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Author Archives: Lauren Smith
Berry Blackout Oatmeal
All of my favorite recipes just made a baby.
It’s Brownie Batter + Fudgy Banana & PB + Nutty ‘Nana Berry. It’s the best threesome ever, and their baby is a GODDESS. YOU MUST MAKE THIS NOW. Cocoa powder + banana is my favorite oatmeal base. Strawberries are my favorite fruit topping. Peanut butter is MY LIFE. And this is CHOCOLATE peanut butter, so it’s obviously the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
Most Popular Recipes!
I work in a data-based school, which means we are constantly collecting and analyzing data about our students’ progress to guide our decisions to further their growth. Although I am not a fan of over-testing kids, the past two years have definitely converted me to a believer in the value of data.
This is true of my blog as well. I love studying page views, “favorites” and “repins,” and Instagram trends. Considering how frequently people tell me they enjoy my blog but don’t know where to start, this post might help you decide what to try first! 🙂
Most Favorited on FoodGawker
I had to list these first, considering how honored I am every single time one of my recipes is published here. Whenever a post is “successful” here, it’s the dairy-free icing on the vegan cake. According to my observations, the FoodGawker community will gravitate to the most aesthetically pleasing or “fanciest” recipes, as opposed to healthy or easy. Here are my most favorited recipes on FoodGawker:
5. Salted Brownie Baked Oatmeal: Revisited – Favorited 180 times
4. Bananas Foster Oatmeal – Favorited 183 times
3. Apple Pie Steel Cut Oatmeal – Favorited 211 times
2. Elvis Oatcake Stack – Favorited 239 times
1. Choco-Banana Oatcakes with PB Mousse – Favorited 284 times
Most Repinned on Pinterest
Frustratingly, I cannot track every single time something is repinned on Pinterest from other people’s pins; I can only track when people repin MY pins. Thus, this data was taken from my own Pinterest board, The Oatmeal Artist. Compared to FoodGawkers, Pinners are less picky about aesthetics and more interested in EASE and CHOCOLATE. 🙂 Here are my top five most repinned recipes on Pinterest:
5. Brownie Batter Oatmeal – Repinned 320 times
4. Tiramisu Overnight Oatmeal – Repinned 327 times
3. Cookie Dough Overnight Oatmeal – Repinned 343 times
2. Chocolate Banana Overnight Oatmeal – Repinned 410 times
1. Peanut Butter & Banana Baked Oatmeal – Repinned 872 times
Coming soon… Most Liked on Facebook!
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Double Berry Baked Oatmeal with Lemon Curd
As summer approaches (just a couple weeks away!), everyone is craving lighter and brighter recipes. One of my favorite parts of summer is all the produce, especially the berries.
I really do challenge myself to develop non-banana recipes, just to balance things out on here. This recipe uses mashed raspberries instead of my usual mashed banana, and the blueberries are delightful because they burst and bubble in the oven.
The lemon curd is optional, but it definitely adds to the summery brightness of the recipe and makes the serving a little larger.
Apricot Cherry Overnight Oatmeal
I achieved the impossible: I snapped an attractive photo of overnight oatmeal! What is it about overnight oats that make them so UN-photogenic? I think that’s one of the reasons why I don’t like posting overnight recipes. I always feel like I’m setting myself up for failure. I loathe putting up a post with sub-par photos (yet I do it all the time).
Confession time: this was the first fresh apricot I’ve ever eaten. Ha! I’ve had many a dried apricot, but never fresh. I bought one last year to make an oatmeal recipe with, but I waited a day too long and it turned rotten before I could cut into it. Dang…I hate wasting food!
Getting Fit #5 + Orange Marmalade and Almond Oatmeal
For the first time in several weeks, I have a recipe to share with you on a Saturday! Woohoo!
But first, let’s check in with Crystal.
This is the fourth segment of my Getting Fit series. This series features my friend Crystal, a rockstar figure skater and fellow oatmeal lover. You can her blog, Confessions of Crystal, and check out her Instagram,@crystalchilcott.
TOA: Hi Crystal! How is your summer going?
Crystal: Hi Lauren! It finally feels like summer here in Colorado. I unfortunately sustained a concussion on Saturday so I haven’t been able to skate, but I’ve enjoyed having time to read a copious amount! How are you?
TOA: I’m okay. I’ve been feeling chronically fatigued lately; I experienced the same thing around this time last year. It seems like no matter what time I go to bed, I wake up exhausted. It makes staying active difficult!
Crystal: Does exercise give you an energy boost?
TOA: Not particularly. On weekends and Mondays, kind of. Once I get further into the week, I just trudge through my routine and feel dead from beginning to end.
Crystal: Hmm, do you think a change in routine might help?
TOA: Maybe. What are you thinking?
Crystal: Perhaps you could try doing strength before running to change it up a bit or doing intervals. If you did intervals you would lightly jog for a minute and then sprint for thirty seconds. Sometimes that makes my cardio a bit more interesting.
TOA: Hmm that could work. I like how it’s less monotonous than just plain long-distance jogging. However, I’m pleased to report that I’ve completed a 2.6 mile run a few times since we talked last!
Crystal: That’s great! It is awesome that you’re making progress even when you’re not feeling your best energy-wise. Would you be willing to try the intervals at least once next week to see how you like them?
TOA: Definitely. Besides that, should I follow the same routine?
Crystal: Is your strength routine still challenging but not impossible?
TOA: That’s the perfect way to describe it. Usually during the second set, I feel like there’s no way I’ll be able to complete all three, but then I can do it and it doesn’t kill me—ha!
Crystal: Great! I see no reason to change it then.
TOA: Thanks! Say, I have a question for you. When you’re doing hardcore training, what do you eat for breakfast?
Crystal:I almost always have oatmeal and matcha green tea, sometimes together! I almost never repeat bowls of oatmeal and either use one of your recipes or top it with whatever fruits, nuts, or nut butters I have on hand.
TOA: Do you eat before working out, or after?
Crystal: Always before. If I don’t eat beforehand I don’t think I could make it through a workout or skating session!
TOA: I’m the same way! However, I know many people that wait until after working out because they complain it makes them sick to eat before. That’s crazy to me! I’m ravenous in the morning. Similar to me, you’re a vegetarian. Do you use any “protein shakes” or anything of that nature?
Crystal: I don’t understand breakfast-skippers either! I’m a believer in getting all my nutrients through whole foods and using as little supplements as possible. On exceptionally hard workout days or on days when I feel I need more protein, I sometimes use SunWarrior protein and add it to a smoothie in my NutriBullet. I like that brand because it is from all plant-based sources and has none of the sketchy additives like most protein powders. I also sometimes eat Luna protein bars or Lara Alt bars.
TOA: YAY! I agree. I see no reason to buy protein powders myself. That’s what peanut butter is for.
Crystal: Oh, yes, peanut butter is definitely my favorite protein source! It is much more fun to eat peanut butter than drink an unappealing, chemical-ridden, pre-packaged protein shake!
TOA: I agree! Do you eat any differently on days that you work out vs. days that you don’t? (Or do you work out every day, haha?)
Crystal: Sunday is my only off day. I’m hungrier on days that I work out so I usually have an extra snack. I like to eat smaller meals five to six times a day, balanced with protein, grains, and fruits and veggies. I find I have the most energy this way whether I work out or not.
Like Crystal, I can handle eating breakfast before a workout. Often, I will eat something somewhat lighter, go for a run, and then come home for round two…because two breakfasts are better than one.
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, almond, citrus, fitness, hidden banana, jams and jellies
POSTED IN: 5 ingredients or less, almond, citrus, fitness, hidden banana, jams and jellies
Five Recipes for National Gingerbread Day!
Happy National Gingerbread Day!
You know what’s odd? Celebrating gingerbread in June. I don’t know about you, but I associate it with winter and Christmas. This seems like some sort of bizarre conspiracy.
Nevertheless, I was delighted to see that I actually do have several gingerbread recipes to share on this occasion, so without further ado, here are five gingerbread recipes to celebrate this (strangely scheduled) holiday!
Have you tried any of these yet? Which is your favorite?
When it comes to gingerbread recipes, this one is hands down my
favorite. The gingerbread flavors are a little toned down, so the sweet potato
flavor is present, and the two complement each other beautifully.
favorite. The gingerbread flavors are a little toned down, so the sweet potato
flavor is present, and the two complement each other beautifully.
If you think gingerbread is too “spicy” for you, this is a pleasant way to mellow it
out. The sweet white chocolate chips add a surprising twist that makes the ginger
calm the eff down!
out. The sweet white chocolate chips add a surprising twist that makes the ginger
calm the eff down!
Dear, Starbucks: we don’t need you. We can enjoy gingerbread lattes
year-round, sans five pumps of artificial sweetener. But thanks anyway!
year-round, sans five pumps of artificial sweetener. But thanks anyway!
If you’re not looking for any twists and surprises, this recipe
celebrates gingerbread in its classic form. It also serves four, is sweetened
naturally, and involves chewy and filling STEEL CUT oats!
celebrates gingerbread in its classic form. It also serves four, is sweetened
naturally, and involves chewy and filling STEEL CUT oats!
Looking for something a little more out of the box? Skip the porridge
and take out your muffin tin. These are excellent for packing in lunches, road
trip snacks, or a to-go breakfast.
and take out your muffin tin. These are excellent for packing in lunches, road
trip snacks, or a to-go breakfast.
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Carrot Halwa Steel Cut Oatmeal
I sometimes receive requests from readers for a particular recipe. Many times, they are ideas that I have already considered but just haven’t figured out how to make yet. Sometimes, they are recipes that I immediately set off to create and appear on the blog within days. And then there are ideas like this one, for which I only have one response: “I don’t know what that is and have no idea how I would make it.”
Considering I’ve only eaten Indian food four times in my life, my knowledge of Indian cuisine is minimal. I have never eaten “Indian dessert” and have absolutely zero concept of what it’s like or what it should taste like. Thus, when a reader begged me to create a halwa recipe, I had to reject her, claiming that I had no idea what it was or what it should taste like.
Oatmeal Enthusiasts: Meet Taylor!
Sometimes I worry that people will see my Instagram handle (@oatmealartist) and be concerned about my strange interests. Thankfully, I’m not alone. It amuses me to see other people on Instagram with oatmeal-related usernames. For example, this month’s enthusiast is Taylor, but I met her as “thehealthyoatmealer.” We are not alone, oatmeal lovers! Keep spreading the love.
Heeeeellllllloooooo fellow oatmealers!!!
My name is Taylor and as you can see, Lauren has asked me to be the Oatmeal Enthusiast for June!!! After reading the comment on Instagram asking me to be June’s Oatmeal Enthusiast, I started jumping around, dancing crazily, and screaming “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!!”, which earned me a few “She finally went over the edge.” stares from the rest of my family. Ah well, getting to write this post definitely makes up for the whispering and the tentative suggestions that I had gone crazy. :0)
Now here’s a bit about me. I am a 14 year old health nut, yogi, runner, newbie martial artist, and wow, here’s something you definitely couldn’t have guessed (Sarcasm people, sarcasm.): I absolutely adore (a.k.a I am obsessed.) oatmeal. I even made up a name for us oatmeal lovers….oatmealers! We have to be called something right?
Anyways, when I was younger, I would skip breakfast because there was nothing that I was really interested in eating, never mind that it was said to be the most important meal of the day. Eventually, I started eating those brands of sugary cereal (Ew.) that most little kids happen to love. When I tried oatmeal on a whim for the first time, I must admit, I thought it was gnarly (I know, I have no idea what was wrong with me either.), so I went back to my boring bowl of sadness.
I tried oatmeal again when I went to Ireland with my family and the first thought that went through my mind was “Nope, still gross.”. I’m not really sure why I decided to try oatmeal again after that, seeing as how I had had two bad experiences with it, but boy am I glad that I did! I guess third time’s the charm because when I tried oatmeal for the third time (this bowl with apples, cinnamon, walnuts, and raisins) I actually enjoyed it, and oatmeal permanently became part of my morning routine. I had the same thing every morning, sometimes with a little dollop of peanut butter and I was pretty happy with it, but I was getting bored and wanted to try something new. I did a little research, and soon enough I stumbled across a treasure chest of exotic and delicious looking oatmeal recipes…which happens to be the website you are currently reading this post on.
I could not believe my eyeballs. A whole website dedicated to oatmeal! I spent hours combing through every oatmeal recipe that was documented, and soon I had written down a handful in a little notebook to try out ASAP. Ever since that fateful day, I have had oatmeal every morning (and sometimes for dinner!), but I try not to eat the same recipe twice. Unless of course it happens to be uber delicious. Then it gets an exception. Of course, with my oatmeal obsession I have found quite a few other websites that feature a lot of oatmeal, and I definitely use those recipes too (Sometimes I even make my own!), but this blog in particular has a special place in my heart for being the place that started me on oatmeal. :0) Before I begin I’d just like to say thank you one more time to Lauren for giving me this wonderful opportunity to express my love for such an amazing, versatile breakfast food.
Now enough boring fluff! On to the main attraction……oatmeal!
Sunday Oats:
Blueberry Banana Bread Baked Oatmeal with coconut and peanut butter. I can only have baked oatmeal and weekends because of school, so this was definitely a treat. Sadly, even on weekends I’m usually too lazy to make baked oatmeal, but after this recipe, I’m going to have to motivate myself to make them more often! Just look at those baked bananas!!!
Monday Oats:
This bowl o’ Caramel Oatmeal topped with peanut butter, banana, a dried fig, and coconut helped make my Monday less Monday-ish. :0) Nums……
Tuesday Oats:
This here is a bowl of what I like to call Spicy Zoats topped with peanut butter, a dried fig, a date, coconut and dried cranberries. It was actually my first time trying zucchini in my oatmeal and I was pleasantly surprised to find that it left no taste, but added volume and nutrients. I’ll definitely be using zucchini more often!
Wednesday Oats:
I hadn’t realized that Black Forest cake included cherries until I read the Oatmeal Artist’s recipe for Black Forest Cake Oatmeal. Huh. Well that’s besides the point. What I am really trying to tell you is that The Oatmeal Artist’s recipe for Black Forest Cake Oatmeal topped with coconut flakes, coconut butter, and dried cherries is better than the cake version. I suggest that you go to your kitchen immediately and eat some like, right this minute. Once you’re done reading my post of course. ;0)
Thursday Oats:
Okay, I know watermelon is not the first thing that comes to mind when I think oatmeal, but I had to try it. I topped this bowl with toasted and regular coconut flakes, coconut butter, and chocolate chips (Choco-coconut Watermelon Oatmeal?) and it actually worked out really well! Who knew watermelon could be put in oatmeal? Just a warning though: if you add watermelon chunks to your oatmeal, EAT WITH CAUTION because boy, do they heat up! I burned my tongue at least three different times while eating this bowl of oatmeal! :0P
Friday Oats:
Peanut Butter and Chocolate Overnight Oats Parfait? Um, yes please! Ok, this should actually be layered in a mason jar, but it is physically impossible for me to take decent mason jar photos, so I layered it in a ramekin. It still tasted great though. I mean, come on, how could chocolate sweet potato pudding and peanut butter overnight oats topped with more peanut butter (because you can never have enough) and peanuts taste bad? Please ignore the fact that the sweet potato pudding looks like a pile of poo(and my bad lighting). It did not taste like poo, I swear. I now give you permission to drool. ^-^
Saturday Oats:
Ah, we have come to the final bowl of oatmeal….it’s so sad. :*0( This magical thing that you are looking at is a Deep Dish Oatmeal Breakfast Cookie (a.k.a. Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Baked Oatmeal deliciousness.) topped with banana, coconut, a dried fig, and Greek yogurt. I bet right now you’re imagining breaking into its crispy outside, warm from the oven, and delving into the oatmeal’s gooey innards….. Ok, maybe innards wasn’t the best choice of words but you get my point. ;0)
OH THE HORROR! It’s been a week already!!! How time flies when you have oatmeal to document….*sigh* Well, I’d best wrap this post up (even though it breaks my heart to do so), but first I’d like to thank Lauren one last time (Sorry, I lied before, but I promise this is the last time! Pinky swear!) for including me in this wonderful celebration of oatmealers. It has been a dream come true and an experience I never would have imagined that I could ever have. I wish all you oatmealers happy times oatmealing your way through life! Thank y’all for reading and I hope that there are many oatastic (Haha, you get it? I’m so funny….Ok maybe not. Sorry.) bowls of oatmeal in your life to come!
Taylor :0)
[Editor’s Note: If you’re interested in becoming my next Oatmeal Enthusiast, be sure to show your enthusiasm by tagging your oatmeal pictures with #oatmealartist on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook! Thank you for all your love and support!]
**You can also find hundreds of other oatmeal recipes (as well as tons of other meatless recipes) on my Pinterest account! You can also like The Oatmeal Artist on Facebook. Thanks!
Peach Tea Oatmeal
I can’t believe I have less than a month of school left! That means summer is right around the corner. I know it has already started for many of you, but here in grand ol’ New York City, the school year stretches on and on and on until the end of June (madness!!).
This recipe oozes with summer vibes. It reminds me of sitting on some back porch, sipping iced tea. I’ve been wanting to make this for a while, and as soon as the peaches showed up at my produce market (far too early to truly be in season, but whatever), I hopped to it.
White Chocolate Macadamia Baked Oatmeal
McDonald’s was the first fast food restaurant I “quit.” I haven’t been to one since the summer of 2010. The other similar chains followed shortly after: BK, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, KFC, etc. One that stuck around for a while was Subway. In fact, I still have Subway a couple times a year in times of desperation.
Subway and I have an interesting history. I loathed it for my entire childhood. It smells so dreadful! Whenever my family would choose to go there for dinner, I would rant and grumble for days. I would order Cheetos and ice cream and refuse to order a sandwich. I eventually overcame that fussiness and started ordering the sandwiches, first having simple turkey and cheese sandwiches, and eventually experimenting with the veggies. Now, of course, my sandwiches are ALL veggies. I am always amused by the worker’s faces when I ask for a sandwich with neither meat NOR cheese. “NO cheese? JUST veggies?” Yes. That’s what I said.
Anyway, when I think of Subway, I also think of their cookies. I can’t remember when I first tried it, but I always loved their white chocolate macadamia cookies. That combination is a killer.
I didn’t think there was any way a baked oatmeal recipe could rival that cookie, but IT DID. It tasted EXACTLY like it. I’m continuously amazed at how easily I can recreate cookie recipes using baked oatmeal.