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Author Archives: Lauren Smith
Pumpkin Cranberry Thyme Oatmeal
Who has Thanksgiving leftovers?
Not I. 🙂 But if you do, I have a recipe for you to try!
As you know, I’m a sucker for thyme. I basically took my Pumpkin, Apple, & Cranberry Oatmeal and made it ~super classy~ by adding thyme. (This recipe does not include apples, but you could obviously add that if you want.)
Persimmon Coconut Steel-Cut Oatmeal
Many readers have suggested using persimmon in oatmeal. However, I was completely overwhelmed at the idea. How would I possibly create a recipe using a fruit I had barely even heard of, and had definitely never tried?
One day, Allison brought a persimmon into work. Seeing her eat her first persimmon–the deep look of curiosity on her face as she sliced through and bit into its tangerine-colored flesh–made me want to try one as well.
10 Recipes for Espresso Lovers

Tomorrow, November 23rd, is National Espresso Day in the United States. As I type this, I’m sitting in my favorite <3 coffee shop, sipping espresso made for me by “my boys.”
This shop has a small staff, but each of them knows my order by heart. These particular boys work every Saturday morning, so I see them frequently. When I walk in the door, they say, “Double shot espresso for here?” And then they remember to give me my 15% teacher discount without me having to say anything or show my teacher ID. And then they play a wonderful playlist consisting of ample doses of John Mayer, the Script, and all my favorites. I love my boys. (more…)
White Chocolate Cranberry Baked Oatmeal
Well, here it is: my first Christmas-themed recipe of the season. I bought more vegan white chocolate chips just for this. Unfortunately, they come in packs of 4 on Amazon, which means I irresponsibly devoured two of the bags by the handful already . I vow to use the rest for oatmeal only. 🙂
I recently bought some fresh cranberries from the Union Square Greenmarket (seriously, is there anything that place doesn’t have?).
How to Use PB2 + Applesauce PB2 Overnight Oatmeal
I recently asked you all how you like to use PB2 in your oatmeal. Not surprisingly, many of you have similar ideas as mine! I’ll share some of your ideas, and I’ll end with a new recipe using PB2 at the end.
Plum Lemon Ginger Oatmeal
I never liked ginger that much until I had it in my green juice (kale + cucumber + lemon + ginger). After experiencing it in its fresh form, I was massively disappointed when I started using ground ginger in my oatmeal and other meals at home. It just didn’t have the same effect. It wasn’t that I had “learned” to love ginger; it was that I simply preferred it fresh, not dried and ground.
When I found this ginger juice at a small grocery store in Williamsburg, I knew it was what I needed. It’s like having access to fresh ginger at a moment’s notice. I don’t like buying actual ginger (or fresh herbs) because it’s always way more than I need, and I either have to frantically stuff it in everything, or watch it rot in my fridge. 🙁 This little bottle was perfect.
Biscuit Baked Oatmeal with Vegan Sausage Gravy
Have I talked about Happy Herbivore on here before? *searches* Yep, it looks like I have. I adore Happy Herbivore. I stopped buying cookbooks a couple years ago because I want to have a mobile lifestyle, and lugging around a library was not going to work out. Owning cookbooks when you can find a recipe for nearly everything you want online for free is also…just unnecessary, right?
However, I gladly own the first two Happy Herbivore cookbooks (and did not mind lugging them when I moved back in June). Lindsay’s recipes are so easy, quick, and functional. They are “everyday” meals…nothing that I need to motivate myself to make. I make something from one of her cookbooks at least once a week (typically the mac and cheese, haha). (more…)
Churro Baked Oatmeal with Dark Chocolate Center
Dear school lunches,
I have a problem with you. You force dairy product on your students. You teach students that vegetables are gray and soggy. You act like pizza once a week is a normal way of life. You condone Pop Tarts as a suitable breakfast.
But occasionally, you have your perks. If it weren’t for you, I never would have had a churro. Of course, I later learned that those soggy cold churros you gave us were not even remotely close to the pure pleasure of an authentic, crisp churro, but exposure is everything. (more…)
Community Round-Up! How do you use PB2 in oatmeal?
Hi everyone! I was putting together a round-up of ideas for using PB2 (or similar brands) with oatmeal. I was halfway through when I realized that I could put together even more ideas with your help.
Comment below! How do you use PB2 in or with your oatmeal?
Pumpkin White Chocolate Macadamia Oatcakes
Because white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies are the best.
Because pumpkin makes everything better.
Because pancakes make the mornings feel special.
Because pancakes made with oat flour keep the tummy happy.
Because vegans deserve pancakes, too.
Because you don’t have to eat dairy to eat white chocolate. 🙂
Pumpkin White Chocolate Macadamia Oatcakes
What you'll need:
- 1/3 cup milk of choice (I used plain almond milk)
- 1/4 tsp apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice
- 2/3 cup rolled or quick oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
- 1/3 cup pumpkin puree
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- rounded 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (or cinnamon)
- pinch of salt
- optional: 1-2 tsp. maple syrup (I omitted)
- handful of vegan white chocolate chips
- handful of chopped macadamia nuts
How to make it:
- Combine milk and vinegar in a small bowl or cup and let sit for ten minutes.
- Put all pancake ingredients (including milk-vinegar mixture) except for the white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Add extra liquid if necessary (just a tsp or so at a time). It should have the consistency of paint.
- Add in the white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts and pulse a couple times, just to incorporate them throughout the batter.
- Heat a griddle pan over medium low heat.
- When griddle pan is ready, spray with nonstick cooking spray (it only needs a little bit!), and use a large spoon or a small scoop to pour pancakes onto the griddle. I made small pancakes, so I used a large soup spoon, and it worked perfectly. Generally, don’t go any bigger than 1/4 a cup, but I find that too big still.
- When bubbles have formed at the top of the pancake, flip over and cook for another minute. Repeat until all the batter has been used!
- To serve, add your topping of choice. Maple syrup is fine, but so would a nut (or coconut) butter. If you're lucky enough to own some macadamia nut butter, that would be the obvious choice!