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Mango, Pineapple, and Kiwi Oatmeal
Think of this recipe as Tropical Oatmeal Part 2. I love, love, love mango, and it’s always a delight to pair it with other tropical fruits. For convenience, I always keep a bag of frozen pineapple and frozen mango in my freezer. I don’t like most frozen fruits, but those two hold up beautifully in the freezer. (Strawberries, not so much.)
This means that the only part of this recipe that I had to buy specifically for the recipe was the kiwi (or kiwifruit, if you’re Australian ^_^ ). Everything else was already stocked in my kitchen–yippee!
Best of 2014
See also: Best of 2012 and Best of 2013
The past year has been a trial for me–definitely the most difficult year of my life. Yay, adulthood! However, in terms of oatmeal, the year looked invincible! The year began with a pomegranate infatuation, then it discovered white chocolate chips, experimented with parfaits, fell in love with herbs, and–of course–found even more ways to combine banana and peanut butter.
It wasn’t easy, but here are ten (plus some runner ups) of the best recipes of 2014.
1. Fan Favorite Recipe
Mocha Brownie Batter Oatmeal with Almond Butter: When I shared this recipe, you all “ooohed” and “ahhhed” on Facebook. Many of you even shared it on your own News Feeds! You pinned it on Pinterest, made it in your own kitchens, and posted the evidence on Instagram. Thank you dearly! Runner up: Sweet Potato Fudge Oatmeal
Mango and Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal
It’s Christmas Eve! I debated about whether or not I should post a new recipe today, considering it’s a holiday, but then I thought back to all the days in the past couple of months when I skipped posting a new recipe. That bothered me, so I thought I’d make it up to you with a recipe today.
You might not be able to make it today or tomorrow, but maybe this weekend?
I love how simple this recipe is! Mango (as well as pineapple) work so beautifully in oatmeal because they pack such a flavor punch. The other fruits need extracts and spices to pump them up, but mango can hold its own. It also happens to be one of my favorite fruits!
Boston Cream Pie Oatcakes for One
I went through most of my life not understanding what Boston Cream Pie actually was. See, my mother became “locally famous” (aka fawned over by elderly ladies at church) for her Boston Cream Pie recipe. Growing up, my sister and I would request it whenever possible.
It wasn’t until I started caring about food and watching Food Network that I realized her recipe was…well…a loose interpretation. I think it would be better named “Boston Cream Pudding Pie.” It was an actual pie, with crust on the bottom and triangular sections of crust on top. There was no cake in sight. The middle of the pie was a thick, creamy mixture that was firm and spongey. Thin swirls of chocolate were drizzled over the top.
I loved that pie, but I chose to honor the traditional concept of a Boston Cream Pie with these oatcakes. The oatcakes replace the cake layer, and coconut whipped cream (or, if you choose, nondairy yogurt) replaces the creamy center. I used a chocolate PB2 sauce to replace the chocolate ganache.
You can make the coconut whipped cream firmer by using a recipe with powdered sugar. However, this is breakfast, and I’m pretty rigid about that kind of thing. 😛
Boston Cream Pie Oatcakes for One
What you'll need:
- 1/4 cup milk of choice
- 1/4 tsp apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice
- 2/3 cup rolled or quick oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
- 1/2 cup's worth of zucchini, preferably peeled
- 2 tsp maple syrup
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- rounded 1/2 tsp baking powder
- pinch of salt
- 2 tbsp PB2*
- 2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp maple syrup
- 1/8 tsp coconut butter or oil (optional)
- coconut whipped cream OR plain or vanilla nondairy yogurt
For the oatcakes
For Chocolate PB2 Sauce
For serving
How to make it:
- Combine milk and vinegar in a small bowl or cup and let sit for ten minutes.
- While waiting, prepare Chocolate PB2 Sauce by whisking it all together in a small bowl. Set aside.
- Put all pancake ingredients (including milk-vinegar mixture) in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Add extra liquid if necessary (just a tsp or so at a time). It should have the consistency of paint. 🙂
- Heat a griddle pan over medium low heat.
- When griddle pan is ready, spray with nonstick cooking spray (it only needs a little bit!), and use a large spoon or a small scoop to pour pancakes onto the griddle. I made small pancakes, so I used a large soup spoon, and it worked perfectly. Generally, don't go any bigger than 1/4 a cup, but I find that too big still.
- When bubbles have formed at the top of the pancake, flip over and cook for another minute. Repeat until all the batter has been used!
