It’s becoming painful, yo. When so much of your happiness relies on your ability to cook and prepare food, not having a functioning stove is a terrible blow. We’ve been dealing with our electronic company for weeks trying to convince them to turn on our gas. Every time, it’s “You need to do X.” So then we do X. We wait. We call back. They say, “You did X, but you still need to do Y.” We say, “You never told us that, but okay.” We do Y. We wait. We call back. Etc.
So here’s some muesli. It’s mostly all I’ve been eating for breakfast since I’m not a huge fan of cooking rolled oats in the microwave.
Also, my new apartment does not receive great lighting . . . hence the ugly pictures I’ve been posting lately. Sigh.
What you'll need:
- 1 yellow peach
- 1/2 a ripe banana
- 1/2 cup old-fashioned oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
- handful of sliced or slivered almonds
How to make it:
- Slice peach and banana.
- Combine with oats and almonds and any other ingredients you'd like to include (such as coconut or dried fruit).
- Serve with your favorite kind of milk or yogurt and eat it like granola! I recommend So Delicious coconut yogurt.
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