service in Newark, and my first year of teaching in NYC), it’s a pretty big deal that I’ve managed to maintain this blog through it all. To celebrate, I made oatcakes:


    But first, let me indulge in my nostalgia. Three fantastic things have happened since the Oatmeal Artist’s first birthday.

    1. I began my partnership with Country Choice Organic, which has completely changed my life.
    2. I began the Oatmeal Enthusiast series, which showed me that there are SO MANY PEOPLE that eat oatmeal every single morning, just like me.
    3. The #oatmealartist hashtag began on Instagram, which always gives me a nice ego boost whenever I’m feeling down. As of right now, there’s over 2,000 pictures on Instagram with the #oatmealartist tag. So cool!


    Oatmeal Recipes for Lemon Lovers

    Whenever spring rolls around, my porridge palette changes. My craving for peanut butter-laden recipes dwindles slightly, and I suddenly desire bright and fresh flavors. Suddenly, the bottle of lemon extract becomes my favorite ingredient and gets moved to the front of the shelf. Does anyone else experience a similar phenomenon?

    To celebrate these warmer days and sunnier afternoons, here are my five favorite lemon recipes on the blog. If you haven’t done so yet, you should really invest in some lemon extract. I found mine at Whole Foods. 🙂

    Oatmeal Recipes for Lemon Lovers

    My favorite. I think this recipe is truly what solidified my love
    for lemony recipes. There is something about the lemon-and-coconut combo
    that is just outstanding. However, this is actually just a standard lemon oatmeal
    with a coconut topping; you can play around with this using a variety
    of toppings! See also: Lemon Kiwi and Lemon Blueberry Oatmeal.

    Odd? Not really. It may seem odd in theory, but once you taste it, you’ll
    see that these flavors are meant to be together. Thyme can do magical
    things, especially when paired with fruit! (Not vegan.)
    Lemon Poppy Seed Oatmeal 
    (Baked or Stove Top)

    Who doesn’t love lemon poppy seed muffins? Well, I guess I didn’t like them
    for the first couple decades of my life…but I eventually came around. 🙂 This
    post actually contains two recipes: one for a baked version, and another for a stove top version!
     See also: Lemon Poppy Seed Oatcakes and Lemon Poppy Seed Oat Muffins.

    If you like your oats baked, this is a great option for you. The recipe calls for
    fresh lemons to make the oatmeal extra fresh and invigorating.

    And finally, I’ll end with a recipe for my overnight fans (I know there are
    many of you!). Although it’s more difficult to hide the banana flavor in
    an overnight recipe, this oatmeal is still delightfully refreshing and lemony.
    Psst…if you add poppy seeds to this recipe, you’ll have an easy
    and lovely overnight jar of Lemon Poppy Seed Oats!
      **You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account!  You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!

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      Salted Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal

      Is it breakfast, or dessert?



      I actually had to go several weeks (if not months?) without buying chocolate chips because I eat them by the handful(s). Because of my IBS, this causes many problems, so I had to quit them.

      Wanting to make this recipe (and a few others), I caved and brought them back into my life.