- To serve, alternate layers of oatcake and coconut whipped cream (or yogurt). At the end, drizzle the Chocolate PB2 Sauce over the top.
Just an FYI:
*You could also use chocolate PB2.
Banana PB&J Oatmeal
Well, this is awkward. Did you know this is the recipe I make more than any others? The other day, I was gearing up to make it (like always), and then I remembered that I didn’t have any attractive pictures of it. I decided that I would change that. I snapped the pictures, edited them, and searched for the blog post to change them.
The thing is, that post didn’t really exist. For its entire life, Banana PB&J Oatmeal has lived simply on a list of variations of Peanut Butter Oatmeal. How could I have subjected it to such a life?!
Instead of adding the pictures to that post, I decided to call it up on stage and give it the spotlight it deserves. This way, I will be able to link to the recipe every time I talk about it. Yippee!
Banana PB&J Oatmeal
What you'll need:
- 1 cup milk of choice, or water
- 1/2 cup rolled oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
- 1 ripe or overripe banana
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- pinch of salt
- 1-2 tbsp of peanut butter*
- 1 tbsp jam*
How to make it:
- Bring milk (I use an equal mixture of almond milk and water) to a boil, add oats, and reduce heat to medium. (If you’d like to add flax or chia seeds, do so now. I recommend flax.)
- Mash up banana and add to the oatmeal. Stir.
- Once more of the liquid has dissolved, add vanilla extract, a tiny pinch of salt, and cinnamon. Stir.
- When you’re pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, transfer to a bowl. Swirl or stir in jam (I like to leave in globs or strips of jam instead of stirring it in completely). Top with peanut butter.
- Add another splash of your milk of choice and any other additional toppings (shredded coconut, nuts, etc.).
Just an FYI:
*I often use PB2. *I prefer grape, but any flavor will work.
The Brownie Collection
Sometimes, I post a recipe and am amazed at the amount of hits it acquires in just its first couple of days. One recipe that consistently accomplishes this is my brownie recipe. I’ve done many variations, and nearly all of them became an instant sensation, racking up more Facebook likes than other others.
It makes sense; people love brownies, but these brownies are ten times healthier than your typical fudgy dessert. It’s basically a win-win.
Although I’m certain there are more to come, here is my brownie collection for your dining pleasures, ranked in order of my favorite. 🙂
7. Cranberry Brownie Baked Oatmeal
Since one of them had to take the “least favorite” spot, I chose this one. I love experimenting with cranberries in recipes, but I must admit they’re not my favorite. Regardless, the tartness of the cranberries (which I like when I’m in the mood for it) is a unique twist to the typical brownie. (more…)
Peppermint Brownie Baked Oatmeal
This recipe is SO happy to meet you. I wanted to make it LAST December, but I dropped the ball. I wanted to make it all year, but I knew everyone would appreciate it the most if I delivered it during the holidays.
Mint + chocolate is my favorite flavor combination. Most people would guess chocolate + peanut butter, but I’m a little pickier about that. It depends on the type of chocolate, the type of peanut butter, etc. However, mint + chocolate? Yes. Always. Every time.
Cinnamon Raisin Baked Oatmeal with Raisin-Walnut Cream Cheese
This post is all about bagels. And oatmeal.
But mostly bagels.
One year ago, Allison and I set out on a challenge: to try the top bagel shops in New York City. We found a list of the top 16 bagel shops and vowed to try each of them before the year was over. (Sixteen places may not sound like a lot to do in one year, but if you’ve seen a NY-style bagel before, you’ll know that it’s a rather gluttonous experience to be enjoyed in moderation…) (more…)
Chai Coconut Zucchini Oatmeal
Zucchini is great. You can do so much with it!
You know what I love? The combination of coconut and masala chai spices.
Oatmeal Enthusiasts: Meet Kia!
It’s December. Hooray! I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend and is ready to dive in headfirst to the holiday season, no matter what you and your family celebrate. For December, I found Kia, also known as @nuts_for_energy. She caught my eye months ago with her lovely aerial photos and glorious globs of nut butters. I couldn’t wait to read her story and see her week of (super nutty) oatmeal!
Hello Fellow Oatmeal Lovers!
My name is Kia. Well my full name is Kiarra but I get called Kia by everyone as it is easy to say and pronounce. I am currently in my final few weeks of year 11 at a private school in Australia. My day to day life consists of my desire to being healthy, fit and the best I can be. I train 6 days a week and some of those days I train twice; as I am a distance runner; who runs both road, cross country and athletics. But my day cannot be complete with of cause eating huge bowls of delicious oatmeal!
Well I am sorry but I will have to go quite deep to explain how I discovered oatmeal and what I think about health and nutrition.
My Story
In this world, sport to most is a way of life; everyone has self-desires and goals that they hope to achieve. Sport is like that to me and I have always wanted to strive and improve my ability in anyway necessary. My desire was to improve my fitness, strength and health. So even though I played a lot of netball I increased my exercise. I also began only to eat healthy foods. I thought I was on the right track but I was terribly wrong.
The internet has the strongest influence on people especially teenagers; if you ask anything about health, it links everything to weight loss for adults. I didn’t realize this so I did what the media said to do. I began to completely over exercise, having no rest. My food took a dramatic change as my calorie intake was too low as I cut out junk food. But then I started cutting my meals as well and would never tough sugar or fats, even though I know fats are an important nutrient for the body.
I was constantly stressed about what I ate, how much I ate, if I missed a workout etc. This developed a dishearting relationship with my family. I was always yelling and screaming at them, especially if I miss out on my run or I ate something I didn’t like. My brothers got scared, I didn’t want to see my friends on the holidays and my mum and dada couldn’t trust me anymore. At dinner, I would hide my food or feed it to the dogs so my mum wouldn’t see it or I lied about what exercise I did, as I would sneakily exercise so that no one would know.
Though I didn’t realise how much I affected everyone. My brother’s friends, my friends, mum and dad’s friends and people we barely knew would ask if I were ok because I looked sick. This made me angry because I was supposed to look fit and healthy. My mum got annoyed as everyone would tell her to find me help because I looked sick, which she had. This lead too many fights and many tears, even from my dad and family friends.
It went too far, I was sent to the paediatricians as my weight was too low and I had also lost it too fast. I lost myself, this lead me to develop the eating disorder of Anorexia and an obsession with exercise, getting me involved with frequent visits to the doctors for blood test as I was malnourished and appointments to a psychologist for my mental health. My food was increased and my exercise decreased to gain weight. But the thought of gaining weight was too much; I continued to lose weight as my mind wasn’t right. Slowly after seeing the psychologist I began to realize what I was doing to my body. I was always tired and it started to take effect on my sport. Soon I began to eat just enough to maintain my weight. Though school came and I was so scared of what people would think of me. So I lost even more weight as I was self-conscious of how much I ate compared to others and some comments really got to me. Though my friends were really concerned about me, I had the thoughts that they would judge me and when I told them what happened they cried with me. I told myself I had to concur this, because it was destroying not just my life but everyone around me. I had also lots what it means to be healthy and happy.
So I turned myself around focused on my running which was my saver and I then discovered Oatmeal!
It was a nutrient packed breakfast with combinations that are endless; it made me look forward to food! It helped fuel and recover me from my runs and satisfied my tastebuds! And now I can’t live without it!
I recovered halfway through 2013.
I constantly think of oatmeal, I am always dying to wait for breakfast in the morning but sometimes I might even have it for lunch! It is the best when you spoon Nut Butter on it!
I make my oatmeal with the base recipe of; ¾ cup of rolled oats, 1 cup of water, dash of cinnamon, 1 egg white,1/8 cup of milk (stir in at the end), ½- 1 mashed banana. I cook the oats with the water and cinnamon first then add in the mashed banana and milk. Then I add anything else of desire. For example, vanilla, pumpkin or sweet potato puree, fruit, dried fruit, nuts, nut butter, coconut, maple syrup, honey, coffee, Questbar, cocoa/cacao powder, maca etc. and I always top my oatmeal with a spoon of one of my nut butters (nut butter addict) and more of the foods listed.
I also love overnight/refrigerator oats, baked oats and oatcakes!! Oatmeal is too good! Well that’s me and my love for oatmeal so here is my week of my Oatmeal recipes. I picked some of my favourite recipes, so I hope you enjoy.
Monday: Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal
Most people hate Mondays but I love them! Because it is my chance to start a new fresh week and look to the present and future and forget the past. So I woke up ate half and Questbar and banana and went to swimming for my cross-training session. I got home and hungrily made this delicious bowl and Oats! The tastebuds, stomach and muscles were satisfied with my favourite bowl of Oatmeal which is Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal. This flavour combination is mouth-watering and never gets old. The banana and peanut butter mixed throughout the oatmeal, turns it into a creamy heavenly concoction! I topped it withmore sliced banana, granola, the other half of my White Chocolate Raspberry Questbar and Justin’s Honey Peanut Butter. Both melted into perfection on top of my oats. It was double peanut butter goodness